Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons in the adult neocortex

De Paola, V., Holtmaat, A. J. G. D., Knott, G. W., Song, S., Wilbrecht, L., Caroni, P., Svoboda, K. (March 2006) Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons in the adult neocortex. Neuron, 49 (6). pp. 861-75. ISSN 0896-6273 (Print)


We imaged axons in layer (L) 1 of the mouse barrel cortex in vivo. Axons from thalamus and L2/3/5, or L6 pyramidal cells were identified based on their distinct morphologies. Their branching patterns and sizes were stable over times of months. However, axonal branches and boutons displayed cell type-specific rearrangements. Structural plasticity in thalamocortical afferents was mostly due to elongation and retraction of branches (range, 1-150 microm over 4 days; approximately 5% of total axonal length), while the majority of boutons persisted for up to 9 months (persistence over 1 month approximately 85%). In contrast, L6 axon terminaux boutons were highly plastic (persistence over 1 month approximately 40 %), and other intracortical axon boutons showed intermediate levels of plasticity. Retrospective electron microscopy revealed that new boutons make synapses. Our data suggest that structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons contributes to the remodeling of specific functional circuits.

Item Type: Paper
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analysis of Variance Animals Antigens Thy-1 genetics Diagnostic Imaging methods Green Fluorescent Proteins genetics Imaging Three-Dimensional methods Male Mice Mice Inbred C57BL Mice Transgenic Microscopy Electron Transmission methods Models Anatomic Models Biological Neocortex cytology ultrastructure Neurites ultrastructure Neuronal Plasticity physiology Neurons classification cytology ultrastructure Presynaptic Terminals ultrastructure Time Factors
Subjects: organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > tissues types and functions > axon
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > tissues types and functions > barrel cortex
organism description > animal > mammal > rodent > mouse
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > neurons > pyramidal neurons
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > neurons > pyramidal neurons
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > neurons > pyramidal neurons
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Svoboda lab
Depositing User: CSHL Librarian
Date: 16 March 2006
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2011 16:43
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2018 14:55
Related URLs:
URI: https://repository.cshl.edu/id/eprint/22780

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