A Second Generation Solid-phase Protein Sequencer: The Prosequencer™

Laursen, R. A., Dixon, J. D., Liang, S., Nguyen, D. M., Kelcourse, T., Udell, L., Pappin, D. (1989) A Second Generation Solid-phase Protein Sequencer: The Prosequencer™. In: Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 61-68. ISBN 978-3-642-73836-4

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Investigative techniques and equipment
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > protein structure, function, modification
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Pappin lab
Depositing User: Matt Covey
Date: 1989
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2014 20:40
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2014 20:40
URI: https://repository.cshl.edu/id/eprint/30780

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