Preservation of normal behavior by enucleated cells in culture

Goldman, R. D., Pollack, R., Hopkins, N. H. (March 1973) Preservation of normal behavior by enucleated cells in culture. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 70 (3). pp. 750-4.


BHK-21 fibroblasts and BSC-1 epithelial cells were enucleated with cytochalasin B. The enucleated cells were trypsinized and replated; their subsequent behavior was monitored by light optical techniques. The results demonstrate that the information necessary for attachment, spreading, shape formation, pinocytosis, contact inhibition, and cell locomotion is present in enucleated cytoplasm.

Item Type: Paper
Subjects: organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > fibroblasts
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > fibroblasts
organs, tissues, organelles, cell types and functions > cell types and functions > cell types > fibroblasts
CSHL Authors:
Communities: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology
Depositing User: Elizabeth Pessala
Date: March 1973
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2018 17:09
Last Modified: 12 Dec 2018 17:09
PMCID: PMC433350

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