The developmental role of microRNA in plants

Kidner, C. A., Martienssen, R. A. (February 2005) The developmental role of microRNA in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 8 (1). pp. 38-44. ISSN 1369-5266


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are single-stranded RNA molecules of around 22 nucleotides (nt) in length that are associated with the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). They play an important role in plant development, either by targeting mRNA for cleavage or by inhibiting translation. Over the past year, the list of known miRNAs, confirmed targets and developmental effects has expanded, as has the realization that they are conserved during evolution and that small RNAs can play a direct role in cell-cell signaling.

Item Type: Paper
Additional Information: ISI Document Delivery No.: 894CW Times Cited: 52 Cited Reference Count: 74
Uncontrolled Keywords: DSRNA binding protein shood apical meristem cup shaped cotyledon arabidopsis development nuclear export messenger RNA flower devlopment virus resistance leaf development gene regulation RISC
Subjects: bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > DNA, RNA structure, function, modification > miRNA
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > DNA, RNA structure, function, modification > miRNA
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > genetics & nucleic acid processing > DNA, RNA structure, function, modification > sRNA
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Depositing User: CSHL Librarian
Date: February 2005
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2012 16:52
Last Modified: 10 Apr 2014 14:07
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