Items where Subject is "manuals and technical reports"

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Number of items at this level: 74.


Banker, Howard James (August 1904) Notes on the variability of Hypothele repanda. Torreya, 4 (8). pp. 113-117.

Banker, Howard James (January 1904) Observations on Phallus Ravenelii. Torreya, 4 (1). pp. 5-8.

Banker, Howard James (1904) An instructive modification of an old experiment. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science. pp. 93-94.

Banta, Arthur Mangun, McAtee, Waldo L. (1906) The life history of the cave salamander, Spelerpes maculicaudus (Cope). In: Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pp. 67-83.

Barbosa, P., Berry, D. L., Kary, C. S. (2014) Insect Histology: Practical Laboratory Techniques. Insect Histology: Practical Laboratory Techniques . Wiley.

Bateson, William (1906) The progress of genetics since the rediscovery of Mendel's papers. Progressus Rei Botanicae, 1. p. 368.

Bateson, William, Gregory, R. P. (November 1905) On the inheritance of heterostylism in Primula. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 76 (513). pp. 581-586.

Bateson, William, Saunders, Edith Rebecca (1902) Experimental studies in the physiology of heredity. In: Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. Harrison and Sons, London.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (March 1941) Report of the President to Council of American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science, 93 (2410). pp. 219-225.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (August 1904) Sexual reproduction in in the mucorineae. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 40 (4). 203-321, with 4 plates.

Briggs, Marion Ella (1905) The life history of case bearers: I. Chlamys plicata. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.


Castle, William Ernest (November 1903) The laws of heredity of Galton and Mendel, and some laws governing race improvement by selection. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 39 (8). pp. 223-242.

Correns, Carl E. (1904) Ein typisch spaltender Bastard zwischen einer einjährigen und einer zweijährigen Sippe des Hyoscyamus niger. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 22. pp. 517-524.

Correns, Carl E. (1904) Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Gynodiosie. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 22. p. 506.

Coull, J. M., Pappin, D. J. (1990) A rapid fluorescent staining procedure for proteins electroblotted onto PVDF membranes. Journal of Protein Chemistry, 9. p. 259.

Crampton, Henry Edward (August 1905) On a general theory of adaptation and selection. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 2 (3). pp. 425-430.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1905) La pretendue relation entre la taille des oeufs et le sexe chez le Ver a Soie. Communication faite a la Reunion Biologique de Nancy. Comptes rendus de la Societe de Biologie Paris, 58. p. 133.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1904) Y a-t-il une relation entre le sexe et la taille des oeufs chez les Lepidopteres? Archives de Zoologie Experimentale, 3 (Notes ). p. 17.


Davenport, Charles Benedict (1908) Aufgabe und einrichtung einer biologischen versuchcanstalt fur tierzucht. Jahrb. f. wissen. und praktische Tierzucht, 3. p. 28.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1907) Demonstrations of methods and results of pedigree breeding of plants and animals. The Boston Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 4. p. 147.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1897) Experimental morphology. The Macmillan Company, New York, London.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1933) Memorandum to the Journal of Calendar Reform. Journal of Calendar Reform, 3 (3). p. 109.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (February 1898) Morphogenesis. Science, 7 (162). pp. 158-161.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1907) Report of the Department of Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. In: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book; no. 5. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, 5 (5). Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., pp. 92-105.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1904) Report on the fresh-water Bryozoa of the United States. Technical Report. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C..

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1906) Report on the work of the Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York. In: Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 4. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book , 4 . Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., pp. 87-107.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1903) The animal ecology of the Cold Spring sand spit, with remarks on the theory of adaptation. In: Investigations representing the departments Zoology Anatomy Physiology Neurology Botany Pathology Bacteriology: The decennial publications. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 157-176.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (July 1903) The collembola of Cold Spring Beach, with special reference to the movements of the Poduridae. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1892) The germ-layers in Bryozoan buds. Zoologischen Anzeiger (396).

Davenport, Charles Benedict (September 1901) The statistical study of evolution. Popular Science Monthly. pp. 447-460.

Dimon, Abigail Camp (April 1905) The Mud Snail: Nassa obsoleta. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Dunn, M.P., Bossert, P. E., Thomsen, G. H. (November 2013) A staging system for the regeneration of a polyp from the aboral physa of the anthozoan Cnidarian Nematostella vectensis. Developmental Dynamics, 242 (11). pp. 1320-31. ISSN 10588388 (ISSN)


Gilman, M. (2002) Preparation of cytoplasmic RNA from tissue culture cells. In: Curr Protoc Mol Biol. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Unit 4 .1.

Goldman, R. D., Swedlow, J. R., Spector, D. L. (2010) Live Cell Imaging: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 9780879698935


Harris, James Arthur (October 1900) Annotated catalogue of the crayfishes of Kansas. Kansas University Quarterly, 9 (4). pp. 263-274.

Harris, James Arthur (1906) Ascidia in gasteria and agave. Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report, 1906. pp. 126-132.

Harris, James Arthur (February 1902) Distribution of Kansas crayfishes (with map). Kansas University Science Bulletin, 1 (1). pp. 3-13.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1901) Normal and teratological thorns of Gleditschia triacanthos, L. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, 11 (10). 215-222, and 5 plates.

Harris, James Arthur (November 1901) Observations on the so-called dimorphism in the males of Cambarus erichson. Zoologischen Anzeiger, 24 (657/65). pp. 683-689.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1903) Polygamy and certain floral abnormalities in Solanum. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, 13 (8). pp. 185-202.

Harris, James Arthur (April 1906) The anomalous anther-structure of Dicorynia, Duparquetia, and Strumpfia. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 33 (4). pp. 223-228.

Harris, James Arthur (April 1901) The dimorphism of Cambarus, I. Kansas University Quarterly, 10 (2). pp. 49-59.

Harris, James Arthur (June 1903) An ecological catalogue of the crayfishes belonging to the genus Cambarus. Kansas University Science Bulletin, 2 (3). 51-187, and plates.

Harris, James Arthur (October 1905) The fruit of Opuntia. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 32 (10). pp. 531-536.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1903) The germination of Pachira, with a note on the names of two species. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, 13 (8). 203-209, and 3 plates.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1905) The influence of the Apidae upon the geographical distribution of certain floral types. Canadian Entomologist, 37 (12). pp. 393-398.

Harris, James Arthur, Kuchs, Oscar M. (February 1902) Observations on pollination of Solanum rostratum dunal and Cassia chamaecrista L. Kansas University Science Bulletin, 1 (1). pp. 15-43.

Hurst, Charles Chamberlain (1906) Notes on the proceedings of the international conference on plant breeding and hybridization, 1902. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 29 (4). p. 17.


Jackson, D. P. (January 2007) Imaging of Fresh Arabidopsis Tissues in the Scanning Electron Microscope. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2007 (1).

Johnson, Roswell Hill (1907) Economic notes on aphids and coccinellids. Entomology News, 18. p. 171.


Kellogg, Vernon Lyman (October 1906) The scientific aspect of Luther Burbank's work. Popular Science Monthly. pp. 363-374.

Kopec, C. D., Bowers, A. C., Pai, S. , Brody, C. D. (March 2011) Semi-automated atlas-based analysis of brain histological sections. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 196 (1). ISSN 0165-0270


Lutz, Frank Eugene (January 1903) Biometry. The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 2 (2). pp. 12-15.

Lutz, Frank Eugene (1902) Labels. Canadian Entomologist. pp. 102-103.

Lutz, Frank Eugene (1902) The ecology of insect sounds. Canadian Entomologist. pp. 64-66.


MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1905) Studies in organic evolution. Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 6. pp. 27-36.


Riddle, Oscar, Bates, Robert Wesley (1936) Chemical basis of sex. In: Encyclopaedia sexualis : a comprehensive encyclopaedia-dictionary of the sexual sciences. Dingwall-Rock.


Sever, R., Eisen, M., Inglis, J. (June 2019) Plan U: Universal access to scientific and medical research via funder preprint mandates. PLoS Biol, 17 (6). e3000273. ISSN 1544-9173

Sherman, F., Fink, G., Hicks, J. (1987) Methods in Yeast Genetics: A Laboratory Course Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 9780879691974

Smallwood, Mabel Elizabeth (May 1903) The Beach Flea: Talorchestia Longicornis. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Spector, D. L., Godlman, R. D. (2006) Basic methods in microscopy : a laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.. ISBN 0879697474

Spector, D. L., Goldman, R. D., Leinwand, L. A. (1999) Cells: Basic Principles of Microscopy, a companion slide set. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 9780879695224

Spector, D. L., Goldman, R. D., Leinwand, L. A. (1998) Cells: a laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 9780879695224

Spector, David L., Goldman, Robert D., Leinwand, Leslie A. (1997) Cells: a laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. ISBN 0879695226


Tschermak, Erich von (1904) Reviews of Bateson, W.: Address to the Zoological Section B.A.A.S. Jahrbuch f Pflanzen und Tierzuchtung.

Tschermak, Erich von (1904) Reviews of Bateson, W.: Experiments undertaken by W. Bateson and E.R. Saunders. Report 1 to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. Jahrbuch f Pflanzen und Tierzuchtung. p. 3.


Vries, Hugo de (1904) Californische Fruchten. De Gids.

Vries, Hugo de (1904) Das Wusten-Laboratorium zu Tucson in Arizona. Naturw. Wochenschrift, 3 (26).

Vries, Hugo de (1904) Een laboratorium voor Experimentele Evolutie. Onze Eeuw, 4. p. 282.

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Teunis bloemen in Noord-Amerika. Album der Natuur. p. 16.


Walter, Herbert Eugene (March 1906) The behavior of the pond snail. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Watson, J.D., Baker, T., Bell, S., Gann, A., Levine, M., Losick, R. (2008) Molecular Biology of the Gene. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 9780805395921

Watson, J.D., Baker, T., Bell, S., Gann, A., Levine, M., Losick, R. (2003) Molecular Biology of the Gene. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 9780805346350


Youens-Clark, K., Buckler, E., Casstevens, T., Chen, C., DeClerck, G., Derwent, P., Dharmawardhana, P., Jaiswal, P., Kersey, P., Karthikeyan, A. S., Lu, J., McCouch, S. R., Ren, L., Spooner, W., Stein, J. C., Thomason, J., Wei, S., Ware, D. H. (January 2011) Gramene database in 2010: Updates and extensions. Nucleic Acids Research, 39 (SUPPL.).

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