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Little, Clarence Cook, Bagg, Halsey Joseph (November 1924) The occurrence of four inheritable morphological variations in mice and their possible relation to treatment with X-rays. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 41 (1). pp. 45-91.

Bagg, Halsey Joseph, Little, Clarence Cook (March 1924) Hereditary structural defects in the descendants of mice exposed to Roentgen ray irradiation. American Journal of Anatomy, 33 (1). pp. 119-140.

Snyder, L. H., Schneider, Margaret, Little, Clarence Cook (1924) A report of a histological study of the eyes and gonads of mice treated with a light dosage of X-rays. The American Naturalist, 58 (657). pp. 383-384.

Little, Clarence Cook, Bagg, Halsey Joseph (December 1923) The occurrence of two heritable types of abnormality among the descendants of X-rayed mice. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy, 10 (12). pp. 975-989.

Little, Clarence Cook (May 1922) The relation between research in human heredity and experimental genetics. The Scientific Monthly, 14 (5). pp. 401-415.

Little, Clarence Cook, Johnson, Beatrice W. (1922) The inheritance of susceptibility to implants of splenic tissue in mice. I: Japanese waltzing mice, albinos, and their F1 generation hybrids. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 19 (4). pp. 163-167.

Little, Clarence Cook (1922) The second international congress of eugenics. Eugenics Review, 13 (4). p. 511.

Little, Clarence Cook (February 1921) Non-disjunction of the fourth chromosome of Drosophila. Science, 53 (1364). p. 167.

Little, Clarence Cook, Gibbons, Marion (1921) Evidence for sex-linked lethal factors in man. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 18. pp. 111-115.

Little, Clarence Cook (December 1920) Is the fertile tortoise-shell tom cat a modified female? Journal of Genetics, 10 (4). pp. 301-302.

Little, Clarence Cook (October 1920) Factors influencing the growth of a transplantable tumor in mice. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 31 (3). pp. 307-326.

Little, Clarence Cook (September 1920) Note on the occurrence of a probable sex-linked lethal factor in mammals. The American Naturalist, 54 (634). pp. 457-460.

Little, Clarence Cook (May 1920) The heredity of susceptibility to a transplantable sarcoma (J. W. B.) of the Japanese waltzing mouse. Science, 51 (1323). pp. 467-468.

Little, Clarence Cook (May 1920) Is there linkage between the genes for yellow and for black in mice? The American Naturalist, 54 (632). pp. 267-270.

Little, Clarence Cook (May 1920) A note on the human sex ratio. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 6 (5). pp. 250-253.

Little, Clarence Cook (March 1920) Alternative explanations for the exceptional color classes in doves and canaries. The American Naturalist, 54 (631). pp. 162-175.

Little, Clarence Cook (January 1920) A note on the origin of piebald spotting in dogs. The Journal of Heredity, 11 (1). pp. 12-15.

Little, Clarence Cook, Jones, E. Elizabeth (October 1919) The inheritance of coat color in great danes. Journal of Heredity, 10 (7). pp. 309-320.

Little, Clarence Cook (September 1919) Colour inheritance in cats, with special reference to the colours black, yellow and tortoise-shell. Journal of Genetics, 8 (4). pp. 279-290.

Little, Clarence Cook (1919) Some factors influencing the human sex-ratio. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 16 (8). pp. 127-130.

Little, Clarence Cook (1919) A note on the fate of individuals homozygous for certain color factors in mice. The American Naturalist, 53 (625). p. 185.

Little, Clarence Cook (August 1917) Evidence of multiple factors in mice and rats. The American Naturalist, 51 (608). p. 457.

Little, Clarence Cook (March 1917) The use of vasectomized male mice as indicators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 186-188.

Little, Clarence Cook (February 1917) The relation of yellow coat color and black-eyed white spotting of mice in inheritance. Genetics, 2 (5). pp. 433-444.

Little, Clarence Cook (August 1916) The relation of heredity to cancer in man and animals. The Scientific Monthly, 3 (2). pp. 196-202.

Little, Clarence Cook (June 1916) The occurrence of three recognized color mutations in mice. The American Naturalist, 50 (594). pp. 335-349.

Little, Clarence Cook, Tyzzer, Ernest Edward (January 1916) Further experimental studies on the inheritance of susceptibility to a transplantable tumor, carcinoma (J.w.A.) of the Japanese waltzing mouse. The Journal of Medical Research, 33 (3). pp. 393-453.

Little, Clarence Cook (December 1915) The inheritance of black-eyed white spotting in mice. The American Naturalist, 49 (588). pp. 727-740.

Little, C. C. (October 1915) The inheritance of cancer. Science, 42 (1084). pp. 494-495.

Little, Clarence Cook (August 1915) Cancer and heredity. Science, 42 (1076). pp. 218-219.

Little, Clarence Cook (February 1915) A note on multiple allelomorphs in mice. The American Naturalist, 49 (578). pp. 122-125.

Little, Clarence Cook (December 1914) A possible Mendelian explanation for a type of inheritance apparently non-Menelian in nature. Science, 40 (1042). pp. 904-906.

Little, Clarence Cook (June 1914) Coat color in Pointer dogs: Examination of stud book from Mendelian viewpoint suggests that relation of brown to black is the same in dogs as in other small mammals which have been investigated, and that there are two types of yellow - practical breeding rules. Journal of Heredity, 5 (6). pp. 244-248.

Little, Clarence Cook (February 1914) "Dominant" and "recessive" spotting in mice. The American Naturalist, 48 (566). pp. 74-82.

Little, Clarence Cook, Phillips, J. C. (December 1913) A cross involving four pairs of Mendelian characters in mice. The American Naturalist, 47 (564). pp. 760-762.

Little, Clarence Cook (August 1913) "Yellow" and "agouti" factors in mice. Science, 38 (971). p. 205.

Little, Clarence Cook (May 1912) Preliminary note on the occurrence of a sex-limited character in cats. Science, 35 (907). pp. 784-785.

Little, Clarence Cook (1912) Yellow and agouti factors in mice not "associated". The American Naturalist, 46 (548). pp. 491-493.

Little, Clarence Cook (June 1911) The "dilute" forms of yellow mice. Science, 33 (858). pp. 896-897.

Little, Clarence Cook (June 1911) The "dilute" forms of yellow mice. Science, 33 (858). pp. 896-897.

Book Section

Little, Clarence Cook (1922) The relation of genetics to the problems of cancer research. In: Harvey Lectures. Academic Press, New York.

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