Neural Potential of a Stem Cell Population in the Hair Follicle

Mignone, J. L., Roig-Lopez, J. L., Fedtsova, N., Schones, D. E., Manganas, L. N., Maletic-Savatic, M., Keyes, W. M., Mills, A. A., Gleiberman, A., Zhang, M. Q., Enikolopov, G. N. (September 2007) Neural Potential of a Stem Cell Population in the Hair Follicle. Cell Cycle, 6 (17). 2161 - 2170 . ISSN 1551-4005 (Electronic)

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DOI: 10.4161/cc.6.17.4593


The bulge region of the hair follicle serves as a repository for epithelial stem cells that can regenerate the follicle in each hair growth cycle and contribute to epidermis regeneration upon injury. Here we describe a population of multipotential stem cells in the hair follicle bulge region; these cells can be identified by fluorescence in transgenic nestin-GFP mice. The morphological features of these cells suggest that they maintain close associations with each other and with the surrounding niche. Upon explantation, these cells can give rise to neurosphere-like structures in vitro. When these cells are permitted to differentiate, they produce several cell types, including cells with neuronal, astrocytic, oligodendrocytic, smooth muscle, adipocytic, and other phenotypes. Furthermore, upon implantation into the developing nervous system of chick, these cells generate neuronal cells in vivo. We used transcriptional profiling to assess the relationship between these cells and embryonic and postnatal neural stem cells and to compare them with other stem cell populations of the bulge. Our results show that nestin-expressing cells in the bulge region of the hair follicle have stem cell-like properties, are multipotent, and can effectively generate cells of neural lineage in vitro and in vivo.

Item Type: Paper
Uncontrolled Keywords: stem cells hair follicle bulge neurogenesis transcriptional profiling
Subjects: organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > epithelial cell
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > epithelial cell
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > epithelial cell
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > protein structure, function, modification > protein types > green fluorescent protein
therapies > stem cells
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > transgenic animal
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Enikopolov lab
CSHL labs > Mills lab
CSHL labs > Zhang lab
Depositing User: CSHL Librarian
Date: 1 September 2007
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2011 21:54
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2017 17:04
PMCID: PMC3789384
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