Gross differences in response of the liver to first and later daily dosage with insulin and prolactin (Abstract)

Riddle, Oscar, Opdyke, David F. (March 1942) Gross differences in response of the liver to first and later daily dosage with insulin and prolactin (Abstract). Federation Proceedings, 1 (1). p. 72.

Item Type: Paper
Subjects: bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > protein structure, function, modification > protein types > insulin receptor
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > organs types and functions > liver
Publication Type > Meeting Abstract
CSHL Authors:
Communities: Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor
Depositing User: Elizabeth Pessala
Date: March 1942
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2018 14:30
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2018 14:30

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