Items where Subject is "prefrontal cortex"

Group by: Authors | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 23.


Christov-Moore, L., Sugiyama, T., Grigaityte, K., Iacoboni, M. (April 2016) Increasing generosity by disrupting prefrontal cortex. Soc Neurosci, 12 (2). pp. 174-181. ISSN 1747-0927 (Electronic)1747-0919 (Linking)

Delevich, K., Jaaro-Peled, H., Penzo, M., Sawa, A., Li, B. (February 2020) Parvalbumin interneuron dysfunction in a thalamo-prefrontal cortical circuit in Disc1 locus impairment mice. eNeuro. ISSN 2373-2822

Hirokawa, J., Vaughan, A., Masset, P., Ott, T., Kepecs, A. (December 2019) Frontal cortex neuron types categorically encode single decision variables. Nature, 576 (7787). pp. 446-451. ISSN 0028-0836 (Public Dataset)

Kobak, D., Brendel, W., Constantinidis, C., Feierstein, C. E., Kepecs, A., Mainen, Z. F., Romo, R., Qi, X. L., Uchida, N., Machens, C. K. (April 2016) Demixed principal component analysis of neural population data. Elife, 5. ISSN 2050-084X (Electronic)2050-084X (Linking)

Lak, A., Okun, M., Moss, M. M., Gurnani, H., Farrell, K., Wells, M. J., Reddy, C. B., Kepecs, A., Harris, K. D., Carandini, M. (December 2019) Dopaminergic and Prefrontal Basis of Learning from Sensory Confidence and Reward Value. Neuron. ISSN 0896-6273

Lazarus, M. S., Huang, Z. J. (May 2010) Differential Impact of GAD67 Deficiency on Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission in Primary Visual vs. Prefrontal Cortex in Mice. Biological Psychiatry, 67 (9). p. 909. ISSN 0006-3223

Lazarus, M. S., Krishnan, K., Huang, Z. J. (May 2015) GAD67 Deficiency in Parvalbumin Interneurons Produces Deficits in Inhibitory Transmission and Network Disinhibition in Mouse Prefrontal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 25 (5). pp. 1290-1296. ISSN 1047-3211

Maharjan, D. M., Dai, Y. Y., Glantz, E. H., Jadhav, S. P. (November 2018) Disruption of dorsal hippocampal – prefrontal interactions using chemogenetic inactivation impairs spatial learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 155. pp. 351-360. ISSN 10747427 (ISSN)

Masset, P., Ott, T., Lak, A., Hirokawa, J., Kepecs, A. (June 2020) Behavior- And Modality-General Representation of Confidence in Orbitofrontal Cortex. Cell, 182. ISSN 0092-8674

Odoemene, O., Churchland, A.K. (June 2014) Listening for the Right Sounds. Neuron, 82 (5). pp. 944-945. ISSN 0896-6273

Ott, T., Nieder, A. (January 2019) Dopamine and Cognitive Control in Prefrontal Cortex. Trends Cogn Sci, 23 (3). pp. 213-234. ISSN 1364-6613

Ott, T., Westendorff, S., Nieder, A. (May 2018) Dopamine Receptors Influence Internally Generated Oscillations during Rule Processing in Primate Prefrontal Cortex. J Cogn Neurosci, 30 (5). pp. 770-784. ISSN 0898-929x

Perova, Z., Delevich, K., Li, B. (February 2015) Depression of excitatory synapses onto parvalbumin interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex in susceptibility to stress. Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (7). pp. 3201-3206. ISSN 02706474

Saxena, S., Kinsella, I., Musall, S., Kim, S.H., Meszaros, J., Thibodeaux, D.N., Kim, C., Cunningham, J., Hillman, E.M.C., Churchland, A., Paninski, L. (April 2020) Localized Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (LocaNMF) of Widefield Calcium Imaging Data. PLoS Comput Biol, 16 (4). e1007791. ISSN 1553-734x

Sekutowicz, M., Guggenmos, M., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Garbusow, M., Sebold, M., Pelz, P., Priller, J., Wittchen, H. U., Smolka, M. N., Zimmermann, U. S., Heinz, A., Sterzer, P., Schmack, K. (July 2019) Neural Response Patterns During Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer Predict Alcohol Relapse and Young Adult Drinking. Biol Psychiatry (19). pp. 31513-6. ISSN 0006-3223

Tost, H., Ruf, M., Schmal, C., Schulze, T. G., Knorr, C., Vollmert, C., Bosshenz, K., Ende, G., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Henn, F. A., Rietschel, M. (January 2010) Prefrontal-temporal gray matter deficits in bipolar disorder patients with persecutory delusions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 120 (1-3). pp. 54-61. ISSN 0165-0327

Wang, M., Perova, Z., Arenkiel, B. R., Li, B. (May 2014) Synaptic modifications in the medial prefrontal cortex in susceptibility and resilience to stress. Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (22). pp. 7485-92. ISSN 0270-6474

Wang, Minghui, Gallo, Nicholas B, Tai, Yilin, Li, Bo, Van Aelst, Linda (April 2021) Oligophrenin-1 moderates behavioral responses to stress by regulating parvalbumin interneuron activity in the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuron. ISSN 0896-6273

Zeisler, Zachary R, London, Liza, Janssen, William G, Fredericks, J Megan, Elorette, Catherine, Fujimoto, Atsushi, Zhan, Huiqing, Russ, Brian E, Clem, Roger L, Hof, Patrick R, Stoll, Frederic M, Rudebeck, Peter H (October 2023) Single basolateral amygdala neurons in macaques exhibit distinct connectional motifs with frontal cortex. Neuron, 111 (20). 3307-3320.e5. ISSN 0896-6273

Conference or Workshop Item

Bonda, David, Wulf, Michael, Kepecs, Adam (December 2020) A Functional Circuit for Executive Control. In: Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2020.

Bonda, David, Wulf, Michael, Kepecs, Adam (April 2020) A Functional Circuit for Executive Control. In: Annual Scientific Meeting of the American-Association-of-Neurological-Surgeons (AANS).


Delevich, K.M. (October 2014) Synaptic effects of disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 loss-of-function in the medial prefrontal cortex and thalamofrontal feedforward inhibitory circuit. PhD thesis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Perova, Zinaida (January 2014) Synaptic changes in the medial prefrontal cortex in susceptibility and resilience to stress. PhD thesis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

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