Nitric oxide and multiple sclerosis

Encinas, J. M., Manganas, L., Enikolopov, G. N. (May 2005) Nitric oxide and multiple sclerosis. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep, 5 (3). pp. 232-8. ISSN 1528-4042 (Print)


Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical signaling molecule with remarkably complex biochemistry. Its involvement in multiple sclerosis (MS) had been postulated soon after the discovery of the critical role NO plays in inflammation. However, the extent of NO's contribution to MS is not yet understood, party due to the often opposing roles that NO can play in cellular processes. This review briefly covers new developments in the area of NO that may be relevant to MS. It also describes recent progress in understanding the role of NO in MS, new potential targets of the action of NO in the cell, and prospects for NO-based therapies.

Item Type: Paper
Uncontrolled Keywords: Animals Enzyme Inhibitors therapeutic use Humans Multiple Sclerosis enzymology metabolism therapy Neurons enzymology metabolism Nitric Oxide antagonists & inhibitors metabolism Nitric Oxide Synthase antagonists & inhibitors metabolism Oligodendroglia enzymology Stem Cell Transplantation methods Stem Cells physiology
Subjects: diseases & disorders > cancer
diseases & disorders > cancer > drugs and therapies
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Enikopolov lab
Depositing User: CSHL Librarian
Date: May 2005
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2012 16:55
Last Modified: 03 May 2018 15:35
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