FANTOM5 CAGE profiles of human and mouse samples

Noguchi, S., Arakawa, T., Fukuda, S., Furuno, M., Hasegawa, A., Hori, F., Ishikawa-Kato, S., Kaida, K., Kaiho, A., Kanamori-Katayama, M., Kawashima, T., Kojima, M., Kubosaki, A., Manabe, R. I., Murata, M., Nagao-Sato, S., Nakazato, K., Ninomiya, N., Nishiyori-Sueki, H., Noma, S., Saijyo, E., Saka, A., Sakai, M., Simon, C., Suzuki, N., Tagami, M., Watanabe, S., Yoshida, S., Arner, P., Axton, R. A., Babina, M., Baillie, J. K., Barnett, T. C., Beckhouse, A. G., Blumenthal, A., Bodega, B., Bonetti, A., Briggs, J., Brombacher, F., Carlisle, A. J., Clevers, H. C., Davis, C. A., Detmar, M., Dohi, T., Edge, A. S. B., Edinger, M., Ehrlund, A., Ekwall, K., Endoh, M., Enomoto, H., Eslami, A., Fagiolini, M., Fairbairn, L., Farach-Carson, M. C., Faulkner, G. J., Ferrai, C., Fisher, M. E., Forrester, L. M., Fujita, R., Furusawa, J. I., Geijtenbeek, T. B., Gingeras, T., Goldowitz, D., Guhl, S., Guler, R., Gustincich, S., Ha, T. J., Hamaguchi, M., Hara, M., Hasegawa, Y., Herlyn, M., Heutink, P., Hitchens, K. J., Hume, D. A., Ikawa, T., Ishizu, Y., Kai, C., Kawamoto, H., Kawamura, Y. I., Kempfle, J. S., Kenna, T. J., Kere, J., Khachigian, L. M., Kitamura, T., Klein, S., Klinken, S. P., Knox, A. J., Kojima, S., Koseki, H., Koyasu, S., Lee, W., Lennartsson, A., Mackay-Sim, A., Mejhert, N., Mizuno, Y., Morikawa, H., Morimoto, M., Moro, K., Morris, K. J., Motohashi, H. (August 2017) FANTOM5 CAGE profiles of human and mouse samples. Sci Data, 4. p. 170112. ISSN 2052-4463

DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.112


In the FANTOM5 project, transcription initiation events across the human and mouse genomes were mapped at a single base-pair resolution and their frequencies were monitored by CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) coupled with single-molecule sequencing. Approximately three thousands of samples, consisting of a variety of primary cells, tissues, cell lines, and time series samples during cell activation and development, were subjected to a uniform pipeline of CAGE data production. The analysis pipeline started by measuring RNA extracts to assess their quality, and continued to CAGE library production by using a robotic or a manual workflow, single molecule sequencing, and computational processing to generate frequencies of transcription initiation. Resulting data represents the consequence of transcriptional regulation in each analyzed state of mammalian cells. Non-overlapping peaks over the CAGE profiles, approximately 200,000 and 150,000 peaks for the human and mouse genomes, were identified and annotated to provide precise location of known promoters as well as novel ones, and to quantify their activities.

Item Type: Paper
Subjects: bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > DNA, RNA structure, function, modification > transcription
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > DNA, RNA structure, function, modification > genes, structure and function > gene expression
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL Cancer Center Program > Gene Regulation and Cell Proliferation
CSHL labs > Gingeras lab
CSHL Cancer Center Program > Cancer Genetics and Genomics Program
Depositing User: Matt Covey
Date: 29 August 2017
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2017 21:11
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2020 21:20
PMCID: PMC5574368
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