Effect of diphenylhydantoin on membrane potentials and NaK-ATPase of cultured chick heart cells

Sperelakis, N., Henn, F. A. (April 1970) Effect of diphenylhydantoin on membrane potentials and NaK-ATPase of cultured chick heart cells. Am J Physiol, 218 (4). pp. 1224-7.

Item Type: Paper
Subjects: organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > organs types and functions > metabolism
CSHL Authors:
Communities: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology
Depositing User: Elizabeth Pessala
Date: April 1970
Date Deposited: 22 Apr 2019 16:52
Last Modified: 22 Apr 2019 16:52
URI: https://repository.cshl.edu/id/eprint/37311

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