Items where Subject is "rat"

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Addison, W. R., Kurtz, D. T. (December 1989) Identification of Nuclear Proteins That Bind to the Glucocorticoid Regulatory Region of a Rat Alpha-2u-Globulin Gene. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 264 (36). pp. 21891-21895. ISSN 0021-9258

Albert, F. W., Hodges, E., Jensen, J. D., Besnier, F., Xuan, Z. Y., Rooks, M., Bhattacharjee, A., Brizuela, L., Good, J. M., Green, R. E., Burbano, H. A., Plyusnina, I. Z., Trut, L., Andersson, L., Schoneberg, T., Carlborg, O., Hannon, G. J., Paabo, S. (September 2011) Targeted resequencing of a genomic region influencing tameness and aggression reveals multiple signals of positive selection. Heredity, 107 (3). pp. 205-214. ISSN 0018-067X

Albrengues, J., Shields, M. A., Ng, D., Park, C. G., Ambrico, A., Poindexter, M. E., Upadhyay, P., Uyeminami, D. L., Pommier, A., Kuttner, V., Bruzas, E., Maiorino, L., Bautista, C., Carmona, E. M., Gimotty, P. A., Fearon, D. T., Chang, K., Lyons, S. K., Pinkerton, K. E., Trotman, L. C., Goldberg, M. S., Yeh, J. T., Egeblad, M. (September 2018) Neutrophil extracellular traps produced during inflammation awaken dormant cancer cells in mice. Science, 361 (6409). ISSN 0036-8075

Asari, H., Zador, A. M. (August 2009) Long-Lasting Context Dependence Constrains Neural Encoding Models in Rodent Auditory Cortex. J Neurophysiol, 102 (5). pp. 2638-56.

Aznar, S., Klein, A. B., Santini, M. A., Knudsen, G. M., Henn, F., Gass, P., Vollmayr, B. (July 2010) Aging and depression vulnerability interaction results in decreased serotonin innervation associated with reduced BDNF levels in hippocampus of rats bred for learned helplessness. Synapse, 64 (7). pp. 561-5. ISSN 0887-4476


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Bergman, H., Harriswarrick, R. M., Kravitz, E. A., Nussinovitch, I., Rahamimoff, R. (1981) Noradrenaline Augments Tetanic Potentiation of Transmitter Release by a Calcium Dependent Process. Brain Research, 214 (1). pp. 200-204.

Bieler, M, Hussain, S, Daaland, ESB, Mirrione, M. M., Henn, F. A., Davanger, S (April 2021) Changes in concentrations of NMDA receptor subunit GluN2B, Arc and syntaxin-1 in dorsal hippocampus Schaffer collateral synapses in a rat learned helplessness model of depression. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 529 (12). pp. 3194-3205.

Boutchueng-Djidjou, M., Belleau, P., Bilodeau, N., Fortier, S., Bourassa, S., Droit, A., Elowe, S., Faure, R. L. (October 2018) A type 2 diabetes disease module with a high collective influence for Cdk2 and PTPLAD1 is localized in endosomes. PLoS One, 13 (10). e0205180. ISSN 1932-6203

Brecht, M., Grinevich, V., Jin, T. E., Margrie, T., Osten, P. (December 2006) Cellular mechanisms of motor control in the vibrissal system. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology, 453 (3). pp. 269-81. ISSN 0031-6768 (Print)

Broser, P., Grinevich, V., Osten, P., Sakmann, B., Wallace, D. J. (July 2008) Critical period plasticity of axonal arbors of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in rat somatosensory cortex: layer-specific reduction of projections into deprived cortical columns. Cerebral Cortex, 18 (7). pp. 1588-603. ISSN 1047-3211


Castle, William Ernest (April 1914) Yellow varieties of rats. The American Naturalist, 48 (568). p. 254.

Cetin, A., Komai, S., Eliava, M., Seeburg, P. H., Osten, P. (2006) Stereotaxic gene delivery in the rodent brain. Nature Protocols, 1 (6). ISSN 17542189 (ISSN)

Chen, L. B., McDougall, J. K. (1976) Distribution of Cold Insoluble Globulin on Surface of Adenovirus-Transformed Rat Embryo Fibroblasts. Journal of Cell Biology, 70 (2). A361-A361. ISSN 0021-9525

Chou, Tsung-Han, Epstein, Max, Fritzemeier, Russell G, Akins, Nicholas S, Paladugu, Srinu, Ullman, Elijah Z, Liotta, Dennis C, Traynelis, Stephen F, Furukawa, Hiro (August 2024) Molecular mechanism of ligand gating and opening of NMDA receptor. Nature, 632 (8023). pp. 209-217. ISSN 0028-0836 (Public Dataset)

Cone, R. D., Grodzicker, T., Jaramillo, M. (March 1988) A retrovirus expressing the 12S adenoviral E1A gene product can immortalize epithelial cells from a broad range of rat tissues. Molecular & Cellular Biology, 8 (3). pp. 1036-44. ISSN 0270-7306


Daniell, E. (1976) Genome Structure of Incomplete Particles of Adenovirus. Journal of Virology, 19 (2). pp. 685-708.

Davidsson, M., Sellnow, R. C., Yonkers, R., Zador, A. M., Manfredsson, F. P. (April 2019) Serotonergic Hyperinnervation in Non-Motor Circuits in the Parkinsonian Rat. Cell Transplantation, 28 (4, SI). pp. 465-466. ISSN 0963-6897

DeCoteau, W. E., Thorn, C., Gibson, D. J., Courtemanche, R., Mitra, P. P., Kubota, Y., Graybiel, A. M. (May 2007) Oscillations of local field potentials in the rat dorsal striatum during spontaneous and instructed behaviors. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97 (5). pp. 3800-3805. ISSN 0022-3077

DeWeese, M. R., Wehr, M., Zador, A. M. (August 2003) Binary spiking in auditory cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (21). pp. 7940-7949. ISSN 0270-6474

DeWeese, M. R., Zador, A. M. (November 2006) Non-Gaussian membrane potential dynamics imply sparse, synchronous activity in auditory cortex. J Neurosci, 26 (47). pp. 12206-18. ISSN 1529-2401 (Electronic)

Decoteau, W. E., Thorn, C., Gibson, D. J., Courtemanche, R., Mitra, P. P., Kubota, Y., Graybiel, A. M. (March 2007) Learning-related coordination of striatal and hippocampal theta rhythms during acquisition of a procedural maze task. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104 (13). pp. 5644-9. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print)

Diaz-Nido, J., Mizuno, K., Nawa, H., Marshak, D. R. (1994) Regulation of protein kinase CK2 isoform expression during rat brain development. Cell Mol Biol Res, 40 (5-6). pp. 581-5. ISSN 0968-8773 (Print)

Dore, K., Pao, Y., Soria Lopez, J., Aronson, S., Zhan, H., Ghosh, S., Merrill, S., Zador, A. M., Malinow, R., Kebschull, J. M. (January 2020) SYNPLA, a method to identify synapses displaying plasticity after learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117 (6). pp. 3214-3219. ISSN 0027-8424 (Public Dataset)

Draetta, G., Beach, D., Moran, E. (June 1988) Synthesis of p34, the mammalian homolog of the yeast cdc2+/CDC28 protein kinase, is stimulated during adenovirus-induced proliferation of primary baby rat kidney cells. Oncogene, 2 (6). pp. 553-7. ISSN 0950-9232

Drickamer, K., Kwoh, T. J., Kurtz, D. T. (1981) Amino-Acid-Sequence of the Precursor of Rat-Liver Alpha-2u-Globulin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 256 (8). pp. 3634-3636.

de la Cruz, N., Bromberg, S., Pasko, D., Shimoyama, M., Twigger, S., Chen, J. L., Chen, C. F., Fan, C., Foote, C., Gopinath, G. R., Harris, G., Hughes, A., Ji, Y., Jin, W. H., Li, D. W., Mathis, J., Nenasheva, N., Nie, J., Nigam, R., Petri, V., Reilly, D., Wang, W. Y., Wu, W. H., Zuniga-Meyer, A., Zhao, L., Kwitek, A., Tonellato, P., Jacob, H. (January 2005) The Rat Genome Database (RGD): developments towards a phenome database. Nucleic Acids Research, 33. D485-D491. ISSN 0305-1048


Egger, V., Svoboda, K., Mainen, Z. F. (August 2003) Mechanisms of lateral inhibition in the olfactory bulb: Efficiency and modulation of spike-evoked calcium influx into granule cells. Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (20). pp. 7551-7558. ISSN 0270-6474


Fee, M. S., Mitra, P. P., Kleinfeld, D. (1997) Central versus peripheral determinants of patterned spike activity in rat vibrissa cortex during whisking. Journal of Neurophysiology, 78 (2). pp. 1144-1149. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Fee, M. S., Mitra, P. P., Kleinfeld, D. (1996) Variability of extracellular spike waveforms of cortical neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 76 (6). pp. 3823-3833. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Felsen, G., Mainen, Z. F. (October 2008) Neural substrates of sensory-guided locomotor decisions in the rat superior colliculus. Neuron, 60 (1). pp. 137-48.

Fendt, M., Lex, A., Falkai, P., Henn, F. A., Schmitt, A. (July 2008) Behavioural alterations in rats following neonatal hypoxia and effects of clozapine: implications for schizophrenia. Pharmacopsychiatry, 41 (4). pp. 138-45. ISSN 0176-3679 (Print)0176-3679 (Linking)

Filipkowski, R. K., Rydz, M., Berdel, B., Morys, J., Kaczmarek, L. (March 2000) Tactile experience induces c-fos expression in rat barrel cortex. Learning & Memory, 7 (2). pp. 116-122. ISSN 1072-0502

Flint, S. J., Sambrook, J., Williams, J. F., Sharp, P. A. (July 1976) Viral nucleic acid sequences in transformed cells. IV. A study of the sequences of adenovirus 5 DNA and RNA in four lines of adenovirus 5-transformed rodent cells using specific fragments of the viral genome. Virology, 72 (2). pp. 456-70.


Gimenez, T. L., Lorenc, M., Jaramillo, S. (August 2015) Adaptive categorization of sound frequency does not require the auditory cortex in rats. J Neurophysiol, 114 (2). pp. 1137-1145. ISSN 1522-1598 (Electronic)0022-3077 (Linking)

Gimona, M., Watakabe, A., Helfman, D. M. (October 1995) Specificity of dimer formation in tropomyosins: influence of alternatively spliced exons on homodimer and heterodimer assembly. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 92 (21). pp. 9776-80. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print)

Greenberg, L., Edwards, E., Henn, F. A. (September 1989) Dexamethasone suppression test in helpless rats. Biological Psychiatry, 26 (5). pp. 530-2. ISSN 0006-3223

Gruene, T. M., Flick, K., Stefano, A., Shea, S. D., Shansky, R. M. (November 2015) Sexually divergent expression of active and passive conditioned fear responses in rats. Elife, 4. ISSN 2050-084X (Electronic)2050-084X (Linking)


Helfman, D. M., Ricci, W. M., Finn, L. A. (December 1988) Alternative splicing of tropomyosin pre-mRNAs in vitro and in vivo. Genes Dev, 2 (12A). pp. 1627-38. ISSN 0890-9369

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Hirokawa, J., Sadakane, O., Sakata, S., Bosch, M., Sakurai, Y., Yamamori, T. (September 2011) Multisensory information facilitates reaction speed by enlarging activity difference between superior colliculus hemispheres in rats. PLoS ONE, 6 (9). ISSN 1932-6203 (Electronic)

Hirokawa, J., Vaughan, A., Masset, P., Ott, T., Kepecs, A. (December 2019) Frontal cortex neuron types categorically encode single decision variables. Nature, 576 (7787). pp. 446-451. ISSN 0028-0836 (Public Dataset)

Horev, G., Saig, A., Knutsen, P. M., Pietr, M., Yu, C. X., Ahissar, E. (November 2011) Motor-sensory convergence in object localization: a comparative study in rats and humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 366 (1581). pp. 3070-3076. ISSN 0962-8436

Hromádka, T., Deweese, M. R., Zador, A. M. (January 2008) Sparse representation of sounds in the unanesthetized auditory cortex. PLoS Biology, 6 (1). e16. ISSN 1545-7885 (Electronic)

Hromádka, T., Zador, A. M. (July 2007) Toward the mechanisms of auditory attention. Hear Res, 229 (1-2). pp. 180-5. ISSN 0378-5955 (Print)


Jaiswal, R. K., Marshak, D. R., Sharma, R. K. (March 1989) Molecular Comparison of Alpha-2-Adrenergic Receptors from Rat Adrenocortical Carcinoma and Human-Blood Platelet. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 86 (1). pp. 41-53. ISSN 0300-8177

Jaramillo, E. S., Zador, A. M. (December 2010) The auditory cortex mediates the perceptual effects of acoustic temporal expectation. Nat Neurosci, 14 (2). pp. 246-51. ISSN 1546-1726 (Electronic) 1097-6256 (Linking)

Jaramillo, S., Zador, A. M. (September 2014) Mice and rats achieve similar levels of performance in an adaptive decision-making task. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8. Article no.173. ISSN 1662-5137

Joo, Hannah R, Liang, Hexin, Chung, Jason E, Geaghan-Breiner, Charlotte, Fan, Jiang Lan, Nachman, Benjamin P, Kepecs, Adam, Frank, Loren M (August 2021) Rats use memory confidence to guide decisions. Current Biology. ISSN 0960-9822


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Kay, L. M., Beshel, J. (August 2010) A Beta Oscillation Network in the Rat Olfactory System During a 2-Alternative Choice Odor Discrimination Task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104 (2). pp. 829-839. ISSN 0022-3077

Kepecs, A., Uchida, N., Mainen, Z . F. (February 2006) The sniff as a unit of olfactory processing. Chem Senses, 31 (2). pp. 167-79. ISSN 0379-864X (Print)

Kepecs, A., Uchida, N., Mainen, Z. F. (July 2007) Rapid and Precise Control of Sniffing during Olfactory Discrimination in Rats. J Neurophysiol, 98 (1). pp. 205-213. ISSN 0022-3077 (Print)

Kleinfeld, D., Mitra, P. P., Fee, M. S. (1997) Motor modulation of sensory input: Exploratory whisking by rat as a model system. Somatosensory and Motor Research, 14 (1). p. 63. ISSN 0899-0220

Kleinfeld, D., Mitra, P. P., Helmchen, F., Denk, W. (1998) Fluctuations and stimulus-induced changes in blood flow observed in individual capillaries in layers 2 through 4 of rat neocortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95 (26). pp. 15741-15746. ISSN 00278424 (ISSN)

Komai, S., Licznerski, P., Cetin, A., Waters, J., Denk, W., Brecht, M., Osten, P. (September 2006) Postsynaptic excitability is necessary for strengthening of cortical sensory responses during experience-dependent development. Nature Neuroscience, 9 (9). pp. 1125-33. ISSN 1097-6256

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Lak, A., Hueske, E., Hirokawa, J., Masset, P., Ott, T., Urai, A. E., Donner, T.H., Carandini, M., Tonegawa, S., Uchida, N., Kepecs, A. (April 2020) Reinforcement Biases Subsequent Perceptual Decisions When Confidence Is Low: A Widespread Behavioral Phenomenon. Elife, 9 (e49834). ISSN 2050-084X

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