About the CSHL Institutional Repository

CSHL IR Mission Statement

The CSHL Institutional Repository, administered by the CSHL Library and Archives, exists to enrich and support the research being conducted at CSHL.

By collecting, organizing, storing and providing open access to the academic output of CSHL throughout the many years of the Laboratory’s existence the Institutional Repository promotes the use of these materials by the CSHL scientific community and members of the scientific and general communities beyond CSHL.

Who manages the CSHL Institutional Repository?

The CSHL Institutional Repository is supported by the CSHL Library and Archives for the benefit of the CSHL Scientific Community and Departments.

The IR is administered jointly by the CSHL Library and Archives Systems Administrator and Science Informationist to ensure the IR remains fully functional and up to date. The Science Informationist is available to assist all member of the CSHL community with depositing, accessing, and utilizing the IR

The IR is based on EPrints 3, which was developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, and has been modified and customized for use at CSHL.

Why do we have it?

  • To collect, manage and preserve the intellectual output produced by CSHL
  • To provide annotation, metadata, topics and subjects to items deposited in the Institutional Repository
  • To collect all the works produced by a CSHL scientist throughout their career

What do we collect?

  • Raw data, code, scripts, software, manuscripts, theses, presentations, posters, video and audio files
  • Bibliographic information on all CSHL faculty, researchers and graduate students

Why do we do it?

  • It provides an environment to deposit data related to works published by CSHL faculty, researchers and graduate students
  • It provides a long term, stable location for the storage of data related to published papers
  • It allows for the archiving of WSBS theses and to make them fulltext accessible
  • It provides CSHL with a mechanism to comply with requirements for data management mandated by NSF and soon NIH
  • It allows for CSHL faculty to provide additional information to published papers
  • It allows for open access to enhance the sharing of data from CSHL produced research

Who are our users?

  • CSHL faculty, researchers and graduate students
  • Outside faculty, researchers and graduate students
  • The public

How can I display my publications?

CSHL researchers, postdocs and students can use the repository to maintain an up-to-date list of their publications on their websites. You can use a specially formatted URL to link directly to a formatted page of your research or to embed the publications list directly within your website. See our internal page for the details. Examples:

CSHL IR Deposit Statement

All CSHL faculty and staff are allowed to deposit or request the deposit of material into the Repository. For that deposit to be accepted it must consist of material that is considered within the scope of the Repository. Such material includes:

  1. Raw data
  2. Code and Scripts
  3. Completed software
  4. Manuscripts (books/book sections/articles)
  5. Theses
  6. Presentations (oral and posters)
  7. Video
  8. Audio

Faculty and staff can request a login to the Repository and training to allow them to deposit material themselves or the material can be deposited on request by the staff at the CSHL Library and Archives. Prior to all deposited material going live in the Repository it will be checked by a member of the CSHL Library and Archives staff to ensure the deposit meets the standards set forth in the CSHL IR User Manual

Digital Preservation Policy

The CSHL Archives maintains a Long Term Digital Preservation Policy.


All Items in the CSHL IR are protected by their original copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. For original content not already covered by copyright the CSHL IR uses the Creative Commons licenses. The CSHL community can contact the Science Informationist to learn more about managing the copyright.