The attraction between homologous chromosomes

Belling, John (1923) The attraction between homologous chromosomes. In: Scientific papers of the second International Congress of Eugenics : held at American Museum of Natural History, New York, September 22-28, 1921. Williams & Williams, Baltimore, pp. 84-85.



IT has been shown that the chromosomes of Datura (American Naturalist, vol. 56, pp. 339–346, 1922), Hyacinthus (Genetics, vol. 10, pp. 59–71, 1925) and Uvularia (Journal of Genetics, in press), for example, are combined side by side, and end to end, at the reduction division. If n is the haploid number of chromosomes, this finding of partners and conjugation of chromosomes points to the presence of 2n different attractions. (It is easily demonstrated in Uvularia that homologous ends of each chromosome are opposed, for the ends of the chromosomes differ in appearance.) This is confirmed by the formation of trivalents, quadiivalents, quinquevalents, etc., in triploid, tetraploid, and other plants with more than two homologous chormosomes; and also be the fact that none of the 12 chromosomes of the haploid Datura pair at the reduction division (Fig. 1). Such a number of attracting forces seems perhaps unexampled in physics.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: organism description > plant
CSHL Authors:
Communities: The Carnegie Institution Department of Genetics
Depositing User: Elizabeth Pessala
Date: 1923
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2016 01:52
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 21:44

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