Items where Subject is "cell signaling"

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Number of items at this level: 45.


Abeshouse, A., Ahn, J., Akbani, R., Ally, A., Amin, S., Andry, C. D., Annala, M., Aprikian, A., Armenia, J., Arora, A., Auman, J. T., Balasundaram, M., Balu, S., Barbieri, C. E., Bauer, T., Benz, C. C., Bergeron, A., Beroukhim, R., Berrios, M., Bivol, A., Bodenheimer, T., Boice, L., Bootwalla, M. S., Borges Dos Reis, R., Boutros, P. C., Bowen, J., Bowlby, R., Boyd, J., Bradley, R. K., Breggia, A., Brimo, F., Bristow, C. A., Brooks, D., Broom, B. M., Bryce, A. H., Bubley, G., Burks, E., Butterfield, Y. S. N., Button, M., Canes, D., Carlotti, C. G., Carlsen, R., Carmel, M., Carroll, P. R., Carter, S. L., Cartun, R., Carver, B. S., Chan, J. M., Chang, M. T., Chen, Y., Cherniack, A. D., Chevalier, S., Chin, L., Cho, J., Chu, A., Chuah, E., Chudamani, S., Cibulskis, K., Ciriello, G., Clarke, A., Cooperberg, M. R., Corcoran, N. M., Costello, A. J., Cowan, J., Crain, D., Curley, E., David, K., Demchok, J. A., Demichelis, F., Dhalla, N., Dhir, R., Doueik, A., Drake, B., Dvinge, H., Dyakova, N., Felau, I., Ferguson, M. L., Frazer, S., Freedland, S., Fu, Y., Gabriel, S. B., Gao, J., Gardner, J., Gastier-Foster, J. M., Gehlenborg, N., Gerken, M., Gerstein, M. B., Getz, G., Godwin, A. K., Gopalan, A., Graefen, M., Graim, K., Gribbin, T., Guin, R., Gupta, M., Hadjipanayis, A., Haider, S., Hamel, L., Hayes, D. N., Heiman, D. I., Hess, J., Hoadley, K. A., Holbrook, A. H., Holt, R. A., Holway, A., Hovens, C. M., Hoyle, A. P., Huang, M., Hutter, C. M., Ittmann, M., Iype, L., Jefferys, S. R., Jones, C. D., Jones, S. J. M., Juhl, H., Kahles, A., Kane, C. J., Kasaian, K., Kerger, M., Khurana, E., Kim, J., Klein, R. J., Kucherlapati, R., Lacombe, L., Ladanyi, M., Lai, P. H., Laird, P. W., Lander, E. S., Latour, M., Lawrence, M. S., Lau, K., Lebien, T., Lee, D., Lee, S., Lehmann, K. V., Leraas, K. M., Leshchiner, I., Leung, R., Libertino, J. A., Lichtenberg, T. M., Lin, P., Linehan, W. M., Ling, S., Lippman, S. M., Liu, J., Liu, W., Lochovsky, L., Loda, M., Logothetis, C., Lolla, L., Longacre, T., Lu, Y., Luo, J., Ma, Y., Mahadeshwar, H. S., Mallery, D., Mariamidze, A., Marra, M. A., Mayo, M., McCall, S., McKercher, G., Meng, S., Mes-Masson, A. M., Merino, M. J., Meyerson, M., Mieczkowski, P. A., Mills, G. B., Shaw, K. R. M., Minner, S., Moinzadeh, A., Moore, R. A., Morris, S., Morrison, C., Mose, L. E., Mungall, A. J., Murray, B. A., Myers, J. B., Naresh, R., Nelson, J., Nelson, M. A., Nelson, P. S., Newton, Y., Noble, M. S., Noushmehr, H., Nykter, M., Pantazi, A., Parfenov, M., Park, P. J., Parker, J. S., Paulauskis, J., Penny, R., Perou, C. M., Piché, A., Pihl, T., Pinto, P. A., Prandi, D., Protopopov, A., Ramirez, N. C., Rao, A., Rathmell, W. K., Rätsch, G., Ren, X., Reuter, V. E., Reynolds, S. M., Rhie, S. K., Rieger-Christ, K., Roach, J., Robertson, A. G., Robinson, B., Rubin, M. A., Saad, F., Sadeghi, S., Saksena, G., Saller, C., Salner, A., Sanchez-Vega, F., Sander, C., Sandusky, G., Sauter, G., Sboner, A., Scardino, P. T., Scarlata, E., Schein, J. E., Schlomm, T., Schmidt, L. S., Schultz, N., Schumacher, S. E., Seidman, J., Neder, L., Seth, S., Sharp, A., Shelton, C., Shelton, T., Shen, H., Shen, R., Sherman, M., Sheth, M., Shi, Y., Shih, J., Shmulevich, I., Simko, J., Simon, R., Simons, J. V., Sipahimalani, P., Skelly, T., Sofia, H. J., Soloway, M. G., Song, X., Sorcini, A., Sougnez, C., Stepa, S., Stewart, C., Stewart, J., Stuart, J. M., Sullivan, T. B., Sun, C., Sun, H., Tam, A., Tan, D., Tang, J., Tarnuzzer, R., Tarvin, K., Taylor, B. S., Teebagy, P., Tenggara, I., Têtu, B., Tewari, A., Thiessen, N., Thompson, T., Thorne, L. B., Tirapelli, D. P., Tomlins, S. A., Trevisan, F. A., Troncoso, P., True, L. D., Tsourlakis, M. C., Tyekucheva, S., Van Allen, E., Van Den Berg, D. J., Veluvolu, U., Verhaak, R., Vocke, C. D., Voet, D., Wan, Y., Wang, Q., Wang, W., Wang, Z., Weinhold, N., Weinstein, J. N., Weisenberger, D. J., Wilkerson, M. D., Wise, L., Witte, J., Wu, C. C., Wu, J., Wu, Y., Xu, A. W., Yadav, S. S., Yang, L., Yang, L., Yau, C., Ye, H., Yena, P., Zeng, T., Zenklusen, J. C., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, W., Zhong, Y., Zhu, K., Zmuda, E. (2015) The Molecular Taxonomy of Primary Prostate Cancer. Cell, 163 (4). pp. 1011-1025. ISSN 0092-8674


Cifani, Paolo, Li, Zhi, Luo, Danmeng, Grivainis, Mark, Intlekofer, Andrew M, Fenyö, David, Kentsis, Alex (April 2021) Discovery of Protein Modifications Using Differential Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research, 20 (4). pp. 1835-1848. ISSN 1535-3893


Dagnell, M., Frijhoff, J., Pader, I., Augsten, M., Boivin, B., Xu, J., Mandal, P. K., Tonks, N. K., Hellberg, C., Conrad, M., Arnér, E. S. J., Östman, A. (August 2013) Selective activation of oxidized PTP1B by the thioredoxin system modulates PDGF-ß receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (33). pp. 13398-13403. ISSN 00278424

Dasgupta, A., Shukla, S.K., Vernucci, E., King, R.J., Abrego, J., Mulder, S.E., Mullen, N.J., Graves, G., Buettner, K., Thakur, R., Murthy, D., Attri, K.S., Wang, D., Chaika, N.V., Pacheco, C.G., Rai, I., Engle, D. D., Grandgenett, P. M., Punsoni, M., Reames, B.N., Teoh-Fitzgerald, M., Oberley-Deegan, R., Yu, F., Klute, K.A., Hollingsworth, M.A., Zimmerman, M.C., Mehla, K., Sadoshima, J., Tuveson, D. A., Singh, P.K. (July 2020) SIRT1-NOX4 Signaling Axis Regulates Cancer Cachexia. J Exp Med, 217 (7). e20190745. ISSN 0022-1007

Dhawan, J., Helfman, D. M. (August 2004) Modulation of acto-myosin contractility in skeletal muscle myoblasts uncouples growth arrest from differentiation. Journal of Cell Science, 117 (17). pp. 3735-3748. ISSN 0021-9533

Doepner, Miriam, Lee, Inyoung, Natale, Christopher A, Brathwaite, Roderick, Venkat, Swati, Kim, Sung Hoon, Wei, Yiliang, Vakoc, Christopher R, Capell, Brian C, Katzenellenbogen, John A, Katzenellenbogen, Benita S, Feigin, Michael E, Ridky, Todd W (September 2022) Endogenous DOPA inhibits melanoma through suppression of CHRM1 signaling. Science Advances, 8 (35). eabn4007. ISSN 2375-2548


Ewald, A. J., Egeblad, M. (July 2014) Cancer: Sugar-coated cell signalling. Nature, 511 (7509). pp. 298-9. ISSN 0028-0836


Gaudino, S. J., Beaupre, M., Lin, X., Joshi, P., Rathi, S., McLaughlin, P. A., Kempen, C., Mehta, N., Eskiocak, O., Yueh, B., Blumberg, R. S., van der Velden, A. W. M., Shroyer, K. R., Bialkowska, A. B., Beyaz, S., Kumar, P. (October 2020) IL-22 receptor signaling in Paneth cells is critical for their maturation, microbiota colonization, Th17-related immune responses, and anti-Salmonella immunity. Mucosal Immunol. ISSN 1933-0219


Hill, C. S., Van Aelst, L. (April 2012) Signaling and gradients: what's going down? Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 24 (2). pp. 155-157. ISSN 0955-0674

Horowitz, J. M., Friend, S. H., Weinberg, R. A., Whyte, P., Buchkovich, K., Harlow, E. (June 1988) Anti-Oncogenes and the Negative Regulation of Cell-Growth. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 53 (Pt 2). pp. 843-847. ISSN 0091-7451


Kidner, C. A., Timmermans, M. C. P. (2010) Signaling sides adaxial-abaxial patterning in leaves. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 91. pp. 141-168.


Lee, M. F., Trotman, L. C. (December 2019) PTEN: Bridging Endocytosis and Signaling. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. ISSN 2157-1422

Lin, H., Hangya, B., Fox, S. E., Muller, R. U. (March 2012) Repetitive convulsant-induced seizures reduce the number but not precision of hippocampal place cells. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (12). pp. 4163-78. ISSN 0270-6474

Londhe, Avinash, Rizvi, Syed Husain Mustafa, Rivera, Keith, Kim, Seung Jun, Pappin, Darryl, Boivin, Ben, Zhang, Fuming, Linhardt, Robert (November 2020) Characterization of Peptide Activators of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B. In: 27th Annual Conference of the Society-for-Redox-Biology-and-Medicine (SfRBM).

Lukey, M. J., Cerione, R. A. (August 2015) Rho GTPases. In: Encyclopedia of Cell Biology. Elsevier, pp. 731-740. ISBN 978-0-12-394796-3

Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Liu, M., Wang, D., Wang, F., Bi, Y., Ji, J., Li, S., Liu, Y., Chen, R., Huang, H., Wang, X., Swidnicka-Siergiejko, A. K., Janowitz, T., Beyaz, S., Wang, G., Xu, S., Bialkowska, A. B., Luo, C. K., Pin, C. L., Liang, G., Lu, X., Wu, M., Shroyer, K. R., Wolff, R. A., Plunkett, W., Ji, B., Li, Z., Li, E., Li, X., Yang, V. W., Logsdon, C. D., Abbruzzese, J. L., Lu, W. (July 2019) Oncogenic KRAS Reduces Expression of FGF21 in Acinar Cells to Promote Pancreatic Tumorigenesis in Mice on a High-Fat Diet. Gastroenterology, 157 (5). ISSN 0016-5085

Lyon, Gholson J., Novick, Richard P. (2004) Peptide signaling in Staphylococcus aureus and other Gram-positive bacteria. Peptides, 25 (9). pp. 1389-1403. ISSN 0196-9781


Maniati, Eleni, Bossard, Maud, Cook, Natalie, Candido, Juliana B, Emami-Shahri, Nia, Nedospasov, Sergei A, Balkwill, Frances R, Tuveson, David A, Hagemann, Thorsten (December 2011) Crosstalk between the canonical NF-κB and Notch signaling pathways inhibits Pparγ expression and promotes pancreatic cancer progression in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 121 (12). pp. 4685-4699. ISSN 0021-9738

Mirabelli, C. K., Nusse, R., Tuveson, D. A., Williams, B. O. (July 2019) Perspectives on the role of Wnt biology in cancer. Sci Signal, 12 (589). ISSN 1945-0877

Moreau, M., Westlake, T., Zampogna, G., Popescu, G., Tian, M., Noutsos, C., Popescu, S. (November 2013) The Arabidopsis oligopeptidases TOP1 and TOP2 are salicylic acid targets that modulate SA-mediated signaling and the immune response. Plant Journal, 76 (4). pp. 603-614. ISSN 09607412


Nadif Kasri, N., Kocks, S. L., Verbert, L., Hébert, S. S., Callewaert, G., Parys, J. B., Missiaen, L., De Smedt, H. (July 2006) Up-regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 is responsible for a decreased endoplasmic-reticulum Ca2+ content in presenilin double knock-out cells. Cell Calcium, 40 (1). pp. 41-51. ISSN 0143-4160 (Print)


Oertner, T. G., Brotz, T. M., Borst, A. (January 2001) Mechanisms of dendritic calcium signaling in fly neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 85 (1). pp. 439-447. ISSN 0022-3077

Offermann, B., Knauer, S., Singh, A., Fernandez-Cachon, M. L., Klose, M., Kowar, S., Busch, H., Boerries, M. (April 2016) Boolean Modeling Reveals the Necessity of Transcriptional Regulation for Bistability in PC12 Cell Differentiation. Front Genet, 7. p. 44. ISSN 1664-8021 (Electronic)1664-8021 (Linking)


Papayannakos, Christopher J, DeVoti, James A, Israr, Mohd, Alsudani, Habeeb, Bonagura, Vincent, Steinberg, Bettie M (July 2021) Extracellular vesicles produced by primary human keratinocytes in response to TLR agonists induce stimulus-specific responses in antigen-presenting cells. Cellular Signalling, 83. p. 109994. ISSN 0898-6568

Paszkowski, J., Martienssen, R. A. (November 2012) Cell signaling and gene regulation. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 15 (5). pp. 493-495. ISSN 1369-5266

Patel, S. J., Trivedi, G. L., Darie, C. C., Clarkson, B. D. (March 2017) The possible roles of B-cell novel protein-1 (BCNP1) in cellular signalling pathways and in cancer. J Cell Mol Med, 21 (3). pp. 456-466. ISSN 1582-4934 (Electronic)1582-1838 (Linking)

Ptashne, M., Gann, A. (2002) Genes and Signals. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 9780879696337


Regulski, M., Enikolopov, G., Tully, T. (September 2001) NO signaling in the adult Drosophila melanogaster brain. Journal of Neurochemistry, 78. p. 90. ISSN 0022-3042

Rodriguez-Leal, D., Xu, C., Kwon, C. T., Soyars, C., Demesa-Arevalo, E., Man, J., Liu, L., Lemmon, Z. H., Jones, D. S., Van Eck, J., Jackson, D. P., Bartlett, M. E., Nimchuk, Z. L., Lippman, Z. B. (April 2019) Evolution of buffering in a genetic circuit controlling plant stem cell proliferation. Nat Genet, 51 (5). pp. 786-792. ISSN 1061-4036

Rupp, C., Isomursu, A., Aakula, A., Erickson, A., Li, S. P., Kaur, A., Shah, P., Pokharel, Y. R., Trottman, L., Lammerding, J., Rannikko, A., Taimen, P., Mirtti, T., Paatero, I., Ivaska, J., Westermarck, J. K. (July 2019) Combined inhibition of tumor suppressors PTEN and PP2A drives anoikis resistance and is associated with therapy relapse in prostate cancer. Cancer Research, 79 (13S). Meeting Abstract: 3486 . ISSN 0008-5472


Sabatini, B. L., Maravall, M., Svoboda, K. (June 2001) Ca2+ signaling in dendritic spines. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 11 (3). pp. 349-356. ISSN 0959-4388

Schmitz, A. A. P., Govek, E. E., Bottner, B., Van Aelst, L. (November 2000) Rho GTPases: Signaling, migration, and invasion. Experimental Cell Research, 261 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0014-4827

Shen, Y., Luche, R., Wei, B., Gordon, M. L., Diltz, C. D., Tonks, N. K. (November 2001) Activation of the Jnk signaling pathway by a dual-specificity phosphatase, JSP-1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98 (24). pp. 13613-13618. ISSN 0027-8424

Somssich, M., Je, B. I., Simon, R., Jackson, D. (September 2016) CLAVATA-WUSCHEL signaling in the shoot meristem. Development, 143 (18). pp. 3238-48. ISSN 1477-9129 (Electronic)0950-1991 (Linking)

Sordella, R., Jiang, W., Chen, G. C., Curto, M., Settleman, J. (April 2003) Modulation of Rho GTPase signaling regulates a switch between adipogenesis and myogenesis. Cell, 113 (2). pp. 147-58. ISSN 0092-8674 (Print)

Steele, Nina G, Biffi, Giulia, Kemp, Samantha B, Zhang, Yaqing, Drouillard, Donovan, Syu, LiJyun, Hao, Yuan, Oni, Tobiloba E, Brosnan, Erin, Elyada, Ela, Doshi, Abhishek, Hansma, Christa, Espinoza, Carlos, Abbas, Ahmed, The, Stephanie, Irizarry-Negron, Valerie, Halbrook, Christopher J, Franks, Nicole E, Hoffman, Megan T, Brown, Kristee, Carpenter, Eileen S, Nwosu, Zeribe C, Johnson, Craig, Lima, Fatima, Anderson, Michelle A, Park, Youngkyu, Crawford, Howard C, Lyssiotis, Costas A, Frankel, Timothy L, Rao, Arvind, Bednar, Filip, Dlugosz, Andrzej A, Preall, Jonathan B, Tuveson, David A, Allen, Benjamin L, Pasca di Magliano, Marina (April 2021) Inhibition of Hedgehog Signaling Alters Fibroblast Composition in Pancreatic Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 27 (7). pp. 2023-2037. ISSN 1078-0432

Sun, H., Tonks, N. K. (November 1994) The coordinated action of protein tyrosine phosphatases and kinases in cell signaling. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 19 (11). pp. 480-485. ISSN 0968-0004

Sun, H., Wei, Y., Deng, H., Xiong, Q., Li, M., Lahiri, J., Fang, Y. (2014) Label-free cell phenotypic profiling decodes the composition and signaling of an endogenous ATP-sensitive potassium channel. Scientific Reports, 4. p. 4934. ISSN 20452322 (ISSN)


Timmermans, M. C., Chitwood, D., Nogueira, F., Madi, S. (April 2008) Small RNAs as Mobile Signals in Development. Faseb Journal, 22. p. 1. ISSN 0892-6638

Tonks, N. K. (April 1996) Protein tyrosine phosphatases and the control of the cellular signalling responses. Faseb Journal, 10 (6). P13-P13. ISSN 0892-6638

Tonks, N. K. (April 1994) Protein tyrosine phosphatases and the control of the cellular signalling responses. Faseb Journal, 8 (7). A1377-A1377. ISSN 0892-6638

Tonks, N. K., Neel, B. G. (November 1996) From form to function: Signaling by protein tyrosine phosphatases. Cell, 87 (3). pp. 365-368. ISSN 0092-8674

Tsai, Y. H., Van Dussen, K. L., Sawey, E. T., Wade, A. W., Kasper, C., Rakshit, S., Bhatt, R. G., Stoeck, A., Maillard, I., Crawford, H. C., Samuelson, L. C., Dempsey, P. J. (July 2014) ADAM10 Regulates Notch Function in Intestinal Stem Cells of Mice. Gastroenterology. ISSN 0016-5085


Urano, D., Maruta, N., Trusov, Y., Stoian, R., Wu, Q., Liang, Y., Jaiswal, D. K., Thung, L., Jackson, D., Botella, J. R., Jones, A. M. (September 2016) Saltational evolution of the heterotrimeric G protein signaling mechanisms in the plant kingdom. Sci Signal, 9 (446). ra93. ISSN 1937-9145 (Electronic)1945-0877 (Linking)

Utama, Raditya, Bastian, Anja, Sadagopan, Narayanan, Jin, Ying, Antoniou, Eric, Gao, Qing, Huang, Yinghui J, Gopalakrishna-Pillai, Sailesh, Lee, Peter P, Atwal, Gurinder S (February 2019) Cell non-autonomous interactions during non-immune stromal progression in the breast tumor microenvironment. BioRxiv. (Unpublished)

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