Items where Subject is "vision"

Group by: Authors | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 25.


Aizenman, C. D., Akerman, C. J., Jensen, K. R., Cline, H. T. (August 2003) Visually driven regulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability improves stimulus detection in vivo. Neuron, 39 (5). pp. 831-842. ISSN 0896-6273

Aizenman, C. D., Cline, H. T. (April 2007) Enhanced visual activity in vivo forms nascent synapses in the developing retinotectal projection. J Neurophysiol, 97 (4). pp. 2949-57. ISSN 0022-3077 (Print)

Churchland, A. K., Gardner, J. L., Chou, I. H., Priebe, N. J., Lisberger, S. G. (March 2003) Directional anisotropies reveal a functional segregation of visual motion processing for perception and action. Neuron, 37 (6). pp. 1001-1011. ISSN 08966273 (ISSN)

Churchland, A. K., Huang, X., Lisberger, S. G. (January 2007) Responses of neurons in the medial superior temporal visual area to apparent motion stimuli in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97 (1). pp. 272-282. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Churchland, A. K., Lisberger, S. G. (2005) Discharge properties of MST neurons that project to the frontal pursuit area in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94 (2). pp. 1084-1090. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Churchland, A. K., Lisberger, S. G. (2002) Gain control in human smooth-pursuit eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 87 (6). pp. 2936-2945. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Churchland, A. K., Lisberger, S. G. (October 2005) Relationship between extraretinal component of firing rate and eye speed in area MST of Macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94 (4). pp. 2416-2426. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Demas, J., Cline, H. T. (January 2007) The blu Blur: mutation of a vesicular glutamate transporter reduces the resolution of zebrafish vision. Neuron, 53 (1). pp. 4-6. ISSN 0896-6273 (Print)

Felsen, G., Dan, Y. (December 2005) A natural approach to studying vision. Nat Neurosci, 8 (12). pp. 1643-6. ISSN 1097-6256 (Print)

Licata, A. M., Kaufman, M. T., Raposo, D., Ryan, M. B., Sheppard, J. P., Churchland, A. K. (May 2017) Posterior parietal cortex guides visual decisions in rats. J Neurosci, 37 (19). pp. 4954-4966. ISSN 0270-6474

Lisman, J., Malenka, R. C., Nicoll, R. A., Malinow, R. (June 1997) Learning mechanisms: the case for CaM-KII. Science, 276 (5321). pp. 2001-2.

Oberauer, K., Stoneking, C., Wabersich, D., Lin, H. Y. (May 2017) Hierarchical Bayesian measurement models for continuous reproduction of visual features from working memory. J Vis, 17 (5). p. 11. ISSN 1534-7362

Prechtl, J. C., Cohen, L. B., Pesaran, B., Mitra, P. P., Kleinfeld, D. (1997) Visual stimuli induce waves of electrical activity in turtle cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94 (14). pp. 7621-7626. ISSN 00278424 (ISSN)

Qiu, Yongrong, Zhao, Zhijian, Klindt, David, Kautzky, Magdalena, Szatko, Klaudia P, Schaeffel, Frank, Rifai, Katharina, Franke, Katrin, Busse, Laura, Euler, Thomas (August 2021) Natural environment statistics in the upper and lower visual field are reflected in mouse retinal specializations. Current Biology, 31 (15). 3233-3247.e6. ISSN 0960-9822

Rambold, H., Churchland, A. K., Selig, Y., Jasmin, L., Lisberger, S. G. (2002) Partial ablations of the flocculus and ventral paraflocculus in monkeys cause linked deficits in smooth pursuit eye movements and adaptive modification of the VOR. Journal of Neurophysiology, 87 (2). pp. 912-924. ISSN 00223077 (ISSN)

Reinagel, P., Zador, A. M. (1999) Natural scene statistics at the centre of gaze. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 10 (4). pp. 341-350. ISSN 0954898X (ISSN)

Ruthazer, E. S., Akerman, C. J., Cline, H. T. (July 2003) Control of axon branch dynamics by correlated activity in vivo. Science, 301 (5629). pp. 66-70. ISSN 0036-8075

Sheppard, J. P., Raposo, D., Churchland, A. K. (2013) Dynamic weighting of multisensory stimuli shapes decision-making in rats and humans. Journal of Vision, 13 (6). ISSN 1534-7362 (Electronic)1534-7362 (Linking)

Uchida, N., Kepecs, A., Mainen, Z. F. (June 2006) Seeing at a glance, smelling in a whiff: rapid forms of perceptual decision making. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7 (6). pp. 485-91. ISSN 1471-0048

Van Keuren-Jensen, K., Cline, H. T. (2006) Visual experience regulates metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated plasticity of AMPA receptor synaptic transmission by Homer1a induction. Journal of Neuroscience, 26 (29). pp. 7575-7580. ISSN 02706474

Wang, Bor-Shuen, Bernardez Sarria, Maria Sol, An, Xu, He, Miao, Alam, Nazia M, Prusky, Glen T, Crair, Michael C, Huang, Z Josh (February 2021) Retinal and Callosal Activity-Dependent Chandelier Cell Elimination Shapes Binocularity in Primary Visual Cortex. Neuron, 109 (3). 502-515.e7. ISSN 0896-6273

Wicklow, B. A., Ivanovich, J. L., Plews, M. M., Salo, T. J., Noetzel, M. J., Lueder, G. T., Cartegni, L., Kaback, M. M., Sandhoff, K., Steiner, R. D., Triggs-Raine, B. L. (June 2004) Severe subacute G(M2) gangliosidosis caused by an apparently silent HEXA mutation (V324V) that results in aberrant splicing and reduced HEXA mmRNA. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 127A (2). pp. 158-166. ISSN 0148-7299

van Kempen, J., Gieselmann, M. A., Boyd, M., Steinmetz, N. A., Moore, T., Engel, T. A., Thiele, A. (December 2020) Top-down coordination of local cortical state during selective attention. Neuron. ISSN 0896-6273

Book Section

Churchland, A. K., Shadlen, M. N. (2007) Decision-Making and Vision. In: The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Elsevier.


Sheppard, J. P., Raposo, D., Churchland, A. K. (August 2013) Tutorial and data for "Sheppard, J. P. and Raposo, D. and Churchland, A. K. (2013) Dynamic weighting of multisensory stimuli shapes decision-making in rats and humans. Journal of Vision, 13 (6).". [Dataset]

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