Items where Subject is "educational material"

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Number of items at this level: 167.


Akst, J. (August 2011) Chromosomes and Cancer. The Scientist.


Barone, L., Williams, J., Micklos, D. (October 2017) Unmet needs for analyzing biological big data: A survey of 704 NSF principal investigators. PLoS Comput Biol, 13 (10). e1005755. ISSN 1553-734x

Belling, John (1925) On the advancement of science by published papers. Nature, 116. p. 539.

Belling, John (1930) The life-world; poems of science. The Mary Margaret Morgan Co., San Francisco.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (1938) The publication program of the American Philosophical Society. Year Book of the American Philosophical Society. pp. 96-104.


Carvalho, F. I., Johns, C., Gillespie, M. E. (May 2012) Gene expression analysis: Teaching Students to do 30,000 Experiments at once with Microarray. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 40 (3). pp. 181-190. ISSN 1470-8175

Chory, J., Ecker, J. R., Briggs, S., Caboche, M., Coruzzi, G. M., Cook, D., Dangl, J., Grant, S., Guerinot, M. L., Henikoff, S., Martienssen, R., Okada, K., Raikhel, N. V., Somerville, C. R., Weigel, D. (June 2000) National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop report: "The 2010 Project" - Functional genomics and the virtual plant. A blueprint for understanding how plants are built and how to improve them. Plant Physiology, 123 (2). pp. 423-425. ISSN 0032-0889

Cifra, A., Lowe, S.W (November 2015) Exploring cell apoptosis and senescence to understand and treat cancer: an interview with Scott Lowe. Dis Model Mech, 8 (11). pp. 1345-8. ISSN 1754-8411 (Electronic)1754-8403 (Linking)

Clarke, Daniel JB, Wang, Lily, Jones, Alex, Wojciechowicz, Megan L, Torre, Denis, Jagodnik, Kathleen M, Jenkins, Sherry L, McQuilton, Peter, Flamholz, Zachary, Silverstein, Moshe C, Schilder, Brian M, Robasky, Kimberly, Castillo, Claris, Idaszak, Ray, Ahalt, Stanley C, Williams, Jason, Schurer, Stephan, Cooper, Daniel J, de Miranda Azevedo, Ricardo, Klenk, Juergen A, Haendel, Melissa A, Nedzel, Jared, Avillach, Paul, Shimoyama, Mary E, Harris, Rayna M, Gamble, Meredith, Poten, Rudy, Charbonneau, Amanda L, Larkin, Jennie, Brown, C Titus, Bonazzi, Vivien R, Dumontier, Michel J, Sansone, Susanna-Assunta, Ma’ayan, Avi (June 2019) FAIRshake: toolkit to evaluate the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of research digital resources. BioRxiv. (Unpublished)

Comfort, N. C. (August 1995) Two genes, no enzyme: a second look at Barbara McClintock and the 1951 Cold Spring Harbor Symposium. Genetics, 140 (4). pp. 1161-6. ISSN 0016-6731 (Print)

Correns, Carl E. (1905) Gregor Mendel's Briefe an Carl Nageli 1866-1873. Ein Nachtrag zu den veroffentlichen Bastardierungsversuchen Mendels. Abh. Math. Phys., Klasse, Kgl. Sachsischen Gesellschaft Wissenschaftlich (3). p. 187.

Correns, Carl E. (1905) Uber Vererbungsgesetze : Vortrag gehalten in der gemeinschaftlichen Sitzung der naturwissenschaftlichen und der medizinischen Hauptgruppe der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Meran am 27. September 1905 /. Verhandlungen d Gesellsch Deutsch Naturf Aerzte, Allgemeiner Theil . Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.

Cuddihy, J. (March 1991) Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow. Cancer Cells, 3 (3). pp. 110-2. ISSN 1042-2196 (Print)1042-2196 (Linking)

Cumming, G. P., French, T., Hogg, J., McKendrick, D., Gilstad, H., Molik, D., Luciano, J. S. (2017) Trust and provenance in communication to ehealth consumers. In: The Digitization of Healthcare: New Challenges and Opportunities. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 189-203. ISBN 9781349951734 (ISBN); 9781349951727 (ISBN)


Darbishire, Arthur DuKinfield (1906) Professor Lang's breeding experiments with Helix hortensis and H. nemoralis; an abstract and review. Journal of Conchology, 2. p. 193.

Demerec, Milislav (December 1945) Department of Genetics. Project Report. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..

Demerec, Milislav (December 1949) Department of Genetics. Annual Report of the Director of the Department of Genetics, Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 48, 1948-1949. pp. 137-142.

Demerec, Milislav (October 1933) What is a gene? The Journal of Heredity, 24 (10). pp. 368-378.

Demerec, Milislav, Kaufmann, Berwind Petersen (1940) An opportunity for students of heredity. The American Biology Teacher, 2. pp. 216-217.

Demerec, Milislav, Kaufmann, Berwind Petersen (1940) An opportunity for students of heredity. The American Biology Teacher, 2. pp. 216-217.

Demetrick, D. J. (March 1994) Molecular biology primer for the pediatric pathologist. Pediatr Pathol, 14 (2). pp. 339-67. ISSN 0277-0938 (Print)

Dunn, A., Johnstone, R. W., Stillman, B. (September 2019) Joseph F. Sambrook (1939-2019). Nat Struct Mol Biol, 26 (10). pp. 846-847. ISSN 1545-9985


Elgin, Sarah CR, Hays, Shan, Mingo, Vida, Shaffer, Christopher D, Williams, Jason (June 2021) Building Back More Equitable STEM Education: Teach Science by Engaging Students in Doing Science. BioRxiv. (Unpublished)


Fano, Ugo, Demerec, Milislav (1944) Genetics: Physical aspects. In: Medical Physics. Year Book Publishers Inc., Chicago, pp. 495-512.

Feltes, Carol, Gibson, Donna S, Miller, Holly, Norton, Cathy N, Pollock, Ludmila (December 2012) Envisioning the future of science libraries at academic research institutions : a discussion. Other. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Banbury Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

Friedberg, Felix, Witkowski, Jan A. (1997) More on revolutions in biology. BioEssays, 19 (2). pp. 181-182. ISSN 1521-1878

Friesner, J., Assmann, S. M., Bastow, R., Bailey-Serres, J., Beynon, J., Brendel, V., Buell, C. R., Bucksch, A., Busch, W., Demura, T., Dinneny, J. R., Doherty, C. J., Eveland, A. L., Falter-Braun, P., Gehan, M. A., Gonzales, M., Grotewold, E., Gutierrez, R., Kramer, U., Krouk, G., Ma, S., Markelz, R. J. C., Megraw, M., Meyers, B. C., Murray, J. A. H., Provart, N. J., Rhee, S., Smith, R., Spalding, E. P., Taylor, C., Teal, T. K., Torii, K. U., Town, C., Vaughn, M., Vierstra, R., Ware, D., Wilkins, O., Williams, C., Brady, S. M. (December 2017) The Next Generation of Training for Arabidopsis Researchers: Bioinformatics and Quantitative Biology. Plant Physiol, 175 (4). pp. 1499-1509. ISSN 0032-0889

Fuller, R. S., Bambara, R. A., Baker, T., Funnell, B., Wahle, E., O'Donnell, M., Kaiser, D., Skarstad, K., Konforti, B., Maki, S., Katayama, T., Sekimizu, K., Weiner, J. H., Davis, R. W., Rowen, L., Goodman, M. F., Spudich, J., Pfeffer, S., Richardson, C. C., Polaczek, P., Calendar, R., Kolodner, R., Griffith, J., Stillman, B., Modrich, P., Brenner, C., Yanofsky, C. (January 2008) A tribute to Arthur Kornberg 1918-2007. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 15 (1). pp. 2-17. ISSN 1545-9985


Gadermaier, G., Dörler, D., Heigl, F., Mayr, S., Rüdisser, J., Brodschneider, R., Marizzi, C. (September 2018) Peer-reviewed publishing of results from Citizen Science projects. Journal of Science Communication, 17 (3). Article no. L01. ISSN 18242049 (ISSN)

Gann, A. (May 2019) Corvo, Crick and Uncle Syd For Sydney Brenner, 1927-2019. Current Biology, 29 (10). R346-R348. ISSN 0960-9822

Gann, Alexander, Beggs, Jean (July 2014) Noreen Elizabeth Murray CBE. 26 February 1935 — 12 May 2011. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 60. pp. 349-374.

Gann, L. (March 2000) The road less travelled. Current Biology, 10 (5). R173-R173. ISSN 0960-9822

Garfield, E., Hardy, E.F., Börner, K., Pollock, L, Witkowski, J. A. (2010) HistCite Visualization of DNA development. Atlas of Science: Visualizing What We Know..


Hacisalihoglu, G., Hilgert, U., Nash, E. B., Micklos, D. A. (2008) An innovative plant genomics and gene annotation program for high school, community college, and university faculty. CBE Life Sci Educ, 7 (3). pp. 310-6.

Harris, James Arthur (July 1907) Biology in the Journal of Agricultural Science. The American Naturalist, 41 (487). pp. 473-474.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1907) Plant cultivation in art and education. The American Naturalist, 41 (492). pp. 816-817.

Harris, James Arthur (September 1907) Plant geography. The American Naturalist, 41 (489). pp. 601-603.

Harris, James Arthur (May 1903) Review: Recent literature on seedlings. The American Naturalist, 37 (437). pp. 352-354.

Harris, James Arthur (April 1904) A new theory of the origin of species. The Open Court, 18 (575). pp. 193-202.

Harris, James Arthur (October 1904) The origin of species by mutation. The Monist, 14 (5). pp. 641-671.

Herr, W. (March 2001) A four-year Ph.D. degree in the biological sciences. Faseb Journal, 15 (5). A865-A865. ISSN 0892-6638

Hilgert, U., McKay, S., Ghiban, C., Khalfan, M., Micklos, D., Williams, J. (July 2014) DNA Subway: Making genome analysis egalitarian. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . Association for Computing Machinery, Article number 70. ISBN 978-145032893-7

Horder, T., Witkowski, J. A., Wylie, C.C. (1986) A History of Embryology. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780405065750


Inglis, J.R., Sambrook, J., Witkowski, J.A. (2003) Inspiring Science: Jim Watson and the Age of DNA. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. ISBN 9780879696986


Jamieson, K. H., McNutt, M., Kiermer, V., Sever, R. (September 2019) Signaling the trustworthiness of science. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 116 (39). pp. 19231-19236. ISSN 0027-8424

Jensen-Vargas, E., Marizzi, C. (June 2018) DNA Barcoding for Identification of Consumer-Relevant Fungi Sold in New York: A Powerful Tool for Citizen Scientists? Foods, 7 (6). ISSN 2304-8158 (Print)2304-8158

Jordan, Shawn (2016) David Spector: Coordinating gene expression in space and time. The Journal of Cell Biology, 214 (7). pp. 786-787.


Kepecs, Adam (April 2009) Decisions, decisions. Nature, 458 (7240). p. 835.

Kopec, C. D., Bowers, A. C., Pai, S. , Brody, C. D. (March 2011) Semi-automated atlas-based analysis of brain histological sections. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 196 (1). ISSN 0165-0270


Lang, Arnold (1905) Ueber die Mendelschen Gesetze, Art- und Varietatenbildung, Mutation und Variation, imbesondere bei unsern Hain und Gartenschnecken. Vortrag gehalten and der Versammlung der schweizereichen Naturforschenden Ges. Verhandlung der Schweizer Naturforscher Gesellschaft.


MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (August 1905) Hugo de Vries portrait. Open Court, 19. pp. 449-453.

Matasci, N., McKay, S. (June 2013) Phylogenetic analysis with the iPlant discovery environment. Current protocols in bioinformatics (SUPPL.). 6.13.1-6.13.13. ISSN 19343396 (ISSN)

McGregor, J (July 2014) Study: Top labs run by men tend to hire fewer women. Washington Post.

Micklos, D., Carlson, E. (November 2000) Engineering American society: the lesson of eugenics. Nature Reviews Genetics, 1 (2). pp. 153-158. ISSN 1471-0056

Micklos, D., Lauter, S., Nisselle, A. (2011) Essays on science and society. Lessons from a science education portal. Science, 334 (6063). pp. 1657-1658. ISSN 00368075 (ISSN)

Micklos, D. A., Freyer, G. A. (1990) DNA science : a first course in recombinant DNA technology. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. ISBN 0892784113

Micklos, D. (August 2007) Coming into the gene age: The challenge to biology educators. Chromosome Research, 15 (S2). p. 70. ISSN 0967-3849


Nisselle, A., Hanns, S., Green, J., Jones, T. (March 2012) Accessing Flexible Learning Opportunities: Children's and Young People's use of Laptops in a Paediatric Hospital. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 21 (1). pp. 3-20. ISSN 1475939X (ISSN)


Poeppel, D., Brown, M., Solomon, S., Coyne, J. A., Wang, M.-W., Zittrain, J., Zimmer, C., Frankel, F., Rienhoff, H. Y., Hood, B., Shubin, N., Scott, E., Knapp, S., Kepecs, A. (July 2009) A break from the bench. Nature, 460 (7255). pp. 574-577.

Pollock, L., Feltes, C., Gibson, D., Miller, H., Norton, C. (October 2012) Data management: Librarians or science informationists? Nature, 490 (7420). p. 343. ISSN 00280836


Rabinowicz, P. D. (March 2001) Genomics in Latin America: Reaching the Frontiers. Genome Research, 11 (3). pp. 319-322. ISSN 1088-9051

Riddle, Oscar (1942) Amount and nature of biology teachers in secondary schools. In: The teaching of biology in secondary schools of the United States. Committee on the Teaching of Biology of the Union of American Biological Societies, pp. 54-76.

Riddle, Oscar (1941) Barriers to effective teaching of secondary school biology. In: Making Science instruction more worthwhile. Dept. of science instruction of the National education association of the United States of America , Washington, D. C., pp. 20-27.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1940) Better health through expanded science teaching. The Science Teacher, 7. pp. 22-24.

Riddle, Oscar (February 1945) "Education for all American youth" from the point of view of a biologist. School and Society, 61 (1574). pp. 113-116.

Riddle, Oscar (June 1936) Life-science and man. The Scientific Monthly, 42 (6). pp. 537-540.

Riddle, Oscar (1941) Preliminary impressions and facts from a questionnaire on secondary school biology. The American Biology Teacher, 3 (5). pp. 151-159.

Riddle, Oscar (1941) Science in education in a democracy. The Science Teacher, 8. pp. 1-2.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1914) The determination of sex and its experimental control. Bulletin of the American Academy of Medicine, 15 (5). pp. 265-285.

Riddle, Oscar (December 1942) The preparation of high-school science teachers. The American Biology Teacher, 5 (3). pp. 63-65.


Sever, R. (July 2008) Reduce confusion by using 'design' more intelligently. Nature, 454 (7200). p. 27.

Sever, R., Janssen, K. (September 2017) Career Options for Scientists. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 9 (9). ISSN 1943-0264

Sheltzer, J. M., Smith, J. C. (July 2014) Elite male faculty in the life sciences employ fewer women. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111 (28). pp. 10107-12. ISSN 1091-6490 (Electronic)0027-8424 (Linking)

Sherman, F., Fink, G., Hicks, J. (1987) Methods in Yeast Genetics: A Laboratory Course Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 9780879691974

Shull, George Harrison (May 1905) Reviews: Species and varieties: Their origin by mutation. Torreya, 5 (5). pp. 89-93.

Sinnott, Edmond Ware, Allen, C. E., Nichols, G. E., Avery, G. S., Schramm, J. R., True, R. H., Blakeslee, Albert Francis (January 1936) Report of the committee on the "American Journal of Botany". American Journal of Botany, 23 (1). pp. 80-81.

Steggerda, Morris (1942) Anthropometry of the living: A study on checking of techniques. In: Anthropological Briefs. University of Virginia, pp. 7-15.

Steggerda, Morris (October 1941) Marty Dzib: What nature means to one Maya Indian. Nature Magazine, 34 (8).

Steggerda, Morris (1944) Polished or brown rice? manuscript.

Strong, Leonell C. (1926) Genetic studies on the nature of cancer. The American Naturalist, 60 (668). pp. 201-226.


Thorner, J., Hunter, T., Cantley, L. C., Sever, R. (October 2014) Signal Transduction: From the Atomic Age to the Post-Genomic Era. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 6 (12). a022913. ISSN 1943-0264

Tschermak, Erich von (1904) Reviews of Bateson, W.: Address to the Zoological Section B.A.A.S. Jahrbuch f Pflanzen und Tierzuchtung.

Tschermak, Erich von (1904) Reviews of Bateson, W.: Experiments undertaken by W. Bateson and E.R. Saunders. Report 1 to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. Jahrbuch f Pflanzen und Tierzuchtung. p. 3.

Tschermak, Erich von (1910) Stachellose Kakteen als Viehfutter. Monatshefte fur Landwirtschaft (4).

Tully, T. (February 2003) Pavlov's dogs. Current Biology, 13 (4). R117-R119.

Tully, T. (May 2003) Reply: The myth of a myth. Current Biology, 13 (11). R426-R426. ISSN 0960-9822

Tuveson, D. (April 2017) Waging war against pancreatic cancer: an interview with David Tuveson. Dis Model Mech, 10 (4). pp. 353-357. ISSN 1754-8403


Vetere, F., Green, J., Nisselle, A., Dang, X. T., Zazryn, T., Deng, P. P. (May 2012) Inclusion during school absence: Using ambient technology to create a classroom presence for hospitalised children. Telecommunication Journal of Australia, 62 (5). Article no. 67. ISSN 00402486

Vries, Hugo de (1904) Californische Fruchten. De Gids.

Vries, Hugo de (1904) Das Wusten-Laboratorium zu Tucson in Arizona. Naturw. Wochenschrift, 3 (26).

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Naar Californie. Reis Herinneringen. H. D. Tjeenk Willink & zoon, Haarlem [Netherlands].

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Teunis bloemen in Noord-Amerika. Album der Natuur. p. 16.

Vries, Hugo de (1905) A visit to Luther Burbank. Popular Science Monthly, 67. pp. 329-347.


Walter, Herbert Eugene (March 1906) The behavior of the pond snail. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Watson, J. D. (1990) Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology - Foreword. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 55. R15-R15. ISSN 0091-7451

Watson, J. D. (May 2001) No campaign to strip Baltimore of his Nobel. Nature, 411 (6834). pp. 131-132. ISSN 0028-0836

Watson, J. D. (March 1991) Salvador E. Luria (1912-1991). Nature, 350 (6314). p. 113. ISSN 0028-0836 (Print)0028-0836 (Linking)

Watson, J. D. (June 1991) Technology Development in Key Areas Can Help Human Genome Project Reach Its Goals. Genetic Engineering News, 11 (6). 4-&. ISSN 0270-6377

Watson, J. D. (July 2008) Testimonial to Judah Folkman, M.D. APMIS, 116 (7-8). p. 543.

Watson, J. D. (1991) The human genome project: past, present, and future. Biotechnology Education, 2 (1). pp. 3-8. ISSN 0955-6621

Watson, J. D. (2015) The pursuit of happiness: Liberty Medal Address, City of Philadelphia, 4 July 2000. In: Culture of Chemistry: The Best Articles on the Human Side of 20th-Century Chemistry from the Archives of the Chemical Intelligencer. Springer US, pp. 43-44. ISBN 9781489975652 (ISBN); 9781489975645 (ISBN)

Watson, J. D., Caudy, A. A., Myers, R. M., Witkowski, J. (2006) Recombinant DNA: Genes and Genomes -- a short course. W. H. Freeman & Co., New York. ISBN 9780716728665

Whiting, P. W. (1935) Correction of two errors regarding selective fertilization. The Journal of Heredity, 26. p. 192.

Williams, J. J., Teal, T. K. (January 2017) A vision for collaborative training infrastructure for bioinformatics. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1387 (1). pp. 54-60. ISSN 1749-6632 (Electronic)0077-8923 (Linking)

Williams, Jason J, Drew, Jennifer C, Galindo-Gonzalez, Sebastian, Robic, Srebrenka, Dinsdale, Elizabeth, Morgan, William, Triplett, Eric W, Burnette, James, Donovan, Samuel, Elgin, Sarah, Fowlks, Edison R, Goodman, Anya L, Grandgenett, Nealy F, Goller, Carlos, Hauser, Charles, Jungck, John R, Newman, Jeffrey D, Pearson, William, Ryder, Elizabeth, Wilson Sayres, Melissa A, Sierk, Michael, Smith, Todd, Tosado-Acevedo, Rafael, Tapprich, William, Tobin, Tammy C, Toro, Arlín, Welch, Lonnie, Wright, Robin, Ebenbach, David, McWilliams, Mindy, Rosenwald, Anne G, Pauley, Mark A (October 2017) Barriers to Integration of Bioinformatics into Undergraduate Life Sciences Education. BioRxiv. (Unpublished)

Wilson Sayres, M. A., Hauser, C., Sierk, M., Robic, S., Rosenwald, A. G., Smith, T. M., Triplett, E. W., Williams, J. J., Dinsdale, E., Morgan, W. R., Burnette, J. M., Donovan, S. S., Drew, J. C., Elgin, S. C. R., Fowlks, E. R., Galindo-Gonzalez, S., Goodman, A. L., Grandgenett, N. F., Goller, C. C., Jungck, J. R., Newman, J. D., Pearson, W., Ryder, E. F., Tosado-Acevedo, R., Tapprich, W., Tobin, T. C., Toro-Martinez, A., Welch, L. R., Wright, R., Barone, L., Ebenbach, D., McWilliams, M., Olney, K. C., Pauley, M. A. (June 2018) Bioinformatics core competencies for undergraduate life sciences education. PLoS One, 13 (6). e0196878. ISSN 1932-6203

Wilson Sayres, Melissa A, Hauser, Charles, Sierk, Michael, Robic, Srebrenka, Rosenwald, Anne G, Smith, Todd M, Triplett, Eric W, Williams, Jason J, Dinsdale, Elizabeth, Morgan, William, Burnette, James M, Donovan, Samuel S, Drew, Jennifer C, Elgin, Sarah CR, Fowlks, Edison R, Galindo-Gonzalez, Sebastian, Goodman, Anya L, Grandgenett, Neal F, Goller, Carlos C, Jungck, John, Newman, Jeffrey D, Pearson, William, Ryder, Elizabeth, Tosado-Acevedo, Rafael, Tapprich, William, Tobin, Tammy C, Toro-Martínez, Arlín, Welch, Lonnie R, Wright, Robin, Ebenbach, David, Olney, Kimberly C, McWilliams, Mindy, Pauley, Mark A (August 2017) Bioinformatics Core Competencies for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education. BioRxiv. (Unpublished)

Witkowksi, J. A. (2000) A Brief History of Life, or How DNA took over Biology. Newton, 20. pp. 44-47.

Witkowksi, J. A. (1987) Cell aging in vitro: A historical perspective. Experimental Gerontology, 22 (4). pp. 231-248. ISSN 0531-5565

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Witkowksi, J. A. (1986) Reason is silent before beauty. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 11 (1). p. 52. ISSN 0968-0004

Witkowski, J. (2008) Charles Benedict Davenport 1866-1944. Davenport’s Dream: 21st Reflections on Heredity and Eugenics.

Witkowski, J. (2003) Gene Hunting: The Genetics of Human Disease. DNA - The Secret of Life.

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Witkowski, J., Inglis, J.R. (2003) Education by the Sea Shore. Inspiring Science: Jim Watson and the Age of DNA.

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