Items where Subject is "bird"

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Alestrom, P., Stenlund, A., Li, P., Bellett, A., Pettersson, U. (April 1982) Sequence homology between avian and human adenoviruses. J Virol, 42 (1). pp. 306-10. ISSN 0022-538X (Print)0022-538X (Linking)

Alestrom, P., Stenlund, A., Li, P., Pettersson, U. (May 1982) A common sequence in the inverted terminal repetitions of human and avian adenoviruses. Gene, 18 (2). pp. 193-7. ISSN 0378-1119 (Print)0378-1119 (Linking)

Atwal, G. S. (December 2004) Dynamic plasticity in coupled avian midbrain maps. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 70 (6 Pt 1). 061904. ISSN 1539-3755 (Print)1539-3755 (Linking)


Bartelmez, George W., Riddle, Oscar (March 1924) On parthenogenetic cleavage and on the rôle of water absorption by the ovum in the formation of the subgerminal cavity in the pigeon's egg. American Journal of Anatomy, 33 (1). pp. 57-66.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar (February 1935) The gross action of prolactin and follicle-stimulating hormone on the mature ovary and sex accessories of fowl. The American Journal of Physiology, 111 (2). pp. 361-368.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar (November 1933) The gross action of prolactin and gonad-stimulating hormone on the mature ovary of the fowl (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 57 (4s). p. 30.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar (1940) Annual variation in the crop-sac response to prolactin (Abstract). The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 140 (1). cxliii-iv.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar (November 1941) Annual variation in the response of crop-sacs and viscera of pigeons to prolactin. Endocrinology, 29 (5). pp. 702-709.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar (1940) Effect of volume used for injection in micro-assay of prolactin. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 44. pp. 505-509.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar (April 1938) Preparation of prolactin free from other pituitary hormones and preparation of a mixture of other pituitary hormones free from prolactin (Abstract). unknown.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (June 1936) Racial variation in the crop-gland response of doves and pigeons to prolactin (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology, 116 (1). pp. 7-8.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (June 1937) The mechanism of the anti-gonad action of prolactin in adult pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 119 (3). pp. 610-614.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (March 1939) The racial factor in the pigeon crop-sac method of bioassay of prolactin. The American Journal of Physiology, 125 (4). pp. 722-729.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (October 1939) The rôle of sex, estrogenic hormone, fasting and diuresis in the response of crop-sacs of pigeons to prolactin. The American Journal of Physiology, 127 (3). pp. 422-429.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (October 1941) A strain difference in responsiveness of chick thyroids to thyrotropin and a step-wise increase during three years in thyroid weights of Carneau pigeons. Endocrinology, 29 (4). pp. 492-497.

Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar, Miller, Richard A. (November 1940) Preparation of adrenotropic extracts and their assay on two-day chicks. Endocrinology, 27 (5). pp. 781-792.

Behre, Ellinor H., Riddle, Oscar (December 1919) The effect of quinine on the nitrogen content of the egg albumen of ring doves. The American Journal of Physiology, 50 (3). pp. 364-376.

Benedict, Francis G., Riddle, Oscar (July 1929) The measurement of the basal heat production of pigeons. I. Instrumental technique. II. Physiological technique. The Journal of Nutrition , 1 (6). pp. 475-536.

Bhargava, V., Goldstein, C. D., Russell, L., Xu, L., Ahmed, M., Li, W., Casey, A., Servage, K., Kollipara, R., Picciarelli, Z., Kittler, R., Yatsenko, A., Carmell, M., Orth, K., Amatruda, J. F., Yanowitz, J. L., Buszczak, M. (December 2019) GCNA Preserves Genome Integrity and Fertility Across Species. Dev Cell, 52 (1). pp. 38-52. ISSN 1534-5807 (Public Dataset)

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (April 1915) Fancy points vs. utility. The Journal of Heredity, 6 (4). pp. 175-181.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Harris, James Arthur, Warner, D. E., Kirkpatrick, William F. (1917) Pigmentation and other criteria for the selection of laying hens. Bulletin of the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, 92. pp. 95-194.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Warner, D. E. (June 1915) Correlation between egg-laying activity and yellow pigment in the domestic fowl. The American Naturalist, 49 (582). pp. 360-368.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Warner, D. E. (March 1915) Correlation between egg-laying activity and yellow pigment in the domestic fowl (abstract). Science, 41 (1055). pp. 432-434.

Brauth, S. E., Heaton, J. T., Shea, S. D., Durand, S. E., Hall, W. S. (January 1997) Functional anatomy of forebrain vocal control pathways in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 807. pp. 368-85. ISSN 0077-8923 (Print)0077-8923

Burridge, K., Feramisco, J. R. (1981) Alpha-Actinin and Vinculin from Non-Muscle Cells - Calcium-Sensitive Interactions with Actin. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 46. pp. 587-597.


Campagna, L., Gronau, I., Silveira, L. F., Siepel, A., Lovette, I. J. (August 2015) Distinguishing Noise from Signal in Patterns of Genomic Divergence in a Highly Polymorphic Avian Radiation. Mol Ecol, 24 (16). pp. 4238-4251. ISSN 1365-294X (Electronic)0962-1083 (Linking)

Campagna, Leonardo, Mo, Ziyi, Siepel, Adam, Uy, J Albert C (November 2022) Selective sweeps on different pigmentation genes mediate convergent evolution of island melanism in two incipient bird species. Plos Genetics, 18 (11). e1010474. ISSN 1553-7390

Castle, William Ernest (July 1911) On "soma influence" in ovarian transplantation. Science, 34 (865). pp. 113-115.

Cowan, N. J., Wilde, C. D., Chow, L. T., Wefald, F. C. (1981) Structural Variation among Human Beta-Tubulin Genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (8). pp. 4877-4881.


Davenport, Charles Benedict (December 1911) Another case of sex-limited heredity in poultry. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 9 (2). pp. 19-20.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (July 1912) Sex-limited inheritance in poultry. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 13 (1). pp. 1-18.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (August 1914) The bare necks. The Journal of Heredity, 5 (8). p. 374.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1914) The origin of domestic fowl. The Journal of Heredity, 5 (7). pp. 313-315.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (March 1911) The transplantation of ovaries in chickens. Journal of Morphology, 22 (1). pp. 111-122.

Delanerolle, P., Adelstein, R. S., Feramisco, J. R., Burridge, K. (1981) Characterization of Antibodies to Smooth-Muscle Myosin Kinase and Their Use in Localizing Myosin Kinase in Non-Muscle Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 78 (8). pp. 4738-4742.

Dunham, H. H., Riddle, Oscar (October 1942) Effects of a series of steroids on ovulation and reproduction in pigeons. Physiological Zoology, 15 (4). pp. 383-394.


Fee, M. S., Shraiman, B., Pesaran, B., Mitra, P. P. (1998) The role of nonlinear dynamics of the syrinx in the vocalizations of a songbird. Nature, 395 (6697). pp. 67-71. ISSN 00280836 (ISSN)

Feramisco, J. R., Burridge, K., Smart, J. E., Thomas, G. P. (1981) Coexistence of Vinculin and a Vinculin-Like Protein of Higher Molecular-Weight in Smooth-Muscle. Journal of Cell Biology, 91 (2). A292-A292.

Feramisco, J. R., Smart, J. E., Burridge, K., Helfman, D. M., Thomas, G. P. (1982) Coexistence of Vinculin and a Vinculin-Like Protein of Higher Molecular-Weight in Smooth-Muscle. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 257 (18). pp. 1024-1031.


Goodale, Hubert Dana (June 1911) Sex-limited inheritance and sexual dimorphism in poultry. Science, 33 (859). pp. 939-940.

Goodale, Hubert Dana (April 1911) Studies on hybrid ducks. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 10 (3). pp. 241-254.

Greenaway, P. J., Levine, D. (June 1974) Identification of a soluble protein methylase in chicken embryo nuclei. Biochim Biophys Acta, 350 (2). pp. 374-82.


Haesler, S., Rochefort, C., Georgi, B., Licznerski, P., Osten, P., Scharff, C. (December 2007) Incomplete and inaccurate vocal imitation after knockdown of FoxP2 in songbird basal ganglia nucleus Area X. PLoS Biology, 5 (12). e321. ISSN 1544-9173

Hall, W. S., Cookson, K. K., Heaton, J. T., Roberts, T., Shea, S. D., Brauth, S. E. (January 1997) Audio-vocal learning in budgerigars. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 807. pp. 352-67. ISSN 0077-8923 (Print)0077-8923

Hall, W. S., Cookson, K. K., Heaton, J. T., Roberts, T. F., Shea, S. D., Amateau, S. K., Brauth, S. E. (1999) Cytoarchitecture of vocal control nuclei in nestling budgerigars: Relationships to call development. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 53 (4). pp. 198-226. ISSN 00068977 (ISSN)

Harris, James Arthur (August 1922) The correlation between monthly and annual egg production in the pullet year in White Wyandotte fowl. Poultry Science, 1 (6). pp. 196-202.

Harris, James Arthur (1923) The correlation between the time of beginning and time of cessation of laying in the first and second laying year in the domestic fowl. Genetics, 8 (1). p. 37.

Harris, James Arthur (May 1911) A neglected paper on natural selection in the English sparrow. The American Naturalist , 45 (533). pp. 314-318.

Harris, James Arthur, Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Kirkpatrick, William F. (September 1917) Inter-periodic correlation in the egg production of the domestic fowl. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3 (9). pp. 565-569.

Harris, James Arthur, Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Kirkpatrick, William F. (January 1918) The correlation between egg production during various periods of the year in the domestic fowl. Genetics, 3 (1). pp. 27-72.

Harris, James Arthur, Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Warner, D. E. (April 1917) Body pigmentation and egg production in the fowl. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3 (4). pp. 237-241.

Harris, James Arthur, Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Warner, D. E., Kirkpatrick, William F. (January 1917) The correlation between body pigmentation and egg production in the domestic fowl. Genetics, 2 (1). pp. 36-77.

Harris, James Arthur, Goodale, Hubert Dana (September 1922) The correlation between the egg production of the various periods of the year in the Rhode Island Red breed of domestic fowl. Genetics, 7 (5). pp. 446-465.

Harris, James Arthur, Kirkpatrick, William F., Blakeslee, Albert Francis (July 1921) The prediction of annual egg production from the records of limited periods. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 7 (7). pp. 213-219.

Harris, James Arthur, Kirkpatrick, William F., Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Warner, D. E., Card, L. E. (May 1921) The egg records of limited periods as criteria for predicting the egg production of the white leghorn fowl. Genetics, 6 (3). pp. 265-309.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (February 1923) Biometric considerations on the inheritance of fecundity in the White Leghorn fowl. Poultry Science, 2 (3). pp. 65-74.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (June 1923) Further notes on the "winter cycle" in the domestic fowl. Science, 57 (1483). pp. 644-645.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (May 1922) The correlation between first- and second- year egg production in the domestic fowl. Genetics, 7 (3). pp. 274-318.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (June 1922) The correlation between the monthly record of the first year and the annual record of the second year, with special reference to culling for second year production. Poultry Science, 1 (5). pp. 145-150.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (1922) The interrelationship of the egg records of various periods during the first and second year of the White Leghorn fowl. Poultry Science, 1 (4). pp. 97-107.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (September 1921) The second-year record of birds which did and did not lay during individual months of the pullet year. Science, 54 (1393). pp. 224-226.

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (August 1922) The "winter cycle" in the fowl. Science, 56 (1443). pp. 230-231.

Hejase, Hussein, Salman-Minkov, Ayelet, Campagna, Leonardo, Hubisz, Melissa, Lovette, Irby, Gronau, Ilan, Siepel, Adam (March 2020) Genomic islands of differentiation in a rapid avian radiation have been driven by recent selective sweeps. BioRxiv. (Unpublished)

Hollander, Willard Fisher, Riddle, Oscar (January 1946) Goiter in domestic pigeons. Poultry Science, 25 (1). pp. 20-27.

Hollander, Willard Fisher, Riddle, Oscar (September 1945) On partial melanism associated with parathyroid enlargement in pigeons. The American Naturalist, 79 (784). pp. 456-463.

Holt, C., Campbell, M., Keays, D. A., Edelman, N., Kapusta, A., Maclary, E., Domyan, E. T., Suh, A., Warren, W. C., Yandell, M., Gilbert, M. T. P., Shapiro, M. D. (May 2018) Improved Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia). G3-Genes Genomes Genetics, 8 (5). pp. 1391-1398. ISSN 2160-1836

Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth, Riddle, Oscar (1922) Increased blood sugar coincident with ovulation in pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 19 (8). pp. 377-380.

Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth, Riddle, Oscar (1923) The action of iletin (insulin) on the blood-sugar of pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 20 (5). pp. 248-252.

Hughes, S. H. (1982) Sequence of the Long Terminal Repeat and Adjacent Segments of the Endogenous Avian Virus Rous-Associated Virus-0. Journal of Virology, 43 (1). pp. 191-200.


Karten, H. J., Brzozowska-Prechtl, A., Lovell, P. V., Tang, D. D., Mello, C. V., Wang, H., Mitra, P. P. (November 2013) Digital atlas of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) brain: a high-resolution photo atlas. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 521 (16). pp. 3702-15. ISSN 1096-9861 (Electronic) 0021-9967 (Linking)

Koch, Mathilda L., Riddle, Oscar (December 1919) Further studies on the chemical composition of the brain of normal and ataxic pigeons. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 31 (2). pp. 83-110.

Koch, Mathilda L., Riddle, Oscar (September 1918) The chemical composition of the brain of normal and ataxic (?) pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 46 (1). pp. 124-136.


Lahr, Ernest L., Bates, Robert Wesley, Riddle, Oscar (March 1943) Non-specific results obtained with the micro-method for assay of prolactin. Endocrinology, 32 (3). pp. 251-259.

Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar (August 1945) Intersexuality in male embryos of pigeons. The Anatomical Record, 92 (4). pp. 425-431.

Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar (September 1938) Proliferation of crop-sac epithelium in incubating and in prolactin-injected pigeons studied with colchicine method. The American Journal of Physiology, 123 (3). pp. 614-619.

Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar (June 1938) Proliferation of crop-sac epithelium in incubating and in prolactin-injected pigeons studied with colchicine method (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology, 123 (1). p. 124.

Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar (October 1944) The action of steroid hormones on the mature dove testis. Endocrinology, 35 (4). pp. 261-266.

Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar, Bates, Robert Wesley (May 1936) Histological changes induced in the testes of immature doves and pigeons by gonadotropic hormone (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology , 116 (1). pp. 94-95.

Lahr, Ernest L., Riddle, Oscar, Bates, Robert Wesley (May 1941) The response of testes of immature pigeons to gonadotrophins. Endocrinology, 28 (5). pp. 681-693.

Lawrence, John Vincent, Riddle, Oscar (September 1916) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: VI. Sexual differences in the fat and phosphorus content of the blood of fowls. The American Journal of Physiology, 41 (3). pp. 430-437.

Lazarides, E. (1975) Tropomyosin Antibody - Specific Localization of Tropomyosin in Nonmuscle Cells. Journal of Cell Biology, 65 (3). pp. 549-561.

Lin, J. J. C., Burridge, K. (1980) Preparation of Monoclonal-Antibodies against Cytoskeletal Components of Chicken Gizzard. Journal of Cell Biology, 87 (2). A216-A216.

Little, Clarence Cook (March 1920) Alternative explanations for the exceptional color classes in doves and canaries. The American Naturalist, 54 (631). pp. 162-175.

Lovell, P. V., Wirthlin, M., Kaser, T., Buckner, A. A., Carleton, J. B., Snider, B. R., McHugh, A. K., Tolpygo, A., Mitra, P. P., Mello, C. V. (August 2020) ZEBrA: Zebra finch Expression Brain Atlas-A resource for comparative molecular neuroanatomy and brain evolution studies. J Comp Neurol, 528 (12). pp. 2099-2131. ISSN 0021-9967


MacDowell, Edwin Carleton, Lord, Elizabeth M. (March 1926) The relative viability of male and female mouse embryos. American Journal of Anatomy, 37 (1). pp. 127-140.

Marvin, Horace N., Smith, Guinevere C. (1943) Technique for thyroidectomy in the pigeon and the early effect of thyroid removal on heat production. Endocrinology, 32. pp. 87-91.

McDonald, Margaret R., Riddle, Oscar (July 1945) The effect of reproduction and estrogen administration on the partition of calcium phosphorus and nitrogen in pigeon plasma. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 159 (2). pp. 445-464.

McDonald, Margaret R., Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C. (July 1945) Action of thyroxin on estrogen-induced changes in blood chemistry and endosteal bone. Endocrinology, 37 (1). pp. 23-28.

Miller, Richard A., Riddle, Oscar (June 1943) Ability of adrenal cortical hormones, prolactin and thyroxin to sustain weight of body and viscera of hypophysectomized pigeons. Endocrinology, 32 (6). pp. 463-474.

Miller, Richard A., Riddle, Oscar (December 1942) Effects of adrenal cortical hormones alone and in combination with prolactin on body and visceral weights in hypophysectomized pigeons(Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 84 (4, Sup). p. 60.

Miller, Richard A., Riddle, Oscar (1943) Effects of prolactin and cortical hormones on body weight and food intake of adrenalectomized pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 52. pp. 231-233.

Miller, Richard A., Riddle, Oscar (December 1939) Rest, activity and repair in cortical cells of the pigeon adrenal (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 75 (4, Sup). p. 103.

Miller, Richard A., Riddle, Oscar (November 1942) The cytology of the adrenal cortex of normal pigeons and in experimentally induced atrophy and hypertrophy. American Journal of Anatomy, 71 (3). pp. 311-335.

Miller, Ronald Alan (1942) Effects of anterior pituitary preparations and insulin on islet cells of the pigeon pancreas. Endocrinology, 31. p. 535.

Miller, Ronald Alan, Riddle, Oscar (1939) Stimulation of adrenal cortex of pigeons by ant. pituitary hormones and by their secondary products. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 41 (2). pp. 518-522.

Moreno-Lopez, J., Ahola, H., Stenlund, A., Osterhaus, A., Pettersson, U. (September 1984) Genome of an avian papillomavirus. J Virol, 51 (3). pp. 872-5. ISSN 0022-538X (Print)0022-538X (Linking)

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, Goodale, Hubert Dana (July 1912) Sex-linked inheritance in poultry. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 22. 113-133, plates XVII.


Neil, J. C., Ghysdael, J., Smart, J. E., Vogt, P. K. (1982) Structural Similarities of Proteins Encoded by 3 Classes of Avian-Sarcoma Viruses. Virology, 121 (2). pp. 274-287.


Perucho, M., Wigler, M. H. (1980) Linkage and Expression of Foreign DNA in Cultured Animal-Cells. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XLV: Movable Genetic Elements, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.


Rauske, P. L., Shea, S. D., Margoliash, D. (2003) State and neuronal class-dependent reconfiguration in the avian song system. Journal of Neurophysiology, 89 (3). pp. 1688-1701. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Riddle, Oscar (January 1925) Birds without gonads: their origin, behaviour, and bearing on the theory of the internal secretion of the testis. The British Journal of Experimental Biology, 2. pp. 211-246.

Riddle, Oscar (April 1920) Calorimetric determinations of the energy in yolk-protein and yolk-fat of doves and pigeons. Science, 51 (1318). p. 350.

Riddle, Oscar (1930) Complete atrophy of kidney in pigeons following section of the ureter. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 27 (9). pp. 1022-1024.

Riddle, Oscar (November 1942) Cyclic changes in blood calcium, phosphorus and fat in relation to egg laying and estrogen production. Endocrinology, 31 (5). pp. 498-506.

Riddle, Oscar (1920) Differential survival of male and female dove embryos in increased and decreased pressures of oxygen: a test of the metabolic theory of sex. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 18 (3). pp. 88-91.

Riddle, Oscar (February 1927) Discussion and Correspondence: "Quantitative theory of sex". Science, 65 (1675). pp. 139-141.

Riddle, Oscar (August 1927) Discussion: The quantitative theory of sex. Science, 66 (1703). pp. 169-170.

Riddle, Oscar (1926) Establishment of races of pigeons with characteristically large and with characteristically small thyroids. The Anatomical Record, 34 (3). p. 180.

Riddle, Oscar (May 1918) Further observations on the relative size and form of the right and left testes of pigeons in health and disease and as influenced by hybridity. The Anatomical Record, 14 (5). pp. 283-334.

Riddle, Oscar (1921) General effects of increased and decreased pressures of oxygen on dove embryos. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 18. pp. 102-105.

Riddle, Oscar (1942) General relationships of hormones to growth and development. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology X: The relation of hormones to development, 10. pp. 7-14.

Riddle, Oscar (1921) Identical twins in pigeons arise from ova of markedly aberrant size. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 19 (1). pp. 12-14.

Riddle, Oscar (November 1921) Incidence of tuberculosis in the various organs of the pigeon. Journal of Infectious Diseases, The, 29 (5). pp. 544-552.

Riddle, Oscar (March 1928) Internal secretions in evolution and reproduction. The Scientific Monthly, 26 (3). pp. 202-216.

Riddle, Oscar (1927) Metabolic changes in the body of female pigeons at ovulation. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 66. pp. 497-509.

Riddle, Oscar (1937) On carbohydrate metabolism in pigeons. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology V: Internal Secretions, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y..

Riddle, Oscar (September 1923) On the cause of twinning and abnormal development in birds. American Journal of Anatomy, 32 (2). pp. 199-252.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1924) On the necessary gaseous environment of the bird embryo. Ecology, 5 (4). p. 348.

Riddle, Oscar (August 1925) On the sexuality of the right ovary of birds. Anatomical Record, The, 30 (5). pp. 365-383.

Riddle, Oscar (March 1912) Preliminary chemical studies on male and female producing eggs of pigeons: a study of the eggs of forms in which the dominance of male and female sex and of white and dark color was experimentally determined by Professor C. O. Whitman. Science, 35 (899). pp. 462-463.

Riddle, Oscar (1923) Resistance of pigeons to the lethal action of iletin (insulin) with observed effects on reproduction. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 20 (5). pp. 244-247.

Riddle, Oscar (1932) Sex and intersex in pigeons. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Genetics, Ithaca, New York. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Menasha, Wisconsin, pp. 165-166.

Riddle, Oscar (1925) Sex in a fraternity of pigeons obtained from an inter-family cross. Anatomical Record, The, 31 (4). p. 349.

Riddle, Oscar (1924) Sex in the right and left sides of the bird's body. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 63 (1). pp. 152-161.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1916) Size and length relations of the right and left testes of pigeons in health and disease. The Anatomical Record, 11 (3). pp. 87-102.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1928) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXIII: Growth of the gonads and Bursa Fabricii in doves and pigeons, with data for body growth and age at maturity. The American Journal of Physiology, 86 (2). pp. 248-265.

Riddle, Oscar (July 1931) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXIX: Season of origin as a determiner of age at which birds become sexually mature. The American Journal of Physiology, 97 (4). pp. 581-587.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1930) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXVII: The age distribution of mortality in bird embryos and its probable significance. The American Journal of Physiology, 94 (3). pp. 535-547.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1916) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: I. The occurrence and measurement of a sudden change in the rate of growth of avian ova. The American Journal of Physiology, 41 (3). pp. 387-396.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1916) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: III. On the metabolism of the egg yolk of the fowl during incubation. The American Journal of Physiology, 41 (3). pp. 409-418.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1921) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: X. Inadequate egg shells and the early death of embryos in the egg. American Journal of Physiology, The, 57 (2). pp. 250-263.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1923) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XIII. Asphyxial death of embryos in eggs abnormally retained in the oviduct. The American Journal of Physiology, 66 (2). pp. 309-321.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1923) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XIV. Suprarenal hypertrophy coincident with ovulation. The American Journal of Physiology, 66 (2). pp. 322-339.

Riddle, Oscar (May 1924) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XIX. A hitherto unknown function of the thymus. The American Journal of Physiology, 68 (3). pp. 557-580.

Riddle, Oscar (June 1925) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XX. Reciprocal size changes of gonads and thyroids in relation to season and ovulation rate in pigeons. American Journal of Physiology, The, 73 (1). pp. 5-16.

Riddle, Oscar (October 1929) Thyroid size in the sexes (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology, 90 (2). p. 495.

Riddle, Oscar (March 1924) A case of complete sex-reversal in the adult pigeon. The American Naturalist, 58 (655). pp. 167-181.

Riddle, Oscar (January 1918) A case of hereditary ataxia (?) in pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 15 (4). pp. 56-58.

Riddle, Oscar (January 1912) A case of yolk formation not connected with the production of ova. The Biological Bulletin, 22 (2). pp. 107-111.

Riddle, Oscar (January 1925) The comment on sex in pigeons contained in Gerould's paper on butterflies. American Naturalist, The, 59 (660). pp. 79-87.

Riddle, Oscar (June 1917) The control of the sex ratio. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 319-356.

Riddle, Oscar (November 1927) The cyclical growth of the vesicula seminalis in birds is hormone controlled. The Anatomical Record, 37 (1).

Riddle, Oscar (July 1918) A demonstration of the origin of two pairs of female identical twins from two ova of high storage metabolism. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 26 (2). pp. 227-254.

Riddle, Oscar (1932) The establishment of "endocrine" races in doves and pigeons (Abstract) (Demonstration). In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Genetics, Ithaca, New York. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Menasha, Wisconsin, p. 256.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1929) The inheritance of thyroid size and the establishment of thyroid races in ring doves. The American Naturalist, 63 (688). pp. 385-409.

Riddle, Oscar (December 1911) The permeability of the ovarian egg-membranes of the fowl. Science, 34 (886). pp. 887-889.

Riddle, Oscar (1914) A quantitative basis of sex as indicated by the sex behavior of doves from a sex-controlled series (Abstract). Science, 39 (1003). p. 440.

Riddle, Oscar (December 1921) A simple method of obtaining premature eggs from birds. Science, 54 (1409). pp. 664-666.

Riddle, Oscar (July 1917) The theory of sex as stated in terms of results of studies on pigeons. Science, 46 (1175). pp. 19-24.

Riddle, Oscar, Anderson, Carl E. (September 1918) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: VIII. The effects of quinine on the production of egg yolk and egg albumen. The American Journal of Physiology, 46 (1). pp. 92-102.

Riddle, Oscar, Basset, Gardiner C. (September 1916) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: V. The effect of alcohol on the size of the yolk of pigeon's egg. The American Journal of Physiology, 41 (3). pp. 425-429.

Riddle, Oscar, Bates, Robert Wesley (1939) The preparation, assay and actions of lactogenic hormone. In: Sex and internal secretions. The Williams & Wilkens Company, Baltimore, pp. 1088-1117.

Riddle, Oscar, Bates, Robert Wesley, Lahr, Ernest L. (February 1935) Prolactin induces broodiness in fowl. The American Journal of Physiology, 111 (2). pp. 352-360.

Riddle, Oscar, Bates, Robert Wesley, Lahr, Ernest L. (1934) Prolactin induces broodiness in fowl (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 60 (4 and ). p. 49.

Riddle, Oscar, Behre, Ellinor H. (September 1921) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: IX. On the relation of stale sperm to fertility and sex in ring-doves. American Journal of Physiology, The, 57 (2). pp. 228-249.

Riddle, Oscar, Braucher, Pela Fay (June 1934) Hemoglobin and erythrocyte differences according to sex and season in doves and pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 108 (3). pp. 554-566.

Riddle, Oscar, Braucher, Pela Fay (1931) Hemoglobin and erythrocytes of doves and pigeons in their relation to sex and season (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 51 (1s). p. 118.

Riddle, Oscar, Braucher, Pela Fay (1931) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXX: Control of the special secretion of the crop-gland in pigeons by an anterior pituitary hormone. The American Journal of Physiology, 97 (4). pp. 617-625.

Riddle, Oscar, Braucher, Pela Fay (February 1934) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XXXIII. Body size changes in doves and pigeons incident to stages of the reproductive cycle. The American Journal of Physiology, 107 (2). pp. 343-347.

Riddle, Oscar, Burns, Frances H. (August 1927) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXII: Blood fat and phosphorus in the sexes and their variations in the reproductive cycle. The American Journal of Physiology, 81 (3). pp. 711-724.

Riddle, Oscar, Burns, Frances H. (1931) A conditioned emetic reflex in the pigeon. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 28 (9). pp. 979-981.

Riddle, Oscar, Cauthen, George E. (May 1938) Erythrocyte number in young pigeons and its relation to heredity, growth and metabolism. The American Journal of Physiology, 122 (2). pp. 480-485.

Riddle, Oscar, Charles, Donald R., Cauthen, George E. (1932) Relative growth in large and small races of pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 29 (9). pp. 1216-1220.

Riddle, Oscar, Christman, Guinevere, Benedict, Francis G. (October 1930) Differential response of male and female ring doves to metabolism measurement at higher and lower temperatures. The American Journal of Physiology, 95 (1). pp. 111-120.

Riddle, Oscar, Dotti, Louis B. (December 1934) Action of parathyroid hormone in normal and hypophysectomized pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32 (3). pp. 507-509.

Riddle, Oscar, Dotti, Louis B. (1945) Pituitary and sex hormones which increase plasma calcium in birds and mammals. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 89 (3). pp. 499-516.

Riddle, Oscar, Dotti, Louis B., Smith, Guinevere C. (June 1937) Blood sugar and basal metabolism in pigeons following administration of prolactin and cortin (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology, 119 (2). pp. 389-390.

Riddle, Oscar, Dunham, H. H. (1941) Persistent oviducts and increase of ovarian cortical tissue on left testes of doves at and after hatching as a result of estrogen passed from blood of mother to the egg (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 81 (4, Sup). p. 29.

Riddle, Oscar, Dunham, H. H. (June 1942) Transformation of males to intersexes by estrogen passed from blood of ring doves to their ovarian eggs. Endocrinology, 30 (6). pp. 959-968.

Riddle, Oscar, Dunham, H. H., Schooley, James Plummer (January 1942) Genetic hermaphroditism in a strain of pigeons (Abstract). Genetics, 27 (1). p. 165.

Riddle, Oscar, Dykshorn, Simon W. (July 1932) Secretion of crop-milk in the castrate male pigeon. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 29 (9). pp. 1213-1215.

Riddle, Oscar, Fisher, Walter S. (May 1925) Seasonal variation of thyroid size in pigeons. American Journal of Physiology, The, 72 (3). pp. 464-487.

Riddle, Oscar, Flemion, Florence (November 1928) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXVI: The rôle of the anterior pituitary in hastening sexual maturity in ring doves. The American Journal of Physiology, 87 (1). pp. 110-123.

Riddle, Oscar, Frey, Paul (January 1925) The growth and age involution of the thymus in male and female pigeons. American Journal of Physiology, The, 71 (2). pp. 413-429.

Riddle, Oscar, Hanke, Martin C. E. (September 1921) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XI. Effects of feeding soluble calcium salts upon reproductive secretions and upon the total inorganic constituents of the egg shell. American Journal of Physiology, The, 57 (2). pp. 264-274.

Riddle, Oscar, Harris, James Arthur (April 1918) Note on the relation of blood fat to sex, and on the correlation between blood fat and egg production in the domestic fowl. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 34 (1). pp. 161-170.

Riddle, Oscar, Hollander, Willard Fisher (June 1943) "Scraggly" plumage and ataxia: two inherited characters in the pigeon. The Journal of Heredity, 34 (6). pp. 167-172.

Riddle, Oscar, Hollander, Willard Fisher, Schooley, James Plummer (August 1945) A race of hermaphrodite-producing pigeons. The Anatomical Record, 92 (4). pp. 401-423.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth (1925) Blood calcium in relation to sex in pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 22 (4). pp. 222-225.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth (October 1923) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XV. Increased blood-sugar coincident with ovulation in various kinds of pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 66 (2). pp. 340-348.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth (January 1924) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XVI. The normal blood sugar of pigeons and its relation to age, sex, species, and certain diseases. The American Journal of Physiology, 67 (2). pp. 317-332.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth (January 1924) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XVII. Blood-sugar and ovulation under inactivity or close confinement. The American Journal of Physiology, 67 (2). pp. 333-336.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth (January 1924) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XVIII. Effects of the onset of cold weather on blood sugar and ovulation rate in pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 67 (2). pp. 337-345.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth (September 1923) The behavior of blood-sugar values in heredity. The American Naturalist, 57 (652). pp. 412-434.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth, Fisher, Walter S. (May 1924) Suprarenal enlargement under heavy dosage with insulin. The American Journal of Physiology, 68 (3). pp. 461-476.

Riddle, Oscar, Honeywell, Hannah Elizabeth, Spannuth, John R. (February 1924) A relationship of blood sugar to thyroid and suprarenal size in a fraternity of pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 67 (3). pp. 539-546.

Riddle, Oscar, Johnson, Mychyle W. (December 1939) An undescribed type of partial sex reversal in dove hybrids from a sub-family cross. The Anatomical Record, 75 (4). pp. 509-527.

Riddle, Oscar, King, Cecil V. (September 1921) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XII. The relation of nerve stimuli to oviducal secretions as indicated by effects of atropine and other alkaloids. American Journal of Physiology, The, 57 (2). pp. 275-290.

Riddle, Oscar, Kříženecký, Jaroslav (1931) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXVIII: Extirpation of thymus and Bursa in pigeons with a consideration of the failure of thymectomy to reveal thymus function. The American Journal of Physiology, 97 (2). pp. 343-352.

Riddle, Oscar, La Mer, Victor K. (September 1918) Post-mortem melanin pigment formation in pigmentless retinas and choroids of white ring-doves. The American Journal of Physiology, 46 (1). pp. 103-123.

Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (October 1944) On broodiness of ring doves following implants in certain steroid hormones. Endocrinology, 35 (4). pp. 255-260.

Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (December 1940) Pronounced stimulation of testes of doves and pigeons by more recent preparations of pregnancy urine (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 78 (4, Sup). p. 88.

Riddle, Oscar, Lahr, Ernest L. (October 1944) Relative ability of various steroid hormones to promote growth in oviducts of immature ring-doves. The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 17 (1). pp. 259-268.

Riddle, Oscar, Lawrence, John Vincent (December 1916) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: VII. Variations in the chemical composition of reproductive tissues in relation to variations in functional activity. The American Journal of Physiology, 42 (1). pp. 151-162.

Riddle, Oscar, McDonald, Margaret R. (January 1945) The partition of plasma calcium and inorganic phosphorus in estrogen-treated normal and parathyroidectomized pigeons. Endocrinology, 36 (1). pp. 48-52.

Riddle, Oscar, Miller, Richard A. (1941) Cellular response to insulin in suprarenals of pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 47. pp. 449-453.

Riddle, Oscar, Minoura, Tadachika (1923) Effects of repeated transplantation of whole suprarenals into young doves. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 20 (8). pp. 456-461.

Riddle, Oscar, Nussmann, Theodora C. (September 1933) A sex difference in pituitary size and intestinal length in doves and pigeons. The Anatomical Record, 57 (2). pp. 197-204.

Riddle, Oscar, Nussmann, Theodora C., Benedict, Francis G. (1932) Metabolism during growth in a common pigeon. The American Journal of Physiology, 101 (2). pp. 251-259.

Riddle, Oscar, Polhemus, Irene (1931) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXXI: Effects of anterior pituitary hormones on gonads and other organ weights in the pigeon. The American Journal of Physiology, 98 (1). pp. 121-130.

Riddle, Oscar, Rauch, Vita M. (1944) Action of estrogen on plasma calcium and endosteal bone formation in parathyroidectomized pigeons (Abstract). Endocrinology, 35. p. 209.

Riddle, Oscar, Rauch, Vita M., Smith, Guinevere C. (January 1945) Action of estrogen on plasma calcium and endosteal bone formation in parathyroidectomized pigeons. Endocrinology, 36 (1). pp. 41-47.

Riddle, Oscar, Rauch, Vita M., Smith, Guinevere C. (December 1944) Changes in medullary bone during the reproductive cycle of female pigeons. The Anatomical Record, 90 (4). pp. 295-305.

Riddle, Oscar, Reinhart, Warren H. (1927) Is the Manoilov reaction a better test for metabolic level than for sex? Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 24 (4). pp. 359-362.

Riddle, Oscar, Reinhart, Warren H. (December 1926) The Manoilov sex test applied to the blood of pigeons. The Anatomical Record, 34 (3). p. 110.

Riddle, Oscar, Reinhart, Warren H. (1928) Physiological activity and the Manoilov reaction. The American Journal of Physiology, 87 (2). pp. 517-525.

Riddle, Oscar, Reinhart, Warren H. (May 1926) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XXI. Blood calcium changes in the reproductive cycle. The American Journal of Physiology, 76 (3). pp. 660-676.

Riddle, Oscar, Reinhart, Warren H. (July 1927) The influence of activity on the Manoilov reaction in blood and tissue extracts (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology, 81 (2). pp. 506-507.

Riddle, Oscar, Schooley, James Plummer (1935) Absence of follicle-stimulating hormone in pituitaries of young pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32 (9). pp. 1610-1614.

Riddle, Oscar, Schooley, James Plummer (October 1944) Tests indicating absence of progesterone in certain avian ovaries. Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences, 34 (10). pp. 341-346.

Riddle, Oscar, Schooley, James Plummer (December 1938) Tests indicating absence of progesterone in fowl ovary (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 72 (4 Supp). p. 59.

Riddle, Oscar, Senum, Tellef (December 1939) On the mechanism and hormones concerned in increase of blood fat in birds (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 75 (4, Sup). p. 58.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C. (1940) Respiratory metabolism of pigeons after adrenalectomy and its increase by prolactin. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 44. pp. 499-500.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C. (October 1935) The effect of temperature on the calorigenic action of dinitrophenol in normal and thyroidectomized pigeons. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 55 (2). pp. 173-178.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Bates, Robert Wesley, Moran, Clarence S., Lahr, Ernest L. (January 1936) Action of anterior pituitary hormones on basal metabolism of normal and hypophysectomized pigeons and on a paradoxical influence of temperature. Endocrinology, 20 (1). pp. 1-16.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Benedict, Francis G. (1931) Concerning seasonal changes in the basal metabolism of pigeons (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 51 (1s). p. 32.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Benedict, Francis G. (February 1934) Seasonal and temperature factors and their determination in pigeons of percentage metabolism change per degree of temperature change. The American Journal of Physiology, 107 (2). pp. 333-342.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Benedict, Francis G. (1932) Seasonal, endocrine and temperature factors which determine percentage metabolism change per degree of temperature change (Abstract). The American Journal of Physiology, 101 (1). p. 88.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Benedict, Francis G. (August 1933) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: XXXII. Basal metabolism and the temperature factor in brooding ring doves. The American Journal of Physiology, 105 (2). pp. 428-433.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Benedict, Francis G. (1932) The basal metabolism of the mourning dove and some of its hybrids. The American Journal of Physiology, 101 (2). pp. 260-267.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Miller, Richard A. (March 1944) The effect of adrenalectomy on heat production in young pigeons. The American Journal of Physiology, 141 (1). pp. 151-157.

Riddle, Oscar, Smith, Guinevere C., Moran, Clarence S. (1935) Effects of complete and incomplete hypophysectomy on the basal metabolism of pigeons. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32 (9). pp. 1614-1616.

Riddle, Oscar, Spohn, Adelaide A. (September 1916) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds: IV. When a gland functions for the first time, is its secretion the equivalent of subsequent secretions? The American Journal of Physiology, 41 (3). pp. 419-424.

Riddle, Oscar, Tange, Masaharu (1926) Some limitations of the action of the so-called follicular hormone in birds. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 23. pp. 648-652.

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