Items where Subject is "stem cells"
- CSHL Subject List (85)
Amador-Arjona, A., Elliott, J., Miller, A., Ginbey, A., Pazour, G. J., Enikolopov, G. N., Roberts, A. J., Terskikh, A. V. (July 2011) Primary cilia regulate proliferation of amplifying progenitors in adult hippocampus: implications for learning and memory. J Neurosci, 31 (27). pp. 9933-44. ISSN 1529-2401 (Electronic) 0270-6474 (Linking)
Anderson, K., Koseki, H., Skarnes, W., Shen, M. (October 2010) MOUSE DEVELOPMENT,GENETICS & GENOMICS. In: 2010 meeting on MOUSE DEVELOPMENT,GENETICS & GENOMICS, October 26–October 30, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Aravin, A. A., Hannon, G. J. (2008) Small RNA silencing pathways in germ and stem cells. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 73. pp. 283-90. ISSN 1943-4456 (Electronic)0091-7451 (Linking)
Austad, S., Campisi, J., Sinclair, D. (September 2010) MOLECULAR GENETICS OF AGING. In: 2010 Meeting of Molecular Genetics of Aging, September 28–October 2, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor.
Bazarov, A. V., van Sluis, M., Hines, W. C., Bassett, E., Beliveau, A., Campeau, E., Mukhopadhyay, R., Lee, W. J., Melodyev, S., Zaslavsky, Y., Lee, L., Rodier, F., Chicas, A., Lowe, S. W., Benhattar, J., Ren, B., Campisi, J., Yaswen, P. (October 2010) p16(INK4a)-mediated suppression of telomerase in normal and malignant human breast cells. Aging Cell, 9 (5). pp. 736-746. ISSN 1474-9718
Bennett, L. B., Cai, J., Enikolopov, G. N., Iacovitti, L. (May 2010) Heterotopically transplanted CVO neural stem cells generate neurons and migrate with SVZ cells in the adult mouse brain. Neuroscience Letters, 475 (1). pp. 1-6.
Bennett, Lori, Yang, Ming, Enikolopov, G. N., Iacovitti, Lorraine (June 2009) Circumventricular organs: A novel site of neural stem cells in the adult brain. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 41 (3). pp. 337-347.
Birbrair, A., Zhang, T., Wang, Z. M., Messi, M. L., Enikolopov, G. N., Mintz, A., Delbono, O. (January 2013) Skeletal muscle pericyte subtypes differ in their differentiation potential. Stem Cell Research, 10 (1). pp. 67-84. ISSN 1873-5061
Bommert, P., Lunde, C., Nardmann, J., Vollbrecht, E., Running, M., Jackson, D. P., Hake, S., Werr, W. (March 2005) Thick tassel dwarf1 encodes a putative maize ortholog of the Arabidopsis CLAVATA1 leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase. Development, 132 (6). pp. 1235-1245. ISSN 0950-1991
Bortiri, E., Chuck, G., Vollbrecht, E., Rocheford, T. R., Martienssen, R. A., Hake, S. (March 2006) ramosa2 encodes a LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARY domain protein that determines the fate of stem cells in branch meristems of maize. Plant Cell, 18 (3). pp. 574-585. ISSN 10404651
Brennand, K. J., Simone, A., Jou, J., Gelboin-Burkhart, C., Tran, N., Sangar, S., Li, Y., Mu, Y., Chen, G., Yu, D., McCarthy, S. E., Sebat, J., Gage, F. H. (May 2011) Modelling schizophrenia using human induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature, 473 (7346). 221 - 225. ISSN 00280836 (ISSN)
Byrne, M. E., Kidner, C. A., Martienssen, R. A. (October 2003) Plant stem cells: divergent pathways and common themes in shoots and roots. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 13 (5). pp. 551-7. ISSN 0959-437X
Cai, J., Donaldson, A., Yang, M., German, M. S., Enikolopov, G. N., Iacovitti, L. (January 2009) The Role of Lmx1a in the Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Midbrain Dopamine Neurons in Culture and After Transplantation into a Parkinson's Disease Model. Stem Cells, 27 (1). pp. 220-229.
Cantrell, D., Gsosh, S., Littman, D., Schlissel, M. (April 2010) GENE EXPRESSION & SIGNALING IN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. In: 2010 meeting of GENE EXPRESSION & SIGNALING IN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, April 21–April 25, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Carmell, M. A., Xuan, Z., Zhang, M. Q., Hannon, G. J. (2002) The Argonaute family: Tentacles that reach into RNAi, developmental control, stem cell maintenance, and tumorigenesis. Genes and Development, 16 (21). pp. 2733-2742. ISSN 08909369 (ISSN)
Chong, M. M. W., Zhang, G. A., Cheloufi, S., Neubert, T. A., Hannon, G. J., Littman, D. R. (September 2010) Canonical and alternate functions of the microRNA biogenesis machinery. Genes & Development, 24 (17). pp. 1951-1960. ISSN 0890-9369
Comte, I., Kim, Y., Young, C. C., van der Harg, J. M., Hockberger, P., Bolam, P. J., Poirier, F., Szele, F. G. (March 2011) Galectin-3 maintains cell motility from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb. Journal of Cell Science, 124 (14). pp. 2438-2447. ISSN 00219533 (ISSN)
Davis, G., Kolodkin, A., Mason, C. (September 2010) AXON GUIDANCE, SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY & REGENERATION. In: 2010 Meeting of AXON GUIDANCE, SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY & REGENERATION, September 21–September 25, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Day, K., Shefer, G., Richardson, J. B., Enikolopov, G. N., Yablonka-Reuveni, Z. (April 2007) Nestin-GFP reporter expression defines the quiescent state of skeletal muscle satellite cells. Developmental Biology, 304 (1). pp. 246-259. ISSN 0012-1606
Donnenberg, A. D., Hicks, J. B., Wigler, M., Donnenberg, V. S. (January 2013) The Cancer Stem Cell: Cell Type or Cell State? Cytometry Part A, 83A (SI 1). pp. 5-7. ISSN 1552-4922
Efroni, S., Duttagupta, R., Cheng, J., Dehghani, H., Hoeppner, D. J., Dash, C., Bazett-Jones, D. P., Le Grice, S., McKay, R. D. G., Buetow, K. H., Gingeras, T. R., Misteli, T., Meshorer, E. (2008) Global Transcription in Pluripotent Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell, 2 (5). pp. 437-447. ISSN 19345909 (ISSN) (Public Dataset)
Egeblad, M., Nakasone, E. S., Werb, Z. (June 2010) Tumors as Organs: Complex Tissues that Interface with the Entire Organism. Developmental Cell, 18 (6). pp. 884-901. ISSN 1534-5807
Encinas, J. M., Enikolopov, G. (2008) Identifying and quantitating neural stem and progenitor cells in the adult brain. Methods Cell Biol, 85. pp. 243-72. ISSN 0091-679X (Print) (Unpublished)
Encinas, J. M., Michurina, T. V., Peunova, N., Park, J.H., Tordo, J., Peterson, D. A., Fishell, G., Koulakov, A. A., Enikolopov, G. N. (May 2011) Division-Coupled Astrocytic Differentiation and Age-Related Depletion of Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampus. Cell Stem Cell, 8 (5). pp. 566-579. ISSN 1934-5909
Encinas, Juan M., Vazquez, Marcelo E., Switzer, Robert C., Chamberland, Dennis W., Nick, Harry, Levine, Howard G., Scarpa, Philip J., Enikolopov, Grigori, Steindler, Dennis A. (2008) Quiescent adult neural stem cells are exceptionally sensitive to cosmic radiation. Experimental Neurology, 210 (1). 274-279 . ISSN 1090-2430 (Electronic) 1090-2430 (Linking)
Enikolopov, G. N., Hoffman, R., Li, L. N., Maletic-Savatic, M., Manganas, L. N., Mignone, J. L., Roig, J. L., Schones, D. E., Zhang, M. Q. (March 2005) Neural potential of stem cells in the hair follicle. Faseb Journal, 19 (4). A765-A765. ISSN 0892-6638
Eppig, J., Fuller, M., Newmark, P. (October 2010) GERM CELLS. In: 2010 Meeting of Germ Cells, October 5–October 9, 2010.
Eveland, A. L., Satoh-Nagasawa, N., Goldschmidt, A., Meyer, S., Beatty, M., Sakai, H., Ware, D. H., Jackson, D. P. (September 2010) Digital Gene Expression Signatures for Maize Development. Plant Physiology, 154 (3). pp. 1024-1039. ISSN 0032-0889
Ezhkova, E., Pasolli, H. A., Parker, J. S., Stokes, N., Su, I. H., Hannon, G. J., Tarakhovsky, A., Fuchs, E. (March 2009) Ezh2 Orchestrates Gene Expression for the Stepwise Differentiation of Tissue-Specific Stem Cells. Cell, 136 (6). pp. 1122-1135. ISSN 0092-8674
Frenette, P. S., Mendez-Ferrer, S., Lucas-Alcaraz, D., Batista, M., Lira, S., Michurina, T. V., Enikolopov, G. N. (November 2009) The Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche. Blood, 114 (22). p. 1586. ISSN 0006-4971
Gadue, P., Huber, T. L., Paddison, P. J., Keller, G. M. (2006) Wnt and TGF-ß signaling are required for the induction of an in vitro model of primitive streak formation using embryonic stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (45). pp. 16806-16811. ISSN 00278424
Gao, X., Enikolopov, G. N., Chen, J. (2008) Direct Isolation of Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampus after Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma, 25 (8). 985-995 .
Gao, X., Enikolopov, G. N., Chen, J. (October 2009) Moderate traumatic brain injury promotes proliferation of quiescent neural progenitors in the adult hippocampus. Experimental Neurology, 219 (2). pp. 516-523.
Gingeras, T. R. (2012) Important lessons from a complex genome. In: 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress, Sept 4th-9th 2012, Seville, Spain.
Gleiberman, A. S., Encinas, J. M., Roig, J. L., Michurina, T. V., Krasnov, P., Rosenfeld, M. G., Enikolopov, G. N. (July 2005) Stem cells for the anterior pituitary identified by nestin-GFP transgene expression. Developmental Biology, 283 (2). pp. 581-582. ISSN 0012-1606
Gleiberman, A. S., Michurina, T. V., Encinas, J. M., Roig, J. L., Krasnov, P., Balordi, F., Fishell, G., Rosenfeld, M. G., Enikolopov, G. N. (2008) Genetic approaches identify adult pituitary stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105 (17). pp. 6332-7.
Harder, N., Bodnar, M., Eils, R., Spector, D. L., Rohr, K. (2011) 3D segmentation and quantification of mouse embryonic stem cells in fluorescence microscopy images. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. pp. 216-219.
Harris, R. A., Wang, T., Coarfa, C., Nagarajan, R. P., Hong, C., Downey, S. L., Johnson, B. E., Fouse, S. D., Delaney, A., Zhao, Y., Olshen, A., Ballinger, T., Zhou, X., Forsberg, K. J., Gu, J., Echipare, L., O'Geen, H., Lister, R., Pelizzola, M., Xi, Y., Epstein, C. B., Bernstein, B. E., Hawkins, R. D., Ren, B., Chung, W. Y., Gu, H., Bock, C., Gnirke, A., Zhang, M. Q., Haussler, D., Ecker, J. R., Li, W., Farnham, P. J., Waterland, R. A., Meissner, A., Marra, M. A., Hirst, M., Milosavljevic, A., Costello, J. F. (2010) Comparison of sequencing-based methods to profile DNA methylation and identification of monoallelic epigenetic modifications. Nature Biotechnology, 28 (10). pp. 1097-1105.
Hazra, Rasmani, Utama, Raditya, Naik, Payal, Dobin, Alexander, Spector, David L (January 2023) Identification of glioblastoma stem cell-associated lncRNAs using single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets. bioRxiv. (Submitted)
Hemann, M. T., Fridman, J. S., Zilfou, J. T., Hernando, E., Paddison, P. J., Cordon-Cardo, C., Hannon, G. J., Lowe, S. W. (March 2003) An epi-allelic series of p53 hypomorphs created by stable RNAi produces distinct tumor phenotypes in vivo. Nature Genetics, 33 (3). pp. 396-400. ISSN 1061-4036
Hodges, E., Molaro, A., Dos Santos, C. O., Thekkat, P., Song, Q., Uren, P. J., Park, J. H., Butler, J., Rafii, S., McCombie, W. R., Smith, A. D., Hannon, G. J. (2011) Directional DNA Methylation Changes and Complex Intermediate States Accompany Lineage Specificity in the Adult Hematopoietic Compartment. Molecular Cell, 44 (1). pp. 17-28. ISSN 1097-2765
Ibarra, I., Erlich, Y., Muthuswamy, S. K., Sachidanandam, R., Hannon, Gregory J. (December 2007) A role for microRNAs in maintenance of mouse mammary epithelial progenitor cells. Genes Dev, 21 (24). pp. 3238-43. ISSN 0890-9369 (Print)
Jones, D. Leanne, Yamashita, Yukiko M., Schulz, Cordula, Fuller, Margaret T. (2004) Regulation of stem cell self-renewal versus differentiation by a support cell niche: Lessons from the Drosophila male germ line. In: Handbook of stem cells. Academic Press, pp. 171-178.
Keyes, W. M. , Pecoraro, M., Aranda, V., Vernersson-Lindahl, E., Li, W., Vogel, H., Guo, X., Garcia, E. L., Michurina, T. V., Enikolopov, G. N., Muthuswamy, S. K., Mills, A. A. (February 2011) DeltaNp63alpha Is an Oncogene that Targets Chromatin Remodeler Lsh to Drive Skin Stem Cell Proliferation and Tumorigenesis. Cell Stem Cell, 8 (2). pp. 164-76. ISSN 1875-9777 (Electronic)
Khoury, M., Bransky, A., Korin, N., Konak, L. C., Enikolopov, G. N., Tzchori, I., Levenberg, S. (July 2010) A microfluidic traps system supporting prolonged culture of human embryonic stem cells aggregates. Biomedical Microdevices, 12 (6). pp. 1001-1008.
Kim, Y., Wang, W. Z., Comte, I., Pastrana, E., Tran, P. B., Brown, J., Miller, R. J., Doetsch, F., Molnár, Z., Szele, F. G. (August 2010) Dopamine stimulation of postnatal murine subventricular zone neurogenesis via the D3 receptor. Journal of Neurochemistry, 114 (3). pp. 750-760.
Krizhanovsky, V., Lowe, S. W. (2009) Stem cells: The promises and perils of p53. Nature, 460 (7259). pp. 1085-1086.
Krizhanovsky, V., Xue, W., Zender, L., Yon, M., Hernando, E., Lowe, S. W. (2008) Implications of cellular senescence in tissue damage response, tumor suppression, and stem cell biology. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 73. pp. 513-22.
Landgraf, P., Rusu, M., Sheridan, R., Sewer, A., Iovino, N., Aravin, A. A., Pfeffer, S., Rice, A., Kamphorst, A. O., Landthaler, M., Lin, C., Socci, N. D., Hermida, L., Fulci, V., Chiaretti, S., Foa, R., Schliwka, J., Fuchs, U., Novosel, A., Muller, R. U., Schermer, B., Bissels, U., Inman, J., Phan, Q., Chien, M. C., Weir, D. B., Choksi, R., De Vita, G., Frezzetti, D., Trompeter, H. I., Hornung, V., Teng, G., Hartmann, G., Palkovits, M., Di Lauro, R., Wernet, P., Macino, G., Rogler, C. E., Nagle, J. W., Ju, J. Y., Papavasiliou, F. N., Benzing, T., Lichter, P., Tam, W., Brownstein, M. J., Bosio, A., Borkhardt, A., Russo, J. J., Sander, C., Zavolan, M., Tuschl, T. (June 2007) A mammalian microRNA expression atlas based on small RNA library sequencing. Cell, 129 (7). pp. 1401-1414. ISSN 0092-8674
Liu, S., Patel, S. H., Ginestier, C., Ibarra, I., Martin-Trevino, R., Bai, S., McDermott, S. P., Shang, L., Ke, J., Ou, S. J., Heath, A., Zhang, K. J., Korkaya, H., Clouthier, S. G., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Birnbaum, D., Hannon, G. J., Wicha, M. S. (2012) MicroRNA93 regulates proliferation and differentiation of normal and malignant breast stem cells. PLoS Genetics, 8 (6). ISSN 15537390 (ISSN)
Lodha, M., Marco, C. F., Timmermans, M. C. P. (2008) Genetic and epigenetic regulation of stem cell homeostasis in plants. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 73. pp. 243-51. ISSN 00917451 (ISSN)
Lu, P., Liu, F., Yan, L., Peng, T., Liu, T., Yao, Z., Wang, C. Y. (October 2007) Stem cells therapy for type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 78 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0168-8227
Maletic-Savatic, M., Vingara, L. K., Manganas, L. N., Li, Y., Zhang, S., Sierra, A., Hazel, R., Smith, D., Wagshul, M. E., Henn, F., Krupp, L., Enikolopov, G., Benveniste, H., Djuric, P. M., Pelczer, I. (2008) Metabolomics of neural progenitor cells: a novel approach to biomarker discovery. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 73. pp. 389-401. ISSN 1943-4456 (Electronic)0091-7451 (Linking)
Manganas, L. N., Zhang, X. Y., Li, Y., Hazel, R. D., Smith, S. D., Wagshul, M. E., Henn, F. A., Benveniste, H., Djuric, P. M., Enikolopov, G. N., Maletic-Savatic, M. (November 2007) Magnetic resonance spectroscopy identifies neural progenitor cells in the live human brain. Science, 318 (5852). pp. 980-985. ISSN 0036-8075
Mendez-Ferrer, S., Enikolopov, G. N., Lira, S., Frenette, P. S. (November 2008) Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Regulated by the Sympathetic Nervous System, Form the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche. Blood, 112 (11). p. 4. ISSN 0006-4971
Mendez-Ferrer, S., Michurina, T. V., Ferraro, F., Mazloom, A., MacArthur, B., Lira, S., Scadden, D. T., Ma'ayan, A., Enikolopov, G. N., Frenette, P. S. (November 2009) Coordinated Regulation of Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Bone Marrow Niche. Blood, 114 (22). p. 3. ISSN 0006-4971
Michurina, T., Krasnov, P., Balazs, A., Nakaya, N., Vasilieva, T., Kuzin, B., Khrushchov, N., Mulligan, R. C., Enikolopov, G. N. (August 2004) Nitric oxide is a regulator of hematopoietic stem cell activity. Mol Ther, 10 (2). pp. 241-8. ISSN 1525-0016 (Print)
Mignone, J. L., Kukekov, V., Chiang, A. S., Steindler, D., Enikolopov, G. (February 2004) Neural stem and progenitor cells in nestin-GFP transgenic mice. J Comp Neurol, 469 (3). pp. 311-24. ISSN 0021-9967 (Print)
Mignone, J. L., Roig-Lopez, J. L., Fedtsova, N., Schones, D. E., Manganas, L. N., Maletic-Savatic, M., Keyes, W. M., Mills, A. A., Gleiberman, A., Zhang, M. Q., Enikolopov, G. N. (September 2007) Neural Potential of a Stem Cell Population in the Hair Follicle. Cell Cycle, 6 (17). 2161 - 2170 . ISSN 1551-4005 (Electronic)
Murchison, E. P., Partridge, J. F., Tam, O. H., Cheloufi, S., Hannon, G. J. (August 2005) Characterization of Dicer-deficient murine embryonic stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (34). pp. 12135-40. ISSN 0027-8424
Méndez-Ferrer, S., Michurina, T. V., Ferraro, F., Mazloom, A. R., MacArthur, B. D., Lira, S. A., Scadden, D. T., Mag'Ayan, A., Enikolopov, G. N., Frenette, P. S. (August 2010) Mesenchymal and haematopoietic stem cells form a unique bone marrow niche. Nature, 466 (7308). pp. 829-834.
Nemajerova, A., Kim, S. Y., Petrenko, O., Moll, U. M. (August 2012) Two-factor reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells reveals partial functional redundancy of Sox2 and Klf4. Cell Death and Differentiation, 19 (8). pp. 1268-1276. ISSN 1350-9047
Packer, M. A., Stasiv, Y., Benraiss, A., Chmielnicki, E., Grinberg, A., Westphal, H., Goldman, S. A., Enikolopov, G. (August 2003) Nitric oxide negatively regulates mammalian adult neurogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100 (16). pp. 9566-9571. ISSN 0027-8424
Park, J. H., Enikolopov, G. N. (January 2010) Transient elevation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis after dopamine depletion. Experimental Neurology, 222 (2). pp. 267-276. ISSN 1090-2430 (Electronic) 1090-2430 (Linking)
Patschan, D., Michurina, T. V., Shi, H. K., Dolff, S., Brodsky, S. V., Vasilieva, T., Cohen-Gould, L., Winaver, J., Chander, P. N., Enikolopov, G. N., Goligorsky, M. S. (April 2007) Normal distribution and medullary-to-cortical shift of Nestin-expressing cells in acute renal ischemia. Kidney International, 71 (8). pp. 744-754. ISSN 0085-2538
Sarkar, A, Parikh, N, Hearn, S. A., Fuller, M. T., Tazuke, S. I., Schulz, C. (July 2007) Antagonistic Roles of Rac and Rho in Organizing the Germ Cell Microenvironment. Current Biology, 17 (14). pp. 1253-1258.
Sarkar, A. K., Luijten, M., Miyashima, S., Lenhard, M., Hashimoto, T., Nakajima, K., Scheres, B., Heidstra, R., Laux, T. (April 2007) Conserved factors regulate signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana shoot and root stem cell organizers. Nature, 446 (7137). pp. 811-4. ISSN 1476-4687 (Electronic)
Schaniel, C., Ang, Y. S., Ratnakumar, K., Cormier, C., James, T., Bernstein, E., Lemischka, I. R., Paddison, P. J. (December 2009) Smarcc1/Baf155 couples self-renewal gene repression with changes in chromatin structure in mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells, 27 (12). pp. 2979-2991.
Sehgal, P., Chaturvedi, P., Kumaran, R. I., Kumar, S., Parnaik, V. K. (February 2013) Lamin A/C Haploinsufficiency Modulates the Differentiation Potential of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. PLoS ONE, 8 (2). ISSN 1932-6203 (Electronic)
Stillman, B. (July 2001) The stem cell decision: is this human? Newsday. B4.
Teta, M., Andl, T., Okegbe, T., Murchison, E. P., Nagy, A., Hannon, G. J., Millar, S. E. (April 2008) Global changes in mRNA levels and failure of hair follicle stem cell maintenance in adult Dicer-deleted skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 128 (Suppl.). S154-S154. ISSN 0022-202X
Teta, M., Thomas, A., Okegbe, T., Murchison, E. P., Nagy, A., Hannon, G. J., Millar, S. E. (July 2008) Dicer is required for maintenance of hair follicle stem cells in adult skin. Developmental Biology, 319 (2). p. 556. ISSN 0012-1606
Wang, G. H., Krishnamurthy, K., Tangpisuthipongsa, D. (May 2011) Protection of murine neural progenitor cells by the Hsp90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin in the low nanomolar concentration range. Journal of Neurochemistry, 117 (4). pp. 703-711. ISSN 0022-3042
Wang, S. M., Zhang, M. Q. (February 2010) Transcriptome Study for Early Hematopoiesis-Achievement, Challenge and New Opportunity. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 223 (3). pp. 549-552. ISSN 0021-9541
Xu, X. M., Wang, J., Xuan, Z. Y., Goldshmidt, A., Borrill, P. G. M., Hariharan, N., Kim, J. Y., Jackson, D. P. (August 2011) Chaperonins Facilitate KNOTTED1 Cell-to-Cell Trafficking and Stem Cell Function. Science, 333 (6046). pp. 1141-1144. ISSN 1095-9203
Yang, Z., Jiang, H., Zhao, F., Shankar, D. B., Sakamoto, K. M., Zhang, M. Q., Lin, S. (August 2007) A highly conserved regulatory element controls hematopoietic expression of GATA-2 in zebrafish. Bmc Developmental Biology, 7. p. 97. ISSN 1471-213X
Zender, L., Xue, W., Cordon-Cardo, C., Hannon, G. J., Lucito, R., Powers, S., Flemming, P., Spector, M. S., Lowe, S. W. (2005) Generation and Analysis of Genetically Defined Liver Carcinomas Derived from Bipotential Liver Progenitors. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 70 (1). pp. 251-261. ISSN 1943-4456 (Electronic) 0091-7451 (Linking)
Zhao, Z., Zuber, J., Diaz-Flores, E., Lintault, L., Kogan, S. C., Shannon, K., Lowe, S. W. (July 2010) p53 loss promotes acute myeloid leukemia by enabling aberrant self-renewal. Genes Dev, 24 (13). pp. 1389-1402. ISSN 1549-5477 (Electronic) 0890-9369 (Linking)
Zhu, Xiaoyan, Tollkuhn, Jessica, Taylor, Havilah, Rosenfeld, Michael G (December 2015) Notch-Dependent Pituitary SOX2(+) Stem Cells Exhibit a Timed Functional Extinction in Regulation of the Postnatal Gland. Stem Cell Reports, 5 (6). pp. 1196-1209. ISSN 2213-6711
Zilfou, J. T., Spector, M. S., Lowe, S. W. (November 2005) Slugging it out: fine tuning the p53-PUMA death connection. Cell, 123 (4). pp. 545-8. ISSN 0092-8674 (Print)