Hippocampal volume and cell proliferation after acute and chronic clozapine or haloperidol treatment

Schmitt, A., Weber, S., Jatzko, A., Braus, D. F., Henn, F. A. (January 2004) Hippocampal volume and cell proliferation after acute and chronic clozapine or haloperidol treatment. J Neural Transm, 111 (1). pp. 91-100. ISSN 0300-9564 (Print)0300-9564 (Linking)

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14714218
DOI: 10.1007/s00702-003-0070-2


The dentate gyrus contains progenitor cells possessing the capacity to proliferate until and throughout adulthood. There is little information about the influence of antipsychotics on cell proliferation. To address this, we investigated the influence of acute and chronic haloperidol and clozapine treatment on the total number of newly dividing cells and hippocampal volume using an animal model with doses equivalent to the therapeutic range in humans. Rats were treated with either acute or 28 days haloperidol (1 mg/kg i.p. or 1,5 mg/kg/day oral) or clozapine (30 mg/kg i.p. or 45 mg/kg/day oral). After BrdU injection, immunohistochemistry was performed in serial hippocampal brain sections. Total BrdU-labeled cell number and hippocampus volume were estimated using stereological methods. Neither neuroleptic altered total number of newly dividing cells in the dentate gyrus. In contrast, chronic haloperidol treatment did increase total hippocampal volume suggesting that haloperidol alters neuroplastic processes or glial morphology rather than cell proliferation.

Item Type: Paper
Uncontrolled Keywords: Animals Cell Division/drug effects/physiology Clozapine/ administration & dosage Haloperidol/ administration & dosage Hippocampus/ anatomy & histology/ drug effects/physiology Male Rats Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Subjects: diseases & disorders
diseases & disorders > mental disorders
diseases & disorders > cancer > drugs and therapies
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > tissues types and functions > hippocampus
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > tissues types and functions
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Henn lab
Depositing User: Matt Covey
Date: January 2004
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2013 22:25
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2013 22:25
Related URLs:
URI: https://repository.cshl.edu/id/eprint/27691

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