Items where Year is 2010

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Number of items: 353.


Aberg, K., Adkins, D. E., Bukszár, J., Webb, B. T., Caroff, S. N., Miller, D. D., Sebat, J., Stroup, S., Fanous, A. H., Vladimirov, V. I., McClay, J. L., Lieberman, J. A., Sullivan, P. F., van den Oord, E. J. C. G. (February 2010) Genomewide Association Study of Movement-Related Adverse Antipsychotic Effects. Biological Psychiatry, 67 (3). pp. 279-282.

Aiken, C., Luban, J. (May 2010) RETROVIRUSES. In: 2010 meeting of RETROVIRUSES, May 24–May 29, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Akil, H., Brenner, S., Kandel, E., Kendler, K. S., King, M. C., Scolnick, E., Watson, J. D., Zoghbi, H. Y. (March 2010) The future of psychiatric research: Genomes and neural circuits. Science, 327 (5973). pp. 1580-1581.

Albers, C., Illert, A. L., Leischner, H., Miething, C., Huss, R., Peschel, C., Duyster, J. (November 2010) A Single Retroviral Vector Design for the Simultaneous Expression of a Mir30 Based Shrna with An Oncogene - Identification of Raf 1 but Not BRAF as a Crucial Mediator for BCR ABL Mediated Leukemogenesis. Blood, 116 (21). p. 3392. ISSN 0006-4971

Alimonti, A., Carracedo, A., Clohessy, J. G., Trotman, L. C., Nardella, C., Egia, A., Salmena, L., Sampieri, K., Haveman, W. J., Brogi, E., Richardson, A. L., Zhang, J., Pandolfi, P. P. (May 2010) Subtle variations in Pten dose determine cancer susceptibility. Nature Genetics, 42 (5). pp. 454-458. ISSN 10614036 (ISSN) (In Press)

Alimonti, A., Nardella, C., Chen, Z., Clohessy, J. G., Carracedo, A., Trotman, L. C., Cheng, K., Varmeh, S., Kozma, S. C., Thomas, G., Rosivatz, E., Woscholski, R., Cognetti, F., Scher, H. I., Pandolfi, P. P. (March 2010) A novel type of cellular senescence that can be enhanced in mouse models and human tumor xenografts to suppress prostate tumorigenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120 (3). pp. 681-693. ISSN 00219738 (ISSN)

Aloy, P., Gavin, A. C., Ideker, T., Walhout, M. (August 2010) SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: NETWORKS. In: Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference on SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: NETWORKS, August 11–August 15, 2010, Wellcome Trust Conference Center, Hixton UK.

Amid, C., Frankish, A., Aken, B., Ezkurdia, I., Kokocinsk, F., Gilbert, J., White, S., Carninci, P., Gingeras, T. R., Guigo, R., Searle, S., Tress, M. L., Harrow, J., Hubbard, T. (2010) From identification to validation to gene count. Genome Biology, 11 (Suppl ). ISSN 1474-760X

Ammiraju, J. S. S., Song, X., Luo, M., Sisneros, N., Angelova, A., Kudrna, D., Kim, H., Yu, Y., Goicoechea, J. L., Lorieux, M., Kurata, N., Brar, D., Ware, D. H., Jackson, S., Wing, R. A. (2010) The Oryza BAC resource: A genus-wide and genome scale tool for exploring rice genome evolution and leveraging useful genetic diversity from wild relatives. Breeding Science, 60 (5). pp. 536-543. ISSN 13447610 (ISSN)

Anderson, K., Koseki, H., Skarnes, W., Shen, M. (October 2010) MOUSE DEVELOPMENT,GENETICS & GENOMICS. In: 2010 meeting on MOUSE DEVELOPMENT,GENETICS & GENOMICS, October 26–October 30, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Arias-Romero, L. E., Villamar-Cruz, O., Pacheco, A., Kosoff, R., Huang, M., Muthuswamy, S. K., Chernoff, J. (October 2010) A Rac-Pak signaling pathway is essential for ErbB2-mediated transformation of human breast epithelial cancer cells. Oncogene, 29 (43). pp. 5839-49. ISSN 0950-9232

Austad, S., Campisi, J., Sinclair, D. (September 2010) MOLECULAR GENETICS OF AGING. In: 2010 Meeting of Molecular Genetics of Aging, September 28–October 2, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor.

Aznar, S., Klein, A. B., Santini, M. A., Knudsen, G. M., Henn, F., Gass, P., Vollmayr, B. (July 2010) Aging and depression vulnerability interaction results in decreased serotonin innervation associated with reduced BDNF levels in hippocampus of rats bred for learned helplessness. Synapse, 64 (7). pp. 561-5. ISSN 0887-4476


Bainton, R., Barres, B., Daneman, R. (December 2010) BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER. In: 2010 Meeting of December 8–December 11, 2010, December 8–December 11, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Baker, S., Cantley, L., Paolo Pandolfi, P., Parsons, R. (March 2010) PTEN PATHWAYS & TARGETS. In: 2010 meeting of PTEN PATHWAYS & TARGETS, March 16–March 20, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Bandyopadhyay, S., Mitra, R., Maulik, U., Zhang, M. Q. (2010) Development of the human cancer microRNA network. Silence, 1 (1). p. 6. ISSN 1758-907x

Banerjee, N., Janevski, A., Kamalakaran, S., Varadan, V., Lucito, R., Dimitrova, N. (2010) Pathway and network analysis probing epigenetic influences on chemosensitivity in ovarian cancer. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS).

Bar-Sagi, D., Lees, J., Sherr, C., Weiss, W. (August 2010) MECHANISMS & MODELS OF CANCER. In: 2010 meeting of MECHANISMS & MODELS OF CANCER, August 17–August 21, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Bargmann, C., Callaway, E., Chklovskii, D. (March 2010) NEURONAL CIRCUITS. In: 2010 Meeting of Neuronal Circuits, March 10–March 13, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Barretina, J., Taylor, B. S., Banerji, S., Ramos, A. H., Lagos-Quintana, M., Decarolis, P. L., Shah, K., Socci, N. D., Weir, B. A., Ho, A., Chiang, D. Y., Reva, B., Mermel, C. H., Getz, G., Antipin, Y., Beroukhim, R., Major, J. E., Hatton, C., Nicoletti, R., Hanna, M., Sharpe, T., Fennell, T. J., Cibulskis, K., Onofrio, R. C., Saito, T., Shukla, N., Lau, C., Nelander, S., Silver, S. J., Sougnez, C., Viale, A., Winckler, W., Maki, R. G., Garraway, L. A., Lash, A., Greulich, H., Root, D. E., Sellers, W. R., Schwartz, G. K., Antonescu, C. R., Lander, E. S., Varmus, H. E., Ladanyi, M., Sander, C., Meyerson, M., Singer, S. (August 2010) Subtype-specific genomic alterations define new targets for soft-tissue sarcoma therapy. Nat Genet, 42 (8). pp. 715-21. ISSN 1546-1718 (Electronic)1061-4036 (Linking)

Bartok, I., Holland, S. J., Kessels, H. W. , Silk, J. D., Alkhinji, M., Dyson, J. (April 2010) T cell receptor CDR3 loops influence αβ pairing. Molecular Immunology, 47 (7-8). pp. 1613-1618.

Bazarov, A. V., van Sluis, M., Hines, W. C., Bassett, E., Beliveau, A., Campeau, E., Mukhopadhyay, R., Lee, W. J., Melodyev, S., Zaslavsky, Y., Lee, L., Rodier, F., Chicas, A., Lowe, S. W., Benhattar, J., Ren, B., Campisi, J., Yaswen, P. (October 2010) p16(INK4a)-mediated suppression of telomerase in normal and malignant human breast cells. Aging Cell, 9 (5). pp. 736-746. ISSN 1474-9718

Ben-Ari, Y., Brody, Y., Kinor, N., Mor, A., Tsukamoto, T., Spector, D. L., Singer, R. H., Shav-Tal, Y. (May 2010) The life of an mRNA in space and time. Journal of Cell Science, 123 (10). pp. 1761-1774. ISSN 0021-9533

Benfey, P., Carpenter, A., Waterston, W., Ohler, U. (December 2010) AUTOMATED IMAGING & HIGH-THROUGHPUT PHENOTYPING. In: 2010 meeting on Automated Imaging and high througput phenotyping, December 5–December 8, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Bennett, L. B., Cai, J., Enikolopov, G. N., Iacovitti, L. (May 2010) Heterotopically transplanted CVO neural stem cells generate neurons and migrate with SVZ cells in the adult mouse brain. Neuroscience Letters, 475 (1). pp. 1-6.

Berasain, C. (May 2010) New therapeutic targets in HCC: Reptin ATPase and HCC senescence. Journal of Hepatology, 52 (5). pp. 633-634. ISSN 0168-8278 (Electronic) 0168-8278 (Linking)

Berezikov, E., Liu, N., Flynt, A. S., Hodges, E., Rooks, M., Hannon, G. J., Lai, E. C. (January 2010) Evolutionary flux of canonical microRNAs and mirtrons in Drosophila. Nature Genetics, 42 (1). pp. 6-9. ISSN 1061-4036

Bernard, D., Prasanth, K. V. , Tripathi, V., Colasse, S., Nakamura, T., Xuan, Z., Zhang, M. Q. , Sedel, F., Jourdren, L., Coulpier, F., Triller, A., Spector, D. L., Bessis, A. (2010) A long nuclear-retained non-coding RNA regulates synaptogenesis by modulating gene expression. EMBO Journal, 29 (18). pp. 3082-3093.

Bernstein, B., Bulyk, M., Bussemaker, H., Walhout, M. (March 2010) SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: GLOBAL REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION. In: 2010 meeting on SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: GLOBAL REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION, March 23–March 27, 2010.

Berriman, M., Parkhill, J., Carlton, J., Weinstock, G. (September 2010) INFECTIOUS DISEASE GENOMICS & GLOBAL HEALTH. In: Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference on INFECTIOUS DISEASE GENOMICS & GLOBAL HEALTH, September 12–September 15, 2010, Wellcome Conference Center.

Biggins, S., Dyson, N., Walter, J. (May 2010) THE CELL CYCLE. In: 2010 meeting of The Cell Cycle, May 18–May 22, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor.

Birol, I., Champ, M., Cant, J. (September 2010) GENOME INFORMATICS. In: Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference on GENOME INFORMATICS, September 15–September 19, 2010, Wellcome Conference Center.

Blankenberg, D., Gordon, A., Von Kuster, G., Coraor, N., Taylor, J., Nekrutenko, A. (July 2010) Manipulation of FASTQ data with Galaxy. Bioinformatics, 26 (14). pp. 1783-1785. ISSN 1367-4803

Blomqvist, M. E., McCarthy, S. E., Blennow, K., Andersson, B., Prince, J. A. (2010) Evaluation of neprilysin sequence variation in relation to CSF beta-Amyloid levels and Alzheimer disease risk. International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics, 1 (1). pp. 47-52.

Blum, A., Dubnau, J. T. (April 2010) Parallel processing of olfactory memories in Drosophila. Fly, 4 (2). pp. 163-166. ISSN 19336934

Boguth, C. A., Singh, Puja, Huang, C. C., Tesmer, J. J. G. (August 2010) Molecular basis for activation of G protein-coupled receptor kinases. EMBO Journal, 29 (19). pp. 3249-3259.

Bohland, J. W., Bokil, H., Pathak, S. D., Lee, C. K., Ng, L., Lau, C., Kuan, C., Hawrylycz, M., Mitra, P. P. (February 2010) Clustering of spatial gene expression patterns in the mouse brain and comparison with classical neuroanatomy. Methods, 50 (2). pp. 105-112.

Bohland, J. W., Bullock, D., Guenther, F. H. (April 2010) Neural representations and mechanisms for the performance of simple speech sequences. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22 (7). pp. 1504-1529.

Boivin, B., Tonks, N. K. (2010) Analysis of the redox regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase superfamily members utilizing a cysteinyl-labeling assay. In: Thiol Redox Transitions in Cell Signaling, Part B: Cellular Localization and Signaling. Methods in Enzymology, 474 . Elsevier Academic Press Inc, San Diego, pp. 35-50. ISBN 0076-6879978-0-12-381003-8

Boivin, B., Tonks, N. K. , Yang, M. (August 2010) Targeting the reversibly oxidized protein tyrosine phosphatase superfamily. Science Signaling, 3 (137).

Bokil, H. S., Andrews, P., Kulkarni, J. E., Mehta, S., Mitra, P. P. (September 2010) Chronux: A platform for analyzing neural signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 10 (Supp 1). pp. 146-151.

Bolduc, F. V., Bell, K. G., Rosenfelt, C., Cox, H., Tully, T. (January 2010) Fragile x mental retardation 1 and filamin a interact genetically in Drosophila long-term memory. Front Neural Circuits, 3. p. 22. ISSN 1662-5110 (Electronic) 1662-5110 (Linking)

Bolduc, F. V., Valente, D., Nguyen, A. T., Mitra, P. P., Tully, T. (July 2010) An assay for social interaction in Drosophila fragile X mutants. Fly (Austin), 4 (3). ISSN 1933-6942 (Electronic) 1933-6934 (Linking)

Boyko, A. R., Quignon, P., Li, L., Schoenebeck, J. J., Degenhardt, J. D., Lohmueller, K. E., Zhao, K., Brisbin, A., Parker, H. G., vonHoldt, B. M., Cargill, M., Auton, A., Reynolds, A., Elkahloun, A. G., Castelhano, M., Mosher, D. S., Sutter, N. B., Johnson, G. S., Novembre, J., Hubisz, M. J., Siepel, A., Wayne, R. K., Bustamante, C. D., Ostrander, E. A. (2010) A simple genetic architecture underlies morphological variation in dogs. PLoS Biology, 8 (8). e1000451. ISSN 1544-9173

Brauch, H., Deloukas, P., Kroetz, D., Pirmohamed, M. (November 2010) PHARMACOGENOMICS & PERSONALIZED THERAPY. In: 2010 meeting of PHARMACOGENOMICS & PERSONALIZED THERAPY, November 17–November 21, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Bray, D., Le Novere, N., Lowe, L. (February 2010) COMPUTATIONAL CELL BIOLOGY. In: Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference on Computational Cell Biology, February 10–February 13, 2010, Wellcome Trust Hixton Conference Center UK.

Brutnell, T. P., Wang, L., Swartwood, K., Goldschmidt, A., Jackson, D. P. , Zhu, X. G., Kellogg, E., van Eck, J. (August 2010) Setaria viridis: A model for C4 photosynthesis. Plant Cell, 22 (8). pp. 2537-2544.

Burbano, H. A., Hodges, E., Green, R. E., Briggs, A. W., Krause, J., Meyer, M., Good, J. M., Maricic, T., Johnson, P. L. F., Xuan, Z. Y., Rooks, M., Bhattacharjee, A., Brizuela, L., Albert, F. W., De La Rasilla, M., Fortea, J., Rosas, A., Lachmann, M., Hannon, G. J., Paabo, S. (May 2010) Targeted investigation of the neandertal genome by array-based sequence capture. Science, 328 (5979). pp. 723-725.

Butrynski, J. E., D'Adamo, D. R., Hornick, J. L., Dal Cin, P., Antonescu, C. R., Jhanwar, S. C., Ladanyi, M., Capelletti, M., Rodig, S. J., Ramaiya, N., Kwak, E. L., Clark, J. W., Wilner, K. D., Christensen, J. G., Janne, P. A., Maki, R. G., Demetri, G. D., Shapiro, G. I. (October 2010) Crizotinib in ALK-rearranged inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. N Engl J Med, 363 (18). pp. 1727-33. ISSN 1533-4406 (Electronic)0028-4793 (Linking)


Cabodi, S., Tinnirello, A., Bisaro, B., Tornillo, G., Camacho-Leal, M. D., Forni, G., Cojoca, R., Iezzi, M., Amici, A., Montani, M., Eva, A., Di Stefano, P., Muthuswamy, S. K., Tarone, G., Turco, E., Defilippi, P. (October 2010) p130Cas is an essential transducer element in ErbB2 transformation. Faseb J, 24 (10). pp. 3796-3808. ISSN 1530-6860 (Electronic) 0892-6638 (Linking)

Campbell, R. A. A. (February 2010) Rigid animal-rights views not useful to ethics debate. Nature, 463 (7284). p. 1018. ISSN 1476-4687 (Electronic) 0028-0836 (Linking)

Campbell, R. A. A., Turner, G. C. (January 2010) The mushroom body. Current Biology, 20 (1).

Cantrell, D., Gsosh, S., Littman, D., Schlissel, M. (April 2010) GENE EXPRESSION & SIGNALING IN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. In: 2010 meeting of GENE EXPRESSION & SIGNALING IN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, April 21–April 25, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Celniker, S., Clark, A., Ponting, C., Weinstock, G. (May 2010) THE BIOLOGY OF GENOMES. In: 2010 meeting of THE BIOLOGY OF GENOMES, May 11–May 15, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Cheloufi, S., Dos Santos, C. O., Chong, M. M. W., Hannon, G. J. (June 2010) A Dicer-independent miRNA biogenesis pathway that requires Ago catalysis. Nature, 465 (7298). 584-U76. ISSN 0028-0836

Cheung, W., Bluth, M. J., Johns, C., Khan, S., Lin, Y. Y., Bluth, M. H. (April 2010) Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Gene Array Profiles in Patients With Overactive Bladder. Urology, 75 (4). pp. 896-901.

Chi, P., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Guo, X., Wongvipat, J., Shamu, T., Fletcher, J. A., Dewell, S., Maki, R. G., Zheng, D., Antonescu, C. R., Allis, C. D., Sawyers, C. L. (October 2010) ETV1 is a lineage survival factor that cooperates with KIT in gastrointestinal stromal tumours. Nature, 467 (7317). pp. 849-53. ISSN 1476-4687 (Electronic)0028-0836 (Linking)

Chiang, H-C., Wang, L., Xie, Z. L., Yau, A., Zhong, Y. (April 2010) PI3 kinase signaling is involved in A beta-induced memory loss in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (15). pp. 7060-7065. ISSN 0027-8424

Chicas, A., Wang, X., Zhang, C., McCurrach, M. E., Zhao, Z., Mert, O., Dickins, R. A., Narita, M., Zhang, M. Q., Lowe, S. W. (April 2010) Dissecting the Unique Role of the Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor during Cellular Senescence. Cancer Cell, 17 (4). pp. 376-387.

Chitwood, D. H., Timmermans, M. C. P. (September 2010) Small RNAs are on the move. Nature, 467 (7314). pp. 415-419. ISSN 0028-0836

Chiu, S. L., Cline, H. T. (2010) Insulin receptor signaling in the development of neuronal structure and function. Neural Dev, 5. p. 7. ISSN 1749-8104

Choi, Y., Nagy, A., Tam, O. H., Hannon, G. J., Millar, S. E. (April 2010) The miRNA-processing enzyme Drosha is required for hair follicle regression, hair shaft differentiation, long-term maintenance of hair follicle stem cells, and epidermal homeostasis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 130 (S1). S108. ISSN 0022-202X

Chong, M. M. W., Zhang, G. A., Cheloufi, S., Neubert, T. A., Hannon, G. J., Littman, D. R. (September 2010) Canonical and alternate functions of the microRNA biogenesis machinery. Genes & Development, 24 (17). pp. 1951-1960. ISSN 0890-9369

Christodoulou, F., Raible, F., Tomer, R., Simakov, O., Trachana, K., Klaus, S., Snyman, H., Hannon, G. J., Bork, P., Arendt, D. (February 2010) Ancient animal microRNAs and the evolution of tissue identity. Nature, 463 (7284). pp. 1084-1088. ISSN 0028-0836

Chuck, G., Whipple, C., Jackson, D. P., Hake, S. (2010) The maize SBP-box transcription factor encoded by tasselsheath4 regulates bract development and the establishment of meristem boundaries. Development (Cambridge, England), 137 (8). pp. 1243-1250. ISSN 14779129 (ISSN)

Chugh, R., Wathen, J. K., Patel, S. R., Maki, R. G., Meyers, P. A., Schuetze, S. M., Priebat, D. A., Thomas, D. G., Jacobson, J. A., Samuels, B. L., Benjamin, R. S., Baker, L. H., Sarcoma Alliance for Research through, Collaboration (October 2010) Efficacy of imatinib in aggressive fibromatosis: Results of a phase II multicenter Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration (SARC) trial. Clin Cancer Res, 16 (19). pp. 4884-91. ISSN 1078-0432 (Print)1078-0432 (Linking)

Church, G., Flicek, P., Ribbs, R., Mardis, E. (September 2010) PERSONAL GENOMES. In: 2010 meeting on PERSONAL GENOMES, September 10–September 12, 2010.

Cibrian-Jaramillo, A., De la Torre-Barcena, J. E., Lee, E. K., Katari, M. S., Little, D. P., Stevenson, D. W., Martienssen, R. A., Coruzzi, G. M., DeSalle, R. (March 2010) Using Phylogenomic Patterns and Gene Ontology to Identify Proteins of Importance in Plant Evolution. Genome Biology and Evolution, 2. pp. 225-239. ISSN 1759-6653

Cifuentes, D., Xue, H. L., Taylor, D. W., Patnode, H., Mishima, Y., Cheloufi, S., Ma, E. B., Mane, S., Hannon, G. J., Lawson, N. D., Wolfe, S. A., Giraldez, A. J. (June 2010) A Novel miRNA Processing Pathway Independent of Dicer Requires Argonaute2 Catalytic Activity. Science, 328 (5986). pp. 1694-1698. ISSN 0036-8075

Clower, C. V., Chatterjee, D., Wang, Z. X., Cantley, L. C., Heiden, M. G. V., Krainer, A. R. (February 2010) The alternative splicing repressors hnRNP A1/A2 and PTB influence pyruvate kinase isoform expression and cell metabolism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (5). pp. 1894-1899. ISSN 0027-8424

Collins, G. A. (March 2010) Activator Turnover and Proteolysis In Transcriptional Activation. PhD thesis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Collins, G. A., Gomez, T. A., Deshaies, R. J., Tansey, W. P. (November 2010) Combined chemical and genetic approach to inhibit proteolysis by the proteasome. Yeast, 27 (11). pp. 965-974. ISSN 1097-0061 (Electronic) 0749-503X (Linking)

Cornman, S. R., Schatz, M. C., Johnston, S. J., Chen, Y., Pettis, J., Hunt, G., Bourgeois, L., Elsik, C., Anderson, D., Grozinger, C. M., Evans, J. D. (2010) Genomic survey of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor, a major pest of the honey bee Apis mellifera. BMC Genomics, 11 (1). ISSN 14712164 (ISSN)

Cranston, K. A., Hurwitz, B. L., Sanderson, M. J., Ware, D. H., Wing, R. A., Stein, L. D. (2010) Phylogenomic analysis of BAC-end sequence libraries in Oryza (Poaceae). Systematic Botany, 35 (3). pp. 512-523.


Dalloul, R. A., Long, J. A., Zimin, A. V., Aslam, L., Beal, K., Blomberg, L. A., Bouffard, P., Burt, D. W., Crasta, O., Crooijmans, R. P. M. A., Cooper, K., Coulombe, R. A., De, S., Delany, M. E., Dodgson, J. B., Dong, J. J., Evans, C., Frederickson, K. M., Flicek, P., Florea, L., Folkerts, O., Groenen, M. A. M., Harkins, T. T., Herrero, J., Hoffmann, S., Megens, H. J., Jiang, A., de Jong, P., Kaiser, P., Kim, H., Kim, K. W., Kim, S., Langenberger, D., Lee, M. K., Lee, T., Mane, S., Marcais, G., Marz, M., McElroy, A. P., Modise, T., Nefedov, M., Notredame, C., Paton, I. R., Payne, W. S., Pertea, G., Prickett, D., Puiu, D., Qioa, D., Raineri, E., Ruffier, M., Salzberg, S. L., Schatz, M. C., Scheuring, C., Schmidt, C. J., Schroeder, S., Searle, S. M. J., Smith, E. J., Smith, J., Sonstegard, T. S., Stadler, P. F., Tafer, H., Tu, Z., van Tassell, C. P., Vilella, A. J., Williams, K. P., Yorke, J. A., Zhang, L., Zhang, H. B., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Reed, K. M. (2010) Multi-platform next-generation sequencing of the domestic Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): Genome assembly and analysis. PLoS Biology, 8 (9). ISSN 1544-9173

Dalton, J. E., Kacheria, T. S., Knott, S. R., Lebo, M. S., Nishitani, A., Sanders, L. E., Stirling, E. J., Winbush, A., Arbeitman, M. N. (2010) Dynamic, mating-induced gene expression changes in female head and brain tissues of Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Genomics, 11. p. 541. ISSN 1471-2164

Davis, G., Kolodkin, A., Mason, C. (September 2010) AXON GUIDANCE, SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY & REGENERATION. In: 2010 Meeting of AXON GUIDANCE, SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY & REGENERATION, September 21–September 25, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

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