Items where Year is 2015

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Number of items: 348.


Abeshouse, A., Ahn, J., Akbani, R., Ally, A., Amin, S., Andry, C. D., Annala, M., Aprikian, A., Armenia, J., Arora, A., Auman, J. T., Balasundaram, M., Balu, S., Barbieri, C. E., Bauer, T., Benz, C. C., Bergeron, A., Beroukhim, R., Berrios, M., Bivol, A., Bodenheimer, T., Boice, L., Bootwalla, M. S., Borges Dos Reis, R., Boutros, P. C., Bowen, J., Bowlby, R., Boyd, J., Bradley, R. K., Breggia, A., Brimo, F., Bristow, C. A., Brooks, D., Broom, B. M., Bryce, A. H., Bubley, G., Burks, E., Butterfield, Y. S. N., Button, M., Canes, D., Carlotti, C. G., Carlsen, R., Carmel, M., Carroll, P. R., Carter, S. L., Cartun, R., Carver, B. S., Chan, J. M., Chang, M. T., Chen, Y., Cherniack, A. D., Chevalier, S., Chin, L., Cho, J., Chu, A., Chuah, E., Chudamani, S., Cibulskis, K., Ciriello, G., Clarke, A., Cooperberg, M. R., Corcoran, N. M., Costello, A. J., Cowan, J., Crain, D., Curley, E., David, K., Demchok, J. A., Demichelis, F., Dhalla, N., Dhir, R., Doueik, A., Drake, B., Dvinge, H., Dyakova, N., Felau, I., Ferguson, M. L., Frazer, S., Freedland, S., Fu, Y., Gabriel, S. B., Gao, J., Gardner, J., Gastier-Foster, J. M., Gehlenborg, N., Gerken, M., Gerstein, M. B., Getz, G., Godwin, A. K., Gopalan, A., Graefen, M., Graim, K., Gribbin, T., Guin, R., Gupta, M., Hadjipanayis, A., Haider, S., Hamel, L., Hayes, D. N., Heiman, D. I., Hess, J., Hoadley, K. A., Holbrook, A. H., Holt, R. A., Holway, A., Hovens, C. M., Hoyle, A. P., Huang, M., Hutter, C. M., Ittmann, M., Iype, L., Jefferys, S. R., Jones, C. D., Jones, S. J. M., Juhl, H., Kahles, A., Kane, C. J., Kasaian, K., Kerger, M., Khurana, E., Kim, J., Klein, R. J., Kucherlapati, R., Lacombe, L., Ladanyi, M., Lai, P. H., Laird, P. W., Lander, E. S., Latour, M., Lawrence, M. S., Lau, K., Lebien, T., Lee, D., Lee, S., Lehmann, K. V., Leraas, K. M., Leshchiner, I., Leung, R., Libertino, J. A., Lichtenberg, T. M., Lin, P., Linehan, W. M., Ling, S., Lippman, S. M., Liu, J., Liu, W., Lochovsky, L., Loda, M., Logothetis, C., Lolla, L., Longacre, T., Lu, Y., Luo, J., Ma, Y., Mahadeshwar, H. S., Mallery, D., Mariamidze, A., Marra, M. A., Mayo, M., McCall, S., McKercher, G., Meng, S., Mes-Masson, A. M., Merino, M. J., Meyerson, M., Mieczkowski, P. A., Mills, G. B., Shaw, K. R. M., Minner, S., Moinzadeh, A., Moore, R. A., Morris, S., Morrison, C., Mose, L. E., Mungall, A. J., Murray, B. A., Myers, J. B., Naresh, R., Nelson, J., Nelson, M. A., Nelson, P. S., Newton, Y., Noble, M. S., Noushmehr, H., Nykter, M., Pantazi, A., Parfenov, M., Park, P. J., Parker, J. S., Paulauskis, J., Penny, R., Perou, C. M., Piché, A., Pihl, T., Pinto, P. A., Prandi, D., Protopopov, A., Ramirez, N. C., Rao, A., Rathmell, W. K., Rätsch, G., Ren, X., Reuter, V. E., Reynolds, S. M., Rhie, S. K., Rieger-Christ, K., Roach, J., Robertson, A. G., Robinson, B., Rubin, M. A., Saad, F., Sadeghi, S., Saksena, G., Saller, C., Salner, A., Sanchez-Vega, F., Sander, C., Sandusky, G., Sauter, G., Sboner, A., Scardino, P. T., Scarlata, E., Schein, J. E., Schlomm, T., Schmidt, L. S., Schultz, N., Schumacher, S. E., Seidman, J., Neder, L., Seth, S., Sharp, A., Shelton, C., Shelton, T., Shen, H., Shen, R., Sherman, M., Sheth, M., Shi, Y., Shih, J., Shmulevich, I., Simko, J., Simon, R., Simons, J. V., Sipahimalani, P., Skelly, T., Sofia, H. J., Soloway, M. G., Song, X., Sorcini, A., Sougnez, C., Stepa, S., Stewart, C., Stewart, J., Stuart, J. M., Sullivan, T. B., Sun, C., Sun, H., Tam, A., Tan, D., Tang, J., Tarnuzzer, R., Tarvin, K., Taylor, B. S., Teebagy, P., Tenggara, I., Têtu, B., Tewari, A., Thiessen, N., Thompson, T., Thorne, L. B., Tirapelli, D. P., Tomlins, S. A., Trevisan, F. A., Troncoso, P., True, L. D., Tsourlakis, M. C., Tyekucheva, S., Van Allen, E., Van Den Berg, D. J., Veluvolu, U., Verhaak, R., Vocke, C. D., Voet, D., Wan, Y., Wang, Q., Wang, W., Wang, Z., Weinhold, N., Weinstein, J. N., Weisenberger, D. J., Wilkerson, M. D., Wise, L., Witte, J., Wu, C. C., Wu, J., Wu, Y., Xu, A. W., Yadav, S. S., Yang, L., Yang, L., Yau, C., Ye, H., Yena, P., Zeng, T., Zenklusen, J. C., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, W., Zhong, Y., Zhu, K., Zmuda, E. (2015) The Molecular Taxonomy of Primary Prostate Cancer. Cell, 163 (4). pp. 1011-1025. ISSN 0092-8674

Ahrens, S., Jaramillo, S., Yu, K., Ghosh, S., Hwang, G., Paik, R., Lai, C., He, M., Huang, Z. J., Li, B. (January 2015) ErbB4 regulation of a thalamic reticular nucleus circuit for sensory selection. Nature Neuroscience, 18. pp. 104-111. ISSN 1097-6256

Akerman, M., Fregoso, O. I., Das, S., Ruse, C., Jensen, M. A., Pappin, D. J., Zhang, M. Q., Krainer, A. R. (June 2015) Differential connectivity of splicing activators and repressors to the human spliceosome. Genome Biol, 16 (1). p. 119. ISSN 1465-6914 (Electronic)1465-6906 (Linking)

Akman, H. B., Selcuklu, S. D., Donoghue, M. T., Akhavantabasi, S., Sapmaz, A., Spillane, C., Yakicier, M. C., Erson-Bensan, A. E. (May 2015) ALCAM is indirectly modulated by miR-125b in MCF7 cells. Tumour Biol, 36 (5). pp. 3511-20. ISSN 1423-0380 (Electronic)1010-4283 (Linking)

Al-Jouie, A., Esfandiari, M., Ramakrishnan, S., Roshan, U. (September 2015) Chi8: a GPU program for detecting significant interacting SNPs with the Chi-square 8-df test. BMC Res Notes, 8. p. 436. ISSN 1756-0500 (Electronic)1756-0500 (Linking)

Alexander, Katherine A, Wang, Xu, Shibata, Maho, Clark, Andrew G, García-García, María J (November 2015) TRIM28 Controls Genomic Imprinting through Distinct Mechanisms during and after Early Genome-wide Reprogramming. Cell Reports, 13 (6). pp. 1194-1205. ISSN 2211-1247

Almeida, Ana S, Kees, Tim, Egeblad, Mikala (October 2015) Modulating innate-adaptive immune cell interactions to achieve tumor rejection. In: AACR Special Conference: Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy: A New Chapter.

Anczukow, O., Akerman, M., Clery, A., Wu, J., Shen, C., Shirole, N. H., Raimer, A., Sun, S., Jensen, M. A., Hua, Y., Allain, F. H., Krainer, A. R. (October 2015) SRSF1-Regulated Alternative Splicing in Breast Cancer. Mol Cell, 60 (1). pp. 105-17. ISSN 1097-4164 (Electronic)1097-2765 (Linking)

Anczukow, O., Krainer, A. R. (October 2015) The spliceosome, a potential Achilles heel of MYC-driven tumors. Genome Med, 7 (1). p. 107. ISSN 1756-994X (Electronic)1756-994X (Linking)

Anselmi, Francesca, Banerjee, Arkarup, Albeanu, Dinu F. (2015) Patterned Photostimulation in the Brain. In: New Techniques in Systems Neuroscience. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 235-270. ISBN 978-3-319-12913-6

Anselmi, Francesca, Bandyopadhyay, Arka, Albeanu, Dinu (2015) New Techniques in Systems Neuroscience. In: New Techniques in Systems Neuroscience. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering . Springer International Publishing, pp. 235-270. ISBN 9783319129129


Ballouz, S., Verleyen, W., Gillis, J. (February 2015) Guidance for RNA-seq co-expression network construction and analysis: safety in numbers. Bioinformatics. ISSN 1367-4803

Banerjee, A., Marbach, F., Anselmi, F., Koh, M. S., Davis, M. B., Garcia da Silva, P., Delevich, K., Oyibo, H. K., Gupta, P., Li, B., Albeanu, D. F. (July 2015) An Interglomerular Circuit Gates Glomerular Output and Implements Gain Control in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb. Neuron, 87 (1). pp. 193-207. ISSN 0896-6273

Bartlett, M. E., Williams, S. K., Taylor, Z., DeBlasio, S., Goldshmidt, A., Hall, D. H., Schmidt, R. J., Jackson, D. P., Whipple, C. J. (November 2015) The Maize PI/GLO Ortholog Zmm16/sterile tassel silky ear1 Interacts with the Zygomorphy and Sex Determination Pathways in Flower Development. Plant Cell, 27 (11). pp. 3081-3098. ISSN 1532-298X (Electronic)1040-4651 (Linking)

Baslan, T., Kendall, J., Ward, B., Cox, H., Leotta, A., Rodgers, L., Riggs, M., D'Italia, S., Sun, G., Yong, M., Miskimen, K., Gilmore, H., Saborowski, M., Dimitrova, N., Krasnitz, A., Harris, L., Wigler, M., Hicks, J. (May 2015) Optimizing sparse sequencing of single cells for highly multiplex copy number profiling. Genome Research, 25 (5). pp. 714-724. ISSN 1088-9051

Bauza, K., Atcheson, E., Malinauskas, T., Blagborough, A. M., Reyes-Sandoval, A. (March 2015) Tailoring a Combination Preerythrocytic Malaria Vaccine. Infect Immun, 84 (3). pp. 622-34. ISSN 1098-5522 (Electronic)0019-9567 (Linking)

Bergmann, J. H., Li, J., Eckersley-Maslin, M. A., Rigo, F., Freier, S. M., Spector, D. L. (September 2015) Regulation of the ESC transcriptome by nuclear long non-coding RNAs. Genome Res, 25 (9). pp. 1336-1346. ISSN 1549-5469 (Electronic)1088-9051 (Linking)

Beshel, J., Zhong, Y. (September 2015) Alterations in Brain-derived Leptin-homolog Unpaired 1 Lead to Obesity Phenotypes in Drosophila through Regulation of Food Odor Value Signaling. Chemical Senses, 40 (7). pp. 549-550. ISSN 0379-864X

Bhagwat, A. S., Vakoc, C. R. (September 2015) Targeting Transcription Factors in Cancer. Trends Cancer, 1 (1). pp. 53-65. ISSN 2405-8033 (Print)

Blank, H. M., Sheltzer, J. M., Meehl, C. M., Amon, A. (April 2015) Mitotic entry in the presence of DNA damage is a widespread property of aneuploidy in yeast. Mol Biol Cell, 26 (8). pp. 1440-51. ISSN 1939-4586 (Electronic)1059-1524 (Linking)

Boivin, Benoit, Tonks, Nicholas K (2015) PTP1B: mediating ROS signaling to silence genes. Molecular and Cellular Oncology, 2 (2). e975633. ISSN 2372-3556

Boj, Sylvia F, Hwang, Chang-Il, Baker, Lindsey A, Chio, Iok In Christine, Engle, Dannielle D, Corbo, Vincenzo, Jager, Myrthe, Ponz-Sarvise, Mariano, Tiriac, Hervé, Spector, Mona S, Gracanin, Ana, Oni, Tobiloba, Yu, Kenneth H, van Boxtel, Ruben, Huch, Meritxell, Rivera, Keith D, Wilson, John P, Feigin, Michael E, Öhlund, Daniel, Handly-Santana, Abram, Ardito-Abraham, Christine M, Ludwig, Michael, Elyada, Ela, Alagesan, Brinda, Biffi, Giulia, Yordanov, Georgi N, Delcuze, Bethany, Creighton, Brianna, Wright, Kevin, Park, Youngkyu, Morsink, Folkert H M., Molenaar, I.  Quintus, Borel Rinkes, Inne H, Cuppen, Edwin, Hao, Yuan, Jin, Ying, Nijman, Isaac J, Iacobuzio-Donahue, Christine, Leach, Steven D, Pappin, Darryl J, Hammell, Molly, Klimstra, David S, Basturk, Olca, Hruban, Ralph H, Offerhaus, George Johan, Vries, Robert G J., Clevers, Hans, Tuveson, David A (January 2015) Organoid Models of Human and Mouse Ductal Pancreatic Cancer. Cell, 160 (1-2). pp. 324-338. ISSN 0092-8674

Borges, F., Martienssen, R. A. (November 2015) The expanding world of small RNAs in plants. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 16. pp. 727-741. ISSN 1471-0080 (Electronic)1471-0072 (Linking)

Borniger, J. C. (November 2015) Leaping into the unknown. Science, 350 (6262). p. 882. ISSN 1095-9203 (Electronic)0036-8075 (Linking)

Borniger, J. C., Gaudier-Diaz, M. M., Zhang, N., Nelson, R. J., DeVries, A. C. (July 2015) Cytotoxic chemotherapy increases sleep and sleep fragmentation in non-tumor-bearing mice. Brain Behav Immun, 47. pp. 218-27. ISSN 1090-2139 (Electronic)0889-1591 (Linking)

Bott, A. J., Peng, I. C., Fan, Y., Faubert, B., Zhao, L., Li, J., Neidler, S., Sun, Y., Jaber, N., Krokowski, D., Lu, W., Pan, J. A., Powers, S., Rabinowitz, J., Hatzoglou, M., Murphy, D. J., Jones, R., Wu, S., Girnun, G., Zong, W. X. (December 2015) Oncogenic Myc Induces Expression of Glutamine Synthetase through Promoter Demethylation. Cell Metab, 22 (6). pp. 1068-77. ISSN 1550-4131

Brill, Martin F., Meyer, Anneke, Roessler, Wolfgang (July 2015) It Takes Two – Coincidence coding within the dual olfactory pathway of the honeybee. Frontiers in Physiology, 6. p. 208. ISSN 1664-042X

Brohl, A. S., Li, L., Andikyan, V., Obican, S. G., Cioffi, A., Hao, K., Dudley, J. T., Ascher-Walsh, C., Kasarskis, A., Maki, R. G. (April 2015) Age-stratified risk of unexpected uterine sarcoma following surgery for presumed benign leiomyoma. Oncologist, 20 (4). pp. 433-9. ISSN 1549-490X (Electronic)1083-7159 (Linking)

Brunner, D., Kabitzke, P., He, D., Cox, K., Thiede, L., Hanania, T., Sabath, E., Alexandrov, V., Saxe, M., Peles, E., Mills, A., Spooren, W., Ghosh, A., Feliciano, P., Benedetti, M., Luo Clayton, A., Biemans, B. (August 2015) Comprehensive Analysis of the 16p11.2 Deletion and Null Cntnap2 Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder. PLoS One, 10 (8). e0134572. ISSN 1932-6203 (Electronic)1932-6203 (Linking)

Burke, S. L., Hammell, M., Ambros, V. (August 2015) Robust Distal Tip Cell Pathfinding in the Face of Temperature Stress Is Ensured by Two Conserved microRNAS in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics, 200 (4). pp. 1201-18. ISSN 1943-2631 (Electronic)0016-6731 (Linking)


Cai, Na, Li, Yihan, Chang, Simon, Liang, Jieqin, Lin, Chongyun, Zhang, Xiufei, Liang, Lu, Hu, Jingchu, Chan, Wharton, Kendler, Kenneth S, Malinauskas, Tomas, Huang, Guo-Jen, Li, Qibin, Mott, Richard, Flint, Jonathan (December 2015) Genetic Control over mtDNA and Its Relationship to Major Depressive Disorder. Current Biology, 25 (24). pp. 3170-3177. ISSN 0960-9822

Campagna, L., Gronau, I., Silveira, L. F., Siepel, A., Lovette, I. J. (August 2015) Distinguishing Noise from Signal in Patterns of Genomic Divergence in a Highly Polymorphic Avian Radiation. Mol Ecol, 24 (16). pp. 4238-4251. ISSN 1365-294X (Electronic)0962-1083 (Linking)

Canto-Pastor, A., Molla-Morales, A., Ernst, E., Dahl, W., Zhai, J., Yan, Y., Meyers, B. C., Shanklin, J., Martienssen, R. (January 2015) Efficient transformation and artificial miRNA gene silencing in Lemna minor. Plant Biol (Stuttg), 17 (s1). pp. 59-65. ISSN 1435-8603

Carapua, E. F., Gemenetzidis, E., Feig, C., Tuveson, D., Kocher, H. (July 2015) Developing drug combinations to co-target pancreatic cancer and its supporting stroma. Cancer Research, 75 (Supple). B72. ISSN 0008-5472

Carvalho, C. M. B., Brennand, K., Yuan, B., Sebat, J., Malhotra, D., McCarthy, S., Rudolph, U., Levy, D., Lupski, J. R. (March 2015) Mosaicism May underlie Pleiotropic Psychiatric Phenotypes. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41. S198-S199. ISSN 0586-76141745-1701

Cazakoff, BN, Shea, SD (January 2015) Simultaneous collection of in vivo functional and anatomical data from individual neurons in awake mice. In: Neural Tracing Methods. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 85-99.

Chae, H. G., Kepple, D., Koulakov, A. A., Murthy, V. N., Albeanu, D. F. (September 2015) Mosaic representation of odors in the output layer of the mouse olfactory bulb. Chemical Senses, 40 (7). p. 564. ISSN 0379-864X

Chakrabortty, S. K., Prakash, A., Nechooshtan, G., Hearn, S., Gingeras, T. R. (November 2015) Extracellular vesicle-mediated transfer of processed and functional RNY5 RNA. RNA, 21 (11). pp. 1966-1979. ISSN 1469-9001 (Electronic)1355-8382 (Linking)

Chakraborty, A. A., Scuoppo, C., Dey, S., Thomas, L. R., Lorey, S. L., Lowe, S. W., Tansey, W. P. (July 2015) A common functional consequence of tumor-derived mutations within c-MYC. Oncogene, 34. pp. 2406-2409. ISSN 0950-9232

Chandran, D., Scanlon, M. J., Ohtsu, K., Timmermans, M. C., Schnable, P. S., Wildermuth, M. C. (October 2015) Laser Microdissection-Mediated Isolation and In Vitro Transcriptional Amplification of Plant RNA. Curr Protoc Mol Biol, 112. 25A 3.1-25A 3.23. ISSN 1934-3647 (Electronic)1934-3647 (Linking)

Chandrasekaran, S., Navlakha, S., Audette, N. J., McCreary, D. D., Suhan, J., Bar-Joseph, Z., Barth, A. L. (December 2015) Unbiased, High-Throughput Electron Microscopy Analysis of Experience-Dependent Synaptic Changes in the Neocortex. J Neurosci, 35 (50). pp. 16450-62. ISSN 0270-6474

Cheng, J., Sedlazek, F., Altmuller, J., Nolte, A. W. (September 2015) Ectodysplasin signalling genes and phenotypic evolution in sculpins (Cottus). Proc Biol Sci, 282 (1815). ISSN 1471-2954 (Electronic)0962-8452 (Linking)

Cho, Hyejin, Herzka, Tali, Stahlhut, Carlos, Watrud, Kaitlin, Robinson, Brian D., Trotman, Lloyd C. (May 2015) Rapid in vivo validation of candidate drivers derived from the PTEN-mutant prostate metastasis genome. Methods, 77-78. pp. 197-204. ISSN 1046-2023

Church, D. M., Schneider, V. A., Steinberg, K. M., Schatz, M. C., Quinlan, A. R., Chin, C. S., Kitts, P. A., Aken, B., Marth, G. T., Hoffman, M. M., Herrero, J., Mendoza, M. L. Z., Durbin, R., Flicek, P. (January 2015) Extending reference assembly models. Genome Biology, 16. Article no. 13. ISSN 1465-6906

Churchland, Anne, Lisberger, Stephen (June 2015) Contributions from different model organisms to brain research. Neuroscience, 296. pp. 1-2. ISSN 0306-4522

Cifani, Paolo, Kirik, Ufuk, Waldemarson, Sofia, James, Peter (July 2015) Molecular Portrait of Breast-Cancer-Derived Cell Lines Reveals Poor Similarity with Tumors. Journal of Proteome Research, 14 (7). pp. 2819-2827. ISSN 1535-3893

Cifra, A., Lowe, S.W (November 2015) Exploring cell apoptosis and senescence to understand and treat cancer: an interview with Scott Lowe. Dis Model Mech, 8 (11). pp. 1345-8. ISSN 1754-8411 (Electronic)1754-8403 (Linking)

Ciubotaru, M., Surleac, M. D., Metskas, L. A., Koo, P., Rhoades, E., Petrescu, A. J., Schatz, D. G. (January 2015) The architecture of the 12RSS in V(D)J recombination signal and synaptic complexes. Nucleic Acids Res, 43 (2). pp. 917-31. ISSN 0305-1048

Consortium, 1000 Genomes Project (September 2015) A global reference for human genetic variation. Nature, 526 (7571). pp. 68-74. ISSN 1476-4687 (Electronic)0028-0836 (Linking)

Crompton, J. G., Sukumar, M., Roychoudhuri, R., Clever, D., Gros, A., Eil, R. L., Tran, E., Hanada, K., Yu, Z., Palmer, D. C., Kerkar, S. P., Michalek, R. D., Upham, T., Leonardi, A., Acquavella, N., Wang, E., Marincola, F. M., Gattinoni, L., Muranski, P., Sundrud, M. S., Klebanoff, C. A., Rosenberg, S. A., Fearon, D. T., Restifo, N. P. (January 2015) Akt inhibition enhances expansion of potent tumor-specific lymphocytes with memory cell characteristics. Cancer Res, 75 (2). pp. 296-305. ISSN 0008-5472


Danko, C. G., Hyland, S. L., Core, L. J., Martins, A. L., Waters, C. T., Lee, H. W., Cheung, V. G., Kraus, W. L., Lis, J. T., Siepel, A. (May 2015) Identification of active transcriptional regulatory elements from GRO-seq data. Nat Methods, 12 (5). pp. 433-8. ISSN 1548-7105 (Electronic)1548-7091 (Linking)

Das, P. P., Hendrix, D. A., Apostolou, E., Buchner, A. H., Canver, M. C., Beyaz, S., Ljuboja, D., Kuintzle, R., Kim, W., Karnik, R., Shao, Z., Xie, H., Xu, J., De Los Angeles, A., Zhang, Y., Choe, J., Jun, D. L., Shen, X., Gregory, R. I., Daley, G. Q., Meissner, A., Kellis, M., Hochedlinger, K., Kim, J., Orkin, S. H. (September 2015) PRC2 Is Required to Maintain Expression of the Maternal Gtl2-Rian-Mirg Locus by Preventing De Novo DNA Methylation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Rep, 12 (9). pp. 1456-70. ISSN 2211-1247 (Electronic)

Delevich, K., Tucciarone, J., Huang, Z. J., Li, B. (April 2015) The Mediodorsal Thalamus Drives Feedforward Inhibition in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex via Parvalbumin Interneurons. Journal of Neuroscience , 35 (14). pp. 5743-53. ISSN 0270-6474

Dequeant, M. L., Fagegaltier, D., Hu, Y., Spirohn, K., Simcox, A., Hannon, G. J., Perrimon, N. (October 2015) Discovery of progenitor cell signatures by time-series synexpression analysis during Drosophila embryonic cell immortalization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112 (42). pp. 12974-12979. ISSN 1091-6490 (Electronic)0027-8424 (Linking)

Dhabaria, Avantika, Cifani, Paolo, Reed, Casie, Steen, Hanno, Kentsis, Alex (August 2015) A High-Efficiency Cellular Extraction System for Biological Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research, 14 (8). pp. 3403-3408. ISSN 1535-3893

Dickson, M. A., D'Adamo, D. R., Keohan, M. L., D'Angelo, S. P., Carvajal, R. D., Gounder, M. M., Maki, R. G., Qin, L. X., Lefkowitz, R. A., McKennon, O. R., Hirst, C. M., Schwartz, G. K., Tap, W. D. (2015) Phase II Trial of Gemcitabine and Docetaxel with Bevacizumab in Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Sarcoma, 2015. p. 532478. ISSN 1357-714X (Print)1357-714X (Linking)

Dobin, A., Gingeras, T. R. (September 2015) Mapping RNA-seq Reads with STAR. Curr Protoc Bioinformatics, 51. 11.14.1-11.14.19. ISSN 1934-340X (Electronic)1934-3396 (Linking)

Doerfel, Max, Lyon, Gholson J. (August 2015) The biological functions of Naa10 – from amino-terminal acetylation to human disease. Gene, 567 (2). pp. 103-131. ISSN 0378-1119

Dong, J., Panchakshari, R. A., Zhang, T., Zhang, Y., Hu, J., Volpi, S. A., Meyers, R. M., Ho, Y. J., Du, Z., Robbiani, D. F., Meng, F., Gostissa, M., Nussenzweig, M. C., Manis, J. P., Alt, F. W. (September 2015) Orientation-specific joining of AID-initiated DNA breaks promotes antibody class switching. Nature, 525 (7567). pp. 134-9. ISSN 1476-4687 (Electronic)0028-0836 (Linking)

Dos Santos, C. O., Dolzhenko, E., Hodges, E., Smith, A. D., Hannon, G. J. (May 2015) An Epigenetic Memory of Pregnancy in the Mouse Mammary Gland. Cell Reports. ISSN 2211-1247

Dos Santos, L. I., Galvao-Filho, B., de Faria, P. C., Junqueira, C., Dutra, M. S., Teixeira, S. M., Rodrigues, M. M., Ritter, G., Bannard, O., Fearon, D. T., Antonelli, L. R., Gazzinelli, R. T. (March 2015) Blockade of CTLA-4 promotes the development of effector CD8+ T lymphocytes and the therapeutic effect of vaccination with an attenuated protozoan expressing NY-ESO-1. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 64 (3). pp. 311-23. ISSN 0340-7004

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