Control of phyllotaxy in maize by the abphyl1 gene

Jackson, D. P., Hake, S. (1999) Control of phyllotaxy in maize by the abphyl1 gene. Development, 126 (2). pp. 315-323. ISSN 09501991 (ISSN)


Organogenesis in plants occurs at the shoot apical meristem, a group of indeterminate stem cells that are organized during embryogenesis. Regulated initiation of leaves or flowers from the shoot meristem gives rise to the familiar geometric patterns observed throughout the plant kingdom. The mechanism by which these patterns, termed phyllotaxies, are generated, remains unclear. Maize plants initiate leaves singly, alternating from one side to the other in a regular pattern. Here we describe a recessive maize mutant, abphyl1, that initiates leaves in opposite pairs, in a pattern termed decussate phyllotaxy. The decussate shoot meristems are larger than normal throughout development, though the general structure and organization of the meristem is not altered. abph1 mutants are first distinguished during embryogenesis, prior to true leaf initiation, by a larger shoot meristem and coincident larger expression domain of the homeobox gene knotted1. Therefore, the abph1 gene regulates morphogenesis in the embryo, and plays a role in determining the phyllotaxy of the shoot.

Item Type: Paper
Uncontrolled Keywords: Abphyl1 abph1 Meristem Phyllotaxy Shoot development Zea maize article embryo development homeobox maize morphogenesis organogenesis plant growth priority journal stem cell Gene Expression Regulation Developmental Gene Expression Regulation Plant Genes Homeobox Genes Plant Genes, Recessive In Situ Hybridization Microscopy Electron, Scanning Mutation Phenotype Plant Leaves Plant Proteins Zea mays Embryophyta Zea
Subjects: organism description > plant > maize
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > tissues types and functions > apical meristem
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > tissues types and functions > embryogenesis
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > organs types and functions > organogenesis
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Jackson lab
Depositing User: CSHL Librarian
Date: 1999
Date Deposited: 03 Apr 2012 20:27
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2017 16:00
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