Items where Community is "Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology"

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    • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology (514)
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Zhou, J., McCandlish, D. M. (April 2020) Minimum Epistasis Interpolation for Sequence-Function Relationships. Nature Communication, 11 (1782). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2041-1723 (Public Dataset)

Dukler, N., Huang, Y-F., Siepel, A. (March 2020) Phylogenetic Modeling of Regulatory Element Turnover Based on Epigenomic Data. Mol Biol Evol, 37 (7). pp. 2137-2152. ISSN 0737-4038

Matsumura, F., Lin, J. J. C. (May 1982) Visualization of Monoclonal Antibody-Binding to Tropomyosin on Native Smooth-Muscle Thin-Filaments by Electron-Microscopy. Journal of Molecular Biology, 157 (1). pp. 163-171.

McKay, R. (May 1982) How Many Genes Are Needed for Touch? Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 7 (5). p. 162.

Blose, S. H., Meltzer, D. I., Feramisco, J. R. (1982) 10nm Filaments Induced to Collapse in Cells Micro-Injected with Antibodies against Tubulin. Journal of Cell Biology, 95 (2). A229-A229.

Weisbrod, S. (1982) Active Chromatin. Nature (London), 297 (5864). pp. 289-295.

Weisbrod, S., Wickens, M. P., Whytock, S., Gurdon, J. B. (1982) Active Chromatin of Oocytes Injected with Somatic-Cell Nuclei or Cloned DNA. Developmental Biology, 94 (1). pp. 216-229.

Harshey, R. M., McKay, R., Bukhari, A. I. (1982) Analysis of DNA Structures Produced During Transposition of Bacterio Phage Mu. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

Hockfield, S., Gobel, S. (1982) An Anatomical Demonstration of Projections to the Medullary Dorsal Horn Trigeminal Nucleus Caudalis from Rostral Trigeminal Nuclei and the Contralateral Caudal Medulla. Brain Research, 252 (2). pp. 203-212.

Lin, J. J. C., Welch, W. J., Garrels, J. I., Feramisco, J. R. (1982) Association of the 100 Kilodalton Heat Shock Protein with the Golgi Apparatus. Schlesinger, M, J., M. XIX+440P.

Cleveland, D. W., Pittenger, M., Feramisco, J. (1982) Autoregulatory Control of Expression of Alpha-Tubulin and Beta-Tubulin. Journal of Cell Biology, 95 (2). A335-A335.

Matsumura, F., Lin, J. J. C., Yamashiromatsumura, S., Hightower, M. J., Topp, W. C. (1982) Changes in the Species of Tropomyosin Localized in Microfilaments Upon Viral Transformation. Journal of Cell Biology, 95 (2). A284-A284.

Feramisco, J. R., Smart, J. E., Burridge, K., Helfman, D. M., Thomas, G. P. (1982) Coexistence of Vinculin and a Vinculin-Like Protein of Higher Molecular-Weight in Smooth-Muscle. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 257 (18). pp. 1024-1031.

Topp, W. C., Hightower, M. J., Ramundo, M. B., Smith, D. M., Anderson, M. A. (1982) Common Features of Transformation and Tumor-Induction by DNA Viruses. Hepatology, 2 (2). S51-S57.

Gething, M. J., Sambrook, J. (1982) Construction of Influenza Hemagglutinin Genes That Code for Intracellular and Secreted Forms of the Protein. Nature, 300 (5893). pp. 598-603.

Thomas, G. P., Mathews, M. B. (1982) Control of Poly Peptide Chain Elongation in the Stress Response a Novel Translational Control. Cell. XIX+440P.

Albrecht-Buehler, G. (1982) Control of Tissue Cell Movement. National Cancer Institute Monograph. P117-122.

Harshey, R. M., McKay, R., Bukhari, A. I. (1982) DNA Intermediates in Transposition of Phage-Mu. Cell, 29 (2). pp. 561-571.

Stringer, J. R. (1982) DNA-Sequence Homology and Chromosomal Deletion at a Site of Sv40-DNA Integration. Nature, 296 (5855). pp. 363-366.

Kurtz, D. T., McCullough, L., Bishop, D. K., Manos, M. M. (1982) DNA-Sequences Required for Hormonal Induction of Rat Alpha-2u-Globulin Genes. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 47. pp. 985-988.

Small, M. B., Gluzman, Y., Ozer, H. L. (1982) Enhanced Transformation of Human-Fibroblasts by Origin-Defective Simian Virus-40. Nature, 296 (5858). pp. 671-672.

Gluzman, Y. (1982) Eukaryotic Viral Vectors Conference Cold-Spring-Harbor New-York USA Dec. 3-6 1981. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 3-6, 1981. ISSN 0091-7451

Lopata, M. A., Chow, L. T., Cleveland, D. W. (1982) Expression of 4 Beta-Tubulin Genes in Chicken. Journal of Cell Biology, 95 (2). A335-A335.

Wang, K., Feramisco, J. R., Ash, J. F. (1982) Fluorescent Localization of Contractile-Proteins in Tissue-Culture Cells. Methods in Enzymology, 85. pp. 514-562.

Lewis, J. A., Biedler, J. L., Melera, P. W. (1982) Gene Amplification Accompanies Low Level Increases in the Activity of Di Hydro Folate Reductase in Anti Folate Resistant Chinese Hamster Lung Cells Containing Abnormally Banding Chromosomes. Journal of Cell Biology, 94 (2). pp. 418-424.

Silver, L. M., White, M. (1982) A Gene-Product of the Mouse T-Complex with Chemical-Properties of a Cell Surface-Associated Component of the Extracellular-Matrix. Developmental Biology, 91 (2). pp. 423-430. ISSN 0012-1606

Silver, L. M. (1982) Genomic Analysis of the H-2-Complex Region Associated with Mouse T-Haplotypes. Cell, 29 (3). pp. 961-968.

White, J., Helenius, A., Gething, M. J. (1982) Hemagglutinin of Influenza-Virus Expressed from a Cloned Gene Promotes Membrane-Fusion. Nature, 300 (5893). pp. 658-659.

Helfman, D. M., Kuo, J. F. (1982) A Homogeneous Cyclic Cmp Phospho Di Esterase Hydrolyzes Both Pyrimidine and Purine Cyclic 2' 3' Nucleotides and 3' 5' Nucleotides. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 257 (2). pp. 1044-1047.

Kurtz, D. T., Bishop, D. K. (1982) Hormonal Control of Rat Alpha-2 Micro Globulin Synthesis. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry - Supplement.(6). p. 115.

Boorstein, W. R., Vamvakopoulos, N. C., Fiddes, J. C. (1982) Human Chorionic-Gonadotropin Beta-Subunit Is Encoded by at Least Eight Genes Arranged in Tandem and Inverted Pairs. Nature, 300 (5891). pp. 419-422.

Griesbach, R. J., Malmberg, R. L., Carlson, P. S. (1982) An Improved Technique for the Isolation of Higher-Plant Chromosomes. Plant Science Letters, 24 (1). pp. 55-60.

Stow, N. D. (1982) The Infectivity of Adenovirus Genomes Lacking DNA-Sequences from Their Left-Hand Termini. Nucleic Acids Research, 10 (17). pp. 5105-5119.

Francoeur, A. M., Mathews, M. B. (1982) Interaction between Va-Rna and the Lupus Antigen La - Formation of a Ribonucleoprotein Particle Invitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 79 (22). pp. 6772-6776.

Monaghan, C., Holland, S., Dale, J. W. (1982) The Interaction of Anthra Quinone Dyes with the Plasmid Mediated Oxa-2 Beta Lactamase Ec- Biochemical Journal, 205 (2). pp. 413-418.

Gluzman, Y. (1982) Introduction Evolution of Eukaryotic Viral Vectors. Gluzman, Y (ED.). 3-6, 1981.

Cebrian, J., Kaschka-Dietrich, C., Berthelot, N., Sheldrick, P. (1982) Inverted Repeat Nucleotide Sequences in the Genomes of Marek Disease Virus and the Herpesvirus of the Turkey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 79 (2). pp. 555-558.

Fraley, R. T., Dellaporta, S. L., Papahadjopoulos, D. (1982) Liposome-Mediated Delivery of Tobacco Mosaic-Virus Rna into Tobacco Protoplasts - a Sensitive Assay for Monitoring Liposome-Protoplast Interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 79 (6). pp. 1859-1863.

Welch, W. J., Garrels, J. I., Feramisco, J. R. (1982) The Mammalian Stress Proteins. unpublished. (Unpublished)

McKay, R. D. G., Hockfield, S. J. (1982) Monoclonal-Antibodies Distinguish Antigenically Discrete Neuronal Types in the Vertebrate Central Nervous-System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 79 (21). pp. 6747-6751.

Lane, E. B. (1982) Monoclonal-Antibodies Provide Specific Intramolecular Markers for the Study of Epithelial Tonofilament Organization. Journal of Cell Biology, 92 (3). pp. 665-673.

Lin, J. J. C., Queally, S. A. (1982) A Monoclonal-Antibody That Recognizes Golgi-Associated Protein of Cultured Fibroblast Cells. Journal of Cell Biology, 92 (1). pp. 108-112.

Stringer, J. R. (1982) Mutant of Simian Virus-40 Large T-Antigen That Is Defective for Viral-DNA Synthesis, but Competent for Transformation of Cultured Rat-Cells. Journal of Virology, 42 (3). pp. 854-864.

Willison, K. R., Karol, R. A., Suzuki, A., Kundu, S. K., Marcus, D. M. (1982) Neutral Glycolipid Antigens as Developmental Markers of Mouse Teratocarcinoma and Early Embryos - an Immunological and Chemical-Analysis. Journal of Immunology, 129 (2). pp. 603-609.

Quinlan, M. P., Klessig, D. F. (1982) Normal Translation of Human Adenovirus Messenger-Rna in Cell-Free Lysates Prepared from Abortively as Well as Productively Infected Monkey Cells. Journal of Virology, 44 (1). pp. 426-430.

Engler, J. A., Vanbree, M. P. (1982) The Nucleotide-Sequence of the Gene Encoding Protein-Iva2 in Human Adenovirus Type-7. Gene, 19 (1). pp. 71-80.

Blose, S. H., Bushnell, A. (1982) Observations on the Vimentin-10-Nm Filaments During Mitosis in Bhk-21-Cells. Experimental Cell Research, 142 (1). pp. 57-62.

Meyer, T. F., Mlawer, N., So, M. (1982) Pilus Expression in Neisseria-Gonorrhoeae Involves Chromosomal Rearrangement. Cell, 30 (1). pp. 45-52.

Magnuson, T., Epstein, C. J., Silver, L. M., Martin, G. R. (1982) Pluripotent Embryonic Stem-Cell Lines Can Be Derived from Tw5 Tw5 Blastocysts. Nature, 298 (5876). pp. 750-753.

Sorge, J., Hughes, S. H. (1982) Polypurine Tract Adjacent to the U3 Region of the Rous-Sarcoma Virus Genome Provides a Cis-Acting Function. Journal of Virology, 43 (2). pp. 482-488.

Harper, M. I., Fosten, M., Monk, M. (1982) Preferential Paternal X Inactivation in Extraembryonic Tissues of Early Mouse Embryos. Journal of Embryology & Experimental Morphology. pp. 127-136.

Sutcliffe, S. (1982) Prolonged Incubation Behavior in Common Loon Gavia-Immer. Wilson Bulletin, 94 (3). pp. 361-362.

Klessig, D. F., Quinlan, M. P., Grodzicker, T. (1982) Proteins Containing Only Half of the Coding Information of Early Region 1b of Adenovirus Are Functional in Human-Cells Transformed with the Herpes-Simplex Virus Type-1 Thymidine Kinase Gene and Adenovirus Type-2 DNA. Journal of Virology, 41 (2). pp. 423-434.

Welch, W. J., Lin, J. J. C., Garrels, J. I., Feramisco, J. R. (1982) Purification and Characterization of the Mammalian Heat-Shock Proteins. Journal of Cell Biology, 95 (2). A37-A37.

Welch, W. J., Feramisco, J. R. (1982) Purification of the Major Mammalian Heat-Shock Proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 257 (24). pp. 4949-4959.

Nasmyth, K. A. (1982) The Regulation of Yeast Mating-Type Chromatin Structure by Sir - an Action at a Distance Affecting Both Transcription and Transposition. Cell, 30 (2). pp. 567-578.

Hattman, S., Goradia, M., Monaghan, C., Bukhari, A. I. (1982) Regulation of the DNA-Modification Function of Bacteriophage-Mu. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 47. pp. 647-653.

Roberts, R. J. (1982) Restriction and Modification Enzymes and Their Recognition Sequences. Nucleic Acids Research, 10 (5). R117-R144.

Albrecht-Buehler, G., Bushnell, A. (1982) Reversible Compression of Cytoplasm. Journal of Cell Biology, 95 (2). A331-A331.

Sorge, J., Hughes, S. H. (1982) Rna Splicing and High Level Expression of Human Genes in a Retrovirus Vector. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry - Supplement.(6). p. 343.

Ling, L. E., Manos, M. M., Gluzman, Y. (1982) Sequence of the Junction in Adenovirus 2-Sv40 Hybrids - Examples of Illegitimate Recombination. Nucleic Acids Research, 10 (24). pp. 8099-8112.

Hughes, S. H. (1982) Sequence of the Long Terminal Repeat and Adjacent Segments of the Endogenous Avian Virus Rous-Associated Virus-0. Journal of Virology, 43 (1). pp. 191-200.

Mosesson, R., Harshey, R. M., Bukhari, A. I. (1982) Shot Gunning of Escherichia-Coli Chromosome without Restriction Enzymes. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. ABSTRACT H125.

Sorge, J., Hughes, S. H. (1982) Splicing of Introns During Passage in a Retrovirus Vector. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry - Supplement.(6). p. 248.

Feldman, J. A., Zipser, D. (1982) Standards for Neural Modeling. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5 (4). p. 642.

Neil, J. C., Ghysdael, J., Smart, J. E., Vogt, P. K. (1982) Structural Similarities of Proteins Encoded by 3 Classes of Avian-Sarcoma Viruses. Virology, 121 (2). pp. 274-287.

Wilde, C. D., Chow, L. T., Wefald, F. C., Cowan, N. J. (1982) Structure of 2 Human Alpha-Tubulin Genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 79 (1). pp. 96-100.

Gluzman, Y., Ahrens, B. (1982) Sv40 Early Mutants That Are Defective for Viral-DNA Synthesis but Competent for Transformation of Cultured Rat and Simian Cells. Virology, 123 (1). pp. 78-92.

Solnick, D., Anderson, M. A. (1982) Transformation-Deficient Adenovirus Mutant Defective in Expression of Region-1a but Not Region-1b. Journal of Virology, 42 (1). pp. 106-113.

Kaplan, P. L., Anderson, M., Ozanne, B. (1982) Transforming Growth Factors(S) Production Enables Cells to Grow in the Absence of Serum - an Autocrine System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 79 (2). pp. 485-489.

Engeser, H. (1982) Triglyceride and Cholesterol Ester Metabolism of Rat 1 Cells and Rous-Sarcoma Virus-Transformed Rat 1 Cells. Experimental Cell Research, 139 (2). pp. 396-400.

Griesbach, R. J., Malmberg, R. L., Carlson, P. S. (1982) Uptake of Isolated Lily Chromosomes by Tobacco Protoplasts. Journal of Heredity, 73 (2). pp. 151-152.

Gingeras, T. R., Rice, P., Roberts, R. J. (1982) A semi-automated method for the reading of nucleic acid sequencing gels. Nucleic Acids Research, 10 (1). pp. 103-114.

Perucho, M., Goldfarb, M., Shimizu, K., Lama, C., Fogh, J., Wigler, M. H. (December 1981) Human-tumor-derived cell lines contain common and different transforming genes. Cell, 27 (3 Pt 2). pp. 467-76.

Sellstrom, A., Henn, F., Jacobson, I., Venema, R. (October 1981) On the Ca2+-permeability of neurons and glia. Acta Physiol Scand, 113 (2). pp. 253-8.

Findlay, J. B., Brett, M., Pappin, D. J. (September 1981) Primary structure of C-terminal functional sites in ovine rhodopsin. Nature, 293 (5830). pp. 314-7.

Stephens, D. L., Miller, T. J., Silver, L., Zipser, D., Mertz, J. E. (July 1981) Easy-to-Use Equipment for the Accurate Micro-Injection of Nanoliter Volumes into the Nuclei of Amphibian Oocytes. Analytical Biochemistry, 114 (2). pp. 299-309.

Solnick, D. (1981) An Adenovirus Mutant Defective in Splicing Rna from Early Region-1a. Nature, 291 (5815). pp. 508-510.

Grodzicker, T. (1981) Adenovirus Sv-40 Hybrids. DNA Tumor Viruses: The Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed.. XIII+1073P.

Smart, J. E., Lewis, J. B., Mathews, M. B., Harter, M. L., Anderson, C. W. (1981) Adenovirus Type-2 Early Proteins - Assignment of the Early Region 1a Proteins Synthesized Invivo and Invitro to Specific Messenger-Rnas. Virology, 112 (2). pp. 703-713.

Burridge, K., Feramisco, J. R. (1981) Alpha-Actinin and Vinculin from Non-Muscle Cells - Calcium-Sensitive Interactions with Actin. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 46. pp. 587-597.

McKay, R. D. G. (1981) Binding of a Simian-Virus 40-T Antigen-Related Protein to DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology, 145 (3). pp. 471-488.

McKay, R., Dimaio, D. (1981) Binding of an Sv40 T-Antigen-Related Protein to the DNA of Sv40 Regulatory Mutants. Nature, 289 (5800). pp. 810-813.

Gething, M. J., Sambrook, J. (1981) Cell-Surface Expression of Influenza Hemagglutinin from a Cloned DNA Copy of the Rna Gene. Nature, 293 (5834). pp. 620-625.

Delanerolle, P., Adelstein, R. S., Feramisco, J. R., Burridge, K. (1981) Characterization of Antibodies to Smooth-Muscle Myosin Kinase and Their Use in Localizing Myosin Kinase in Non-Muscle Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (8). pp. 4738-4742.

Smart, J. E., Oppermann, H., Czernilofsky, A. P., Purchio, A. F., Erikson, R. L., Bishop, J. M. (1981) Characterization of Sites for Tyrosine Phosphorylation in the Transforming Protein of Rous-Sarcoma Virus (Pp60v-Src) and Its Normal Cellular Homolog (Pp60c-Src). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (10). pp. 6013-6017.

Buckley, I. K., Raju, T. R., Stewart, M. (1981) Claims That Intermediate Filaments Contain F-Actin Are Unwarranted. Journal of Cell Biology, 90 (2). pp. 309-311.

Engler, J. A., Kilpatrick, B. A. (1981) Cloning and Characterization of Class-B Adenovirus-Ad3 and Adenovirus-Ad7 DNA. Gene, 13 (2). pp. 125-132.

Kurtz, D. T., Nicodemus, C. F. (1981) Cloning of Alpha-2u Globulin Cdna Using a High-Efficiency Technique for the Cloning of Trace Messenger-Rnas. Gene, 13 (2). pp. 145-152.

Feramisco, J. R., Burridge, K., Smart, J. E., Thomas, G. P. (1981) Coexistence of Vinculin and a Vinculin-Like Protein of Higher Molecular-Weight in Smooth-Muscle. Journal of Cell Biology, 91 (2). A292-A292.

Solnick, D. (1981) Construction of an Adenovirus-Sv40 Recombinant Producing Sv40 T-Antigen from an Adenovirus Late Promoter. Cell, 24 (1). pp. 135-143.

Khatoon, H., Bukhari, A. I. (1981) DNA Rearrangements Associated with Reversion of Bacteriophage Mu-Induced Mutations. Genetics, 98 (1). pp. 1-24.

Hu, S. L., Manley, J. L. (1981) DNA-Sequence Required for Initiation of Transcription Invitro from the Major Late Promoter of Adenovirus-2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (2). pp. 820-824.

Keith, C. H., Feramisco, J. R., Shelanski, M. (1981) Direct Visualization of Fluorescein-Labeled Microtubules Invitro and in Micro-Injected Fibroblasts. Journal of Cell Biology, 88 (1). pp. 234-240.

Lin, J. J. C., Feramisco, J. R. (1981) Disruption of the Invivo Distribution of the Intermediate Filaments in Fibroblasts through the Micro-Injection of a Specific Monoclonal-Antibody. Cell, 24 (1). pp. 185-193.

Blose, S. H. (1981) The Distribution of 10nm Filaments and Microtubules in Endothelial-Cells During Mitosis - Double-Label Immunofluorescence Study. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 1 (4). pp. 417-431.

Albrecht-Buehler, G. (1981) Does the Geometric Design of Centrioles Imply Their Function? Cell Motility, 1 (2). pp. 237-246.

Nussinovitch, I., Bergman, H., Glusman, S., Kravitz, E. A., Harriswarrick, R. M., Rahamimoff, R. (1981) Effect of Noradrenaline on Tetanic and Post-Tetanic Potentiation at the Frog and Rat Neuromuscular-Junction. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 17 (5). pp. 388-389.

Thummel, C., Tjian, R., Grodzicker, T. (1981) Expression of Sv40 T-Antigen under Control of Adenovirus Promoters. Cell, 23 (3). pp. 825-836.

Silver, L. M. (1981) Genetic Organization of the Mouse T-Complex. Cell, 27 (2). pp. 239-240.

George, M., Bukhari, A. I. (1981) Heterogeneous Host DNA Attached to the Left End of Mature Bacteriophage-Mu DNA. Nature, 292 (5819). pp. 175-176.

Neil, J. C., Ghysdael, J., Vogt, P. K., Smart, J. E. (1981) Homologous Tyrosine Phosphorylation Sites in Transformation-Specific Gene-Products of Distinct Avian-Sarcoma Viruses. Nature, 291 (5817). pp. 675-677.

Kurtz, D. T. (1981) Hormonal Inducibility of Rat Alpha-2u Globulin Genes in Transfected Mouse Cells. Nature (London), 291 (5817). pp. 629-631.

Fiddes, J. C., Goodman, H. M. (1981) Human Glyco Protein Hormones Genes. Journal of Supramolecular Structure & Cellular Biochemistry.(SUPPL, 5. p. 396.

Mellon, P., Parker, V., Gluzman, Y., Maniatis, T. (1981) Identification of DNA-Sequences Required for Transcription of the Human Alpha-1-Globin Gene in a New Sv40 Host-Vector System. Cell, 27 (2). pp. 279-288.

Ghosh, P. K., Lebowitz, P., Frisque, R. J., Gluzman, Y. (1981) Identification of a Promoter Component Involved in Positioning the 5' Termini of Simian Virus-40 Early Messenger-Rnas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (1). pp. 100-104.

Ywoh, D. Y., Zipser, D. (1981) Identification of the Gin Protein of Bacterio Phage Mu. Virology, 114 (1). pp. 291-296.

Kwoh, D. Y., Zipser, D. (1981) Identification of the Gin Protein of Bacteriophage-Mu. Virology, 114 (1). pp. 291-296.

Delanerolle, P., Adelstein, R. S., Feramisco, J. R., Burridge, K. (1981) Immunological Characterization and Intracellular-Localization of Myosin Light Chain Kinase. Biophysical Journal, 33 (2). A252-A252.

Stringer, J. R. (1981) Integrated Simian-Virus 40 DNA - Nucleotide-Sequences at Cell-Virus Recombinant Junctions. Journal of Virology, 38 (2). pp. 671-679.

Chaconas, G., Debruijn, F. J., Casadaban, M. J., Lupski, J. R., Kwoh, T. J., Harshey, R. M., Dubow, M. S., Bukhari, A. I. (1981) Invitro and Invivo Manipulations of Bacteriophage Mu DNA - Cloning of Mu Ends and Construction of Mini-Mus Carrying Selectable Markers. Gene, 13 (1). pp. 37-46.

Rosenberg, S., Stracher, A., Burridge, K. (1981) Isolation and Characterization of a Calcium-Sensitive Alpha-Actinin-Like Protein from Human-Platelet Cytoskeletons. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 256 (24). pp. 2986-2991.

Perucho, M., Wigler, M. (1981) Linkage and expression of foreign DNA in cultured animal cells. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 45 Pt. pp. 829-38.

Zipser, D., Lipsich, L., Kwoh, J. (1981) Mapping Functional Domains in the Promoter Region of the Herpes Thymidine Kinase Gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (10). pp. 6276-6280.

Lin, J. J. (1981) Mapping Structural Proteins of Cultured-Cells by Monoclonal-Antibodies. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 46. pp. 769-783.

Harshey, R. M., Bukhari, A. I. (1981) A Mechanism of DNA Transposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 78 (2). pp. 1090-1094.

Yamashiro-Matsumura, S., Kawata, M. (1981) Methionyl Transfer Rna Synthetase Induced Conformational Change of Escherichia-Coli Formyl Methionine Transfer Rna. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 256 (17). pp. 9308-9312.

Bukhari, A. I. (1981) Models of DNA Transposition. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 56-60.

Strathern, J. N., Hicks, J. B., Klar, A. J. S., Nasmyth, K. (1981) Molecular Details of the Directed DNA Rearrangement That Differentiates Cell Type in Yeast. Journal of Supramolecular Structure & Cellular Biochemistry.(SUPPL, 5). p. 399.

Thomas, G. P., Welch, W. J., Mathews, M. B., Feramisco, J. R. (1981) Molecular and Cellular Effects of Heat-Shock and Related Treatments of Mammalian Tissue-Culture Cells. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 46. pp. 985-996.

Lewis, J. A., Kurtz, D. T., Melera, P. W. (1981) Molecular-Cloning of Chinese-Hamster Dihydrofolate Reductase-Specific Cdna and the Identification of Multiple Dihydrofolate-Reductase Messenger-Rnas in Antifolate-Resistant Chinese-Hamster Lung Fibroblasts. Nucleic Acids Research, 9 (6). pp. 1311-1322.

Zipser, B., McKay, R. (1981) Monoclonal-Antibodies Distinguish Identifiable Neurons in the Leech. Nature, 289 (5798). pp. 549-554.

Lin, J. J. C. (1981) Monoclonal-Antibodies against Myofibrillar Components of Rat Skeletal-Muscle Decorate the Intermediate Filaments of Cultured-Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (4). pp. 2335-2339.

Matsumura, F., Lin, J. J. C. (1981) Monoclonal-Antibodies to Tropomyosin Decorate Native Thin-Filaments with 38nm Periodicity. Journal of Cell Biology, 91 (2). A290-A290.

Lin, J. J. C., Queally, S. A. (1981) Monoclonal-Antibody to Golgi-Associated Protein. Journal of Cell Biology, 91 (2). A390-A390.

Burridge, K., Feramisco, J. R. (1981) Non-Muscle Alpha-Actinins - Calcium-Sensitive Actin-Binding Proteins. Journal of Cell Biology, 91 (2). A292-A292.

Burridge, K., Feramisco, J. R. (1981) Non-Muscle Alpha-Actinins Are Calcium-Sensitive Actin-Binding Proteins. Nature, 294 (5841). pp. 565-567.

Bergman, H., Harriswarrick, R. M., Kravitz, E. A., Nussinovitch, I., Rahamimoff, R. (1981) Noradrenaline Augments Tetanic Potentiation of Transmitter Release by a Calcium Dependent Process. Brain Research, 214 (1). pp. 200-204.

Topp, W. C. (1981) Normal Rat-Cell Lines Deficient in Nuclear Thymidine Kinase. Virology, 113 (1). pp. 408-411.

Engler, J. A., Vanbree, M. P. (1981) The Nucleotide-Sequence and Protein-Coding Capability of the Transposable Element Is5. Gene, 14 (3). pp. 155-163.

Engler, J. A. (1981) The Nucleotide-Sequence of the Polypeptide-Ix Gene of Human Adenovirus Type-3. Gene, 13 (4). pp. 387-394.

Grodzicker, T., Hopkins, N. (1981) Origins of Contemporary DNA Tumor Virus Research. DNA Tumor Viruses: The Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed.. XIII+1073P.

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Sambrook, J., Botchan, M., Gallimore, P., Ozanne, B., Pettersson, U., Williams, J., Sharp, P. A. (1974) Viral DNA Sequences in Cells Transformed by Simian Virus 40, Adenovirus Type 2 and Adenovirus Type 5. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 39. pp. 615-632.

Gallimore, P. H., Sharp, P. A., Sambrook, J. (1974) Viral DNA in Transformed-Cells .2. Study of Sequences of Adenovirus-2 DNA in Nine Lines of Transformed Rat Cells Using Specific Fragments of Viral Genome. Journal of Molecular Biology, 89 (1). pp. 49-72.

Botchan, M., Ozanne, B., Sugden, B., Sharp, P. A., Sambrook, J. (1974) Viral DNA in transformed cells. III. The amounts of different regions of the SV40 genome present in a line of transformed mouse cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 71 (10). pp. 4183-7.

Sambrook, J., Sugden, B., Keller, W., Sharp, P. A. (December 1973) Transcription of simian virus 40. 3. Mapping of "early" and "late" species of RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 70 (12). pp. 3711-5.

Shineberg, B., Zipser, D. (December 1973) The ion gene and degradation of beta-galactosidase nonsense fragments. J Bacteriol, 116 (3). pp. 1469-71.

Apte, B. N., Zipser, D. (October 1973) In vivo splicing of protein: one continuous polypeptide from two independently functioning operons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 70 (10). pp. 2969-73.

Vogel, A., Risser, R., Pollack, R. (October 1973) Isolation and characterization of revertant cell lines. 3. Isolation of density-revertants of SV40-transformed 3T3 cells using colchicine. J Cell Physiol, 82 (2). pp. 181-8.

Zeldis, J. B., Bukhari, A. I., Zipser, D. (September 1973) Orientation of prophage Mu. Virology, 55 (1). pp. 289-94.

Greenaway, P. J. (August 1973) A study on the cleavage site specificity of the endonuclease associated with purified simian virus 40 particles. FEBS Lett, 34 (2). pp. 193-7.

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Bukhari, A. I., Zipser, D. (June 1973) Mutants of Escherichia coli with a defect in the degradation of nonsense fragments. Nat New Biol, 243 (129). pp. 238-41.

Greenaway, P. J., LeVine, D. (June 1973) Amino acid compositions of simian virus 40 structural proteins. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 52 (4). pp. 1221-7.

Kelly, F., Sambrook, J. (April 1973) Differential effect of cytochalasin B on normal and transformed mouse cells. Nat New Biol, 242 (120). pp. 217-9.

Karlsson, J. O., Hamberger, A., Henn, F. A. (March 1973) Polypeptide composition of membranes derived from neuronal and glial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 298 (2). pp. 219-29.

Delius, H., Westphal, H., Axelrod, N. (March 1973) Length measurements of RNA synthesized in vitro by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. J Mol Biol, 74 (4). pp. 677-87.

Greenaway, P. J., Murray, K. (March 1973) Polynucleotides associated with histone preparations. Biochem J, 131 (3). pp. 585-91.

Goldman, R. D., Pollack, R., Hopkins, N. H. (March 1973) Preservation of normal behavior by enucleated cells in culture. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 70 (3). pp. 750-4.

Greenaway, P. J., LeVine, D. (February 1973) Binding of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid by wheat-germ agglutinin. Nat New Biol, 241 (110). pp. 191-2.

Allet, B., Jeppesen, P. G., Katagiri, K. J., Delius, H. (January 1973) Mapping the DNA fragments produced by cleavage by lambda DNA with endonuclease RI. Nature, 241 (5385). pp. 120-3.

Pettersson, U., Sambrook, J. (January 1973) Amount of viral DNA in the genome of cells transformed by adenovirus type 2. J Mol Biol, 73 (1). pp. 125-30.

Sunquist, B., Pettersson, U., Thelander, L., Philipson, L. (January 1973) Structural proteins of adenoviruses. IX. Molecular weight and subunit composition of adenovirus type 2 fiber. Virology, 51 (1). pp. 252-6.

Bade, E. G. (1973) Bacteriophage Mu-1 and Problem of DNA-DNA Integration. Acta Physiologica Latinoamericana, 23 (3). p. 128.

Zipser, D. (1973) Cancer Chemotherapy. Nature, 241 (5385). p. 151.

Allet, B., Katagiri, K. J. (1973) Characterization of Polypeptides Made in-Vitro from Bacteriophage-Lambda DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology, 78 (4). p. 589.

Botchan, Michael, McKenna, G., Sharp, P. A. (1973) Cleavage of Mouse DNA by a Restriction Enzyme as a Clue to Arrangement of Genes. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XXXVIII, 38. pp. 383-395.

Danes, B. S., Holley, S. D., Watkins, J. F. (1973) Cystic-Fibrosis - Hybrid Model. American Journal of Human Genetics, 25 (3). pp. 323-326.

Cairns, J. (1973) DNA-Synthesis. British Medical Bulletin, 29 (3). pp. 188-191.

Goldman, R. D., Berg, G., Bushnell, A., Chang, C. M., Dickerman, L., Hopkins, N., Miller, M. L., Pollack, R., Wang, E. (1973) Fibrillar systems in cell motility. Ciba Found Symp, 14. pp. 83-107.

Allet, B. (1973) Fragments Produced by Cleavage of Lambda Deoxyribonucleic Acid with Hemophilus-Parainfluenzae Restriction Enzyme Hpa-Ii. Biochemistry, 12 (20). pp. 3972-3977.

Bukhari, A. I., Metlay, M. (1973) Genetic Mapping of Prophage Mu. Virology, 54 (1). pp. 109-116.

Bade, E. (1973) Host Functions in Development of Bacteriophage Mu-1. Genetics, 74. S14-S14.

Apte, B. N., Zipser, D. (1973) In-Vivo Splicing of Separately Synthesized Polypeptides into Continuous Proteins. Genetics, 74 (JUN). S9-S9.

Sugden, B., Keller, W. (1973) Mammalian Deoxyribonucleic Acid-Dependent Ribonucleic-Acid Polymerases .1. Purification and Properties of an Alpha-Amanitin-Sensitive Ribonucleic-Acid Polymerase and Stimulatory Factors from Hela and Kb Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 248 (11). pp. 3777-3788.

Bruenn, J. (1973) Mutant of Escherichia-Coli with a New, Highly Efficient Promoter for Lactose Operon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 70 (12). pp. 3693-3697.

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Anderson, C. W., Baum, P. R. (1973) Processing of Adenovirus 2-Induced Proteins. Journal of Virology, 12 (2). pp. 241-252.

Gelti Douka, H., Gingeras, T. R., Kambysellis, M. P. (1973) Site of the yolk protein synthesis in D. silvestris. Drosophila Information Service, 50. pp. 161-162.

Pettersson, U. (1973) Some Unusual Properties of Replicating Adenovirus Type-2 DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology, 81 (4). pp. 521-527.

Abelson, J., Boram, W., Bukhari, A. I., Faelen, M., Howe, M., Metlay, M., Taylor, A. L. (1973) Summary of Genetic Mapping of Prophage Mu. Virology, 54 (1). pp. 90-92.

Crawford, L. V. (1973) Synthesis of Polyoma Proteins in-Vitro. Journal of Molecular Biology, 74 (4). p. 627.

Ozanne, B. (1973) Variants of Simian Virus 40-Transformed 3t3 Cells That Are Resistant to Concanavalin-A. Journal of Virology, 12 (1). pp. 79-89.

Watson, J. D. (1973) When Worlds Collide - Research and Know-Nothingism. Bioscience, 23 (7). p. 438.

Gingeras, T. R., Gelti Douka, H., Kambysellis, M. P. (1973) Yolk proteins in Drosophila. Drosophila Information Service, 50. p. 58.

Sigal, N., Delius, H., Kornberg, T., Gefter, M. L., Alberts, B. (December 1972) A DNA-unwinding protein isolated from Escherichia coli: its interaction with DNA and with DNA polymerases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 69 (12). pp. 3537-41.

Keller, W., Crouch, R. (November 1972) Degradation of DNA RNA hybrids by ribonuclease H and DNA polymerases of cellular and viral origin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 69 (11). pp. 3360-4.

Jackson, Arlene Hildebrandt, Sugden, Bill (November 1972) Inhibition by α-amanitin of simian virus 40-specific ribonucleic acid synthesis in nuclei of infected monkey cells. J Virol, 10 (5). pp. 1086-9.

Mulder, C., Delius, H. (November 1972) Specificity of the break produced by restricting endonuclease R 1 in Simian virus 40 DNA, as revealed by partial denaturation mapping. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 69 (11). pp. 3215-9.

Day, L. A., Franklin, R. M., Pettersson, U., Philipson, L. (September 1972) Optical properties of the hexon of adenovirus. Eur J Biochem, 29 (3). pp. 537-41.

Sambrook, J., Sharp, P. A., Keller, W. (September 1972) Transcription of Simian virus 40. I. Separation of the strands of SV40 DNA and hybridization of the separated strands to RNA extracted from lytically infected and transformed cells. J Mol Biol, 70 (1). pp. 57-71.

Alberts, B., Frey, L., Delius, H. (July 1972) Isolation and characterization of gene 5 protein of filamentous bacterial viruses. J Mol Biol, 68 (1). pp. 139-52.

Delius, H., Mantell, N. J., Alberts, B. (June 1972) Characterization by electron microscopy of the complex formed between T4 bacteriophage gene 32-protein and DNA. J Mol Biol, 67 (3). pp. 341-50.

Pearson, P., Delius, H., Traut, R. R. (June 1972) Purification and characterization of 50-S ribosomal proteins of Escherichia coli. Eur J Biochem, 27 (3). pp. 482-90.

Henn, F. A., Hansson, H. A., Hamberger, A. (June 1972) Preparation of plasma membrane from isolated neurons. J Cell Biol, 53 (3). pp. 654-61. ISSN 0021-9525 (Print)0021-9525 (Linking)

Keller, W. (June 1972) RNA-primed DNA synthesis in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 69 (6). pp. 1560-4.

Goldman, R. D., Hopkins, N., Pollack, R. (1972) Aspects of Behavior of Enucleated Vertebrate Cells. Journal of Cell Biology, 55 (2). A87-A87.

Bade, E. G. (1972) Asymmetric Transcription of Bacteriophage Mu-1. Journal of Virology, 10 (6). pp. 1205-1270.

Beckwith, Jon, Grodzicker, Terri, Arditti, Rita (1972) Evidence for two sites in the lac promoter region. Journal of Molecular Biology, 69 (1). pp. 155-160.

Henn, F. A., Haljamae, H., Hamberger, A. (1972) Glial cell function: active control of extracellular K + concentration. Brain Res, 43 (2). pp. 437-43.

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Demerec, Milislav, Hartman, Zlata (1956) Tryptophan mutants in Salmonella typhimurium. Genetic Studies with Bacteria, 612 (612). pp. 5-33.

Book Section

Gluzman, Y., Reichl, H., Solnick, D. (1982) Helper-Free Adenovirus Type 5 Vectors. In: Eukaryotic viral vectors. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 187-192.

Garrels, J. I. (1982) Major Phospho Proteins of Cultured Muscle Cells Kinetics of Phosphorylation and Induction by Heat Shock. In: Muscle development--molecular and cellular control. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 43-52.

Smith, Mervyn G. (1967) Isolation of high-molecular weight DNA from normal and phage infected E. coli. In: Methods in Enzymology. Methods in Enzymology, 12, Pa (Part 1). Academic Press, New York, pp. 545-550.


Watson, James D. (1969) Annual Report. Project Report. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Watson, James D. (1968) Annual Report. Project Report. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Cairns, John (1967) Annual Report. Project Report. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Cairns, John (1966) Annual Report. Project Report. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Cairns, John (1965) Annual Report. Project Report. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Conference or Workshop Item

Hughes, S. H., Sorge, J., Thomas, G. P., Feramisco, J., Chow, L., Garrels, J. (1981) Approaches for Isolating Genes Encoding the Cytoskeletal Proteins and for Reintroducing the Genes into Cultured Cells. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XLVI: Organization of the Cytoplasm, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Albrecht-Buehler, G. (1981) Does Blebbing Reveal the Convulsive Flow of Liquid and Solutes through the Cy- toplasmic Meshwork? In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XLVI: Organization of the Cytoplasm, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Blose, S. H., Matsumura, F., Lin, J. J. C. (1981) Structure of Vimentin 10-Nm Filaments Probed with a Monoclonal-Antibody That Recognizes a Common Antigenic Determinant on Vimentin and Tropomyosin. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XLVI: Organization of the Cytoplasm, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Chaconas, G., Harshey, R. M., Sarvetnick, N., Bukhari, A. I. (1980) Mechanism of Bacterio Phage Mu DNA Transposition. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XLV: Movable Genetic Elements, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Harshey, R. M., Bukhari, A. I. (1980) A Model for Phage Mu Transposition. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XLV: Movable Genetic Elements, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Grodzicker, T., Williams, J., Sharp, P., Sambrook, J. (1974) Physical mapping of temperature-sensitive mutations of adenoviruses. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XXXIX: Tumor Viruses, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y..

Lewis, James B., Anderson, Carl W., Atkins, John F., Gesteland, Ray F. (1974) The origin and destiny of adenovirus proteins. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XXXIX: Tumor Viruses, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y..

Delius, H., Worcel, A. (1973) Electron microscopic studies on the folded chromosome of Escherichia coli. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XXXVIII: Chromosome Structure and Function, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Franklin, Richard M., Harrison, S. C., Pettersson, U., Philipson, L., Brändén, C. I., Werner, P. E. (1971) Structural studies on the adenovirus hexon. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XXXVI: Structure and Function of Proteins at the Three-Dimensional Level, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y..

Rekosh, D., Lodish, H. F., Baltimore, David (1969) Translation of poliovirus RNA by an E. coli cell-free system. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XXXIV: The Mechanism of Protein Synthesis, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. .


Gesteland, Ramond F., Spahr, Pierre F. (1969) Translation of R-17 RNA fragments. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 707-16.

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