Items where Year is 1930

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Number of items: 61.


Banta, Arthur Mangun (1930) Further observations on control of sex with Cladocera. In: Proceedings of the Second International Congress for Sex Research, 1930.

Banta, Arthur Mangun (1930) The elimination of the male sex in the evolution of some lower animals. The Scientific Monthly, 30 (1). pp. 59-65.

Banta, Arthur Mangun, Brown, Leland A. (January 1930) Control of sex in Cladocera. VI. By treatment with drugs. Physiological Zoology, 3 (1). pp. 48-55.

Banta, Arthur Mangun, Wood, Thelma Rittenhouse (1930) Further studies on inheritance in Cladocera. The Anatomical Record, 47 (3). pp. 389-390.

Belling, John (1930) The life-world; poems of science. The Mary Margaret Morgan Co., San Francisco.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (1930) Genetics at Storrs. In: Bulletin of the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station: Dedication of Atwater Laboratory, June 12, 1930. Connecticut Agricultural College, Storrs, Connecticut, pp. 225-231.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (December 1930) Heredity and environment. The Scientific Monthly, 31 (6). pp. 556-559.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Banker, Howard James (1930) Identical twins as biological controls in educational and other human problems. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 69 (6). pp. 379-384.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Bergner, Anna Dorothy, Avery, Amos G. (May 1930) Compensating extra chromosomal types in Datura and their use as testers (Abstract). Science, 71 (1846). p. 516.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Cleland, Ralph E. (March 1930) Circle formation in Datura and Oenothera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 (3). pp. 177-183.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis, Satina, Sophia Alexandrovna, Bergner, Anna Dorothy, Potter, James S., Avery, Amos G. (1930) F1's from radium-treated pollen (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 47 (3). p. 383.

Brown, Leland A., Banta, Arthur Mangun (1930) Temperature and male production in the Cladocera Moina macrocopa. The Anatomical Record, 47 (3). p. 302.

Buchholz, John Theodore, Blakeslee, Albert Francis (December 1930) Pollen tube growth and control of gametophytic selection in Cocklebur, a 25-chromosome Datura. Botanical Gazette, 90 (4). pp. 366-383.

Buchholz, John Theodore, Blakeslee, Albert Francis (1930) Pollen-tube growth and seed production after radium treatment (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 47 (3). p. 382.

Buchholz, John Theodore, Blakeslee, Albert Francis (March 1930) Pollen-tube growth of the primary mutant of Datura, Rolled, and its two secondaries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 (3). pp. 190-195.

Buchholz, John Theodore, Blakeslee, Albert Francis (March 1930) Radium experiments with Datura. I: The identification and transmission of lethals of pollen-tube growth in F1's from radium-treated parents. The Journal of Heredity, 21 (3). pp. 119-129.


Cleland, Ralph E., Blakeslee, Albert Francis (1930) Interaction between complexes as evidence for segmental interchange in Oenothera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 (3). pp. 183-189.


Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Adolescent spurt in growth. The laws of life. Memorial Volume in honour of the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. V. Ruzicka.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Adolescent spurt in growth (Abstract). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 14 (1). p. 85.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Fluctuations in the rate of growth in the second decade. Davenport Collection.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Hearing in children when both parents have otosclerosis. Transactions of the American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Intermarriage between races; a eugenic or dysgenic force? Discussion by Charles B. Davenport, A.Hrdlicka, L.I.Newman, M.J. Herskovits. Eugenics Review, 3 (2). pp. 58-61.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) James Arthur Harris. unknown. (Submitted)

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Light thrown by genetics on evolution and development. Scientific Monthly, 30 (4). pp. 307-314.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Obituary: James Arthur Harris. Science, 71 (1845). pp. 474-475.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Relation between physical and mental development. Eugenical News, 15 (6). pp. 79-81.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Sex linkage in man. Genetics, 15 (5). pp. 401-444.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) Some criticisms of "Race Crossing in Jamaica". Science, 72 (1872). pp. 501-502.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1930) The mechanism of organic evolution. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 20 (14). pp. 317-331.

Davenport, Charles Benedict, Minogue, Blanche M. (1930) The intelligence quotient and the physical quotient: Their fluctuation and intercorrelation. Human Biology: A Record of Research, 11 (4). pp. 473-507.

Demerec, Milislav (1930) The behaviour of two mutable genes of Delphinium ajacis (Abstract). In: Fifth International Botanical Congress.

Demerec, Milislav (1930) A genetic factor affecting germinal mutability of miniature-alpha wing character of Drosophilis virilis. The laws of life. Memorial Volume in honour of the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. V. Ruzicka.

Demerec, Milislav, Farrow, J. G. (1930) Non-disjunction of the X-chromosome in Drosophila virilis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 (11). pp. 707-710.

Demerec, Milislav, Farrow, J. G. (1930) Relation between the X-ray dosage and the frequency of primary non-disjunctions of X-chromosomes in Drosophila virilis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 (11). pp. 711-714.


Harris, Reginald Gordon (1930) Annual Report of the Biological Laboratory. Project Report. Long Island Biological Association, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Harris, Reginald Gordon (1930) The Dr. Walter B. James Memorial Laboratory for biophysics. Scientific Monthly, 30 (3). pp. 287-288.


Laughlin, Harry Hamilton (1930) Large-number division by calculating machine. The American Mathematical Monthly, 37 (6). pp. 287-293.

Laughlin, Harry Hamilton (1930) The legal status of eugenical sterilization. Supplement to the Annual Report of the Municipal Court of Chicago for the year 1929.


MacDowell, E. Carleton, Richter, Maurice N. (1930) Genetic control of susceptibility to the inoculated mouse leukemia of lines I and L (Abstract). The Anatomical Record, 47 (3). p. 387.

MacDowell, Edwin Carleton, Gates, William Hazen, MacDowell, C. G. (1930) The influence of the quantity of nutrition upon the growth of the suckling mouse. J Gen Physiol., 13 (5). pp. 529-545.

MacDowell, Edwin Carleton, Richter, Maurice N. (1930) Studies on mouse leukemia. II. Hereditary susceptibility to inoculated leukemia. The Journal of Cancer Research, 14 (3). pp. 434-439.

McClintock, Barbara (1930) A cytological demonstration of the location of an interchange between two non-homologous chromosomes of Zea Mays. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 (12). pp. 791-796.

Metz, Charles W. (1930) A possible alternative to the hypothesis of selective fertilization in Sciara. The American Naturalist, 64 (693). pp. 380-382.


Nabours, Robert K. (1930) Emergent evolution and hybridism. Science, 71 (1841). pp. 371-375.

Nabours, Robert K. (1930) Hybrid emergence. Eugenical News, 15 (7). p. 102.

Nabours, Robert K. (1930) Induced parthenogenesis and homozygosis. Science, 72 (1872). pp. 502-503.

Nabours, Robert K. (1930) Review of Roberts' "Plant hybridization before Mendel.". Science, 72 (1863). pp. 274-275.

Nabours, Robert K. (1930) A third alternative: emergent evolution. Scientific Monthly, 31 (5). pp. 453-456.


Obreshkove, V., Banta, Arthur Mangun (1930) A study of the rate of oxygen consumption of different Cladocera clones derived originally from a single mother. Physiological Zoology, 3 (1). pp. 1-8.


Richter, Maurice N., MacDowell, Edwin Carleton (April 1930) Studies on leukemia in mice. I: The experimental transmission of leukemia. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 51 (4). pp. 659-673.

Richter, Maurice N., MacDowell, Edwin Carleton (December 1930) Studies on mouse leukemia. III. A comparison of four lines of leukemia transmitted by inoculation. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 52 (6). pp. 823-833.

Riddle, Oscar (1930) Complete atrophy of kidney in pigeons following section of the ureter. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 27 (9). pp. 1022-1024.

Riddle, Oscar (September 1930) Studies on the physiology of reproduction in birds. XXVII: The age distribution of mortality in bird embryos and its probable significance. The American Journal of Physiology, 94 (3). pp. 535-547.

Riddle, Oscar, Christman, Guinevere, Benedict, Francis G. (October 1930) Differential response of male and female ring doves to metabolism measurement at higher and lower temperatures. The American Journal of Physiology, 95 (1). pp. 111-120.


Satina, Sophia Alexandrovna, Blakeslee, Albert Francis (November 1930) Imperfect sexual reactions in homothallic and heterothallic mucors. Botanical Gazette, 90 (3). pp. 299-311.

Smith, Philip Edward, MacDowell, Edwin Carleton (August 1930) An hereditary anterior-pituitary deficiency in the mouse. The Anatomical Record, 46 (3). pp. 249-257.

Steggerda, Morris (January 1930) Effect of bodily injury on egg laying in fowls. Poultry Science, 9 (2). pp. 79-91.

Steggerda, Morris (1930) Effect of somatic injury upon yield in corn. Plant Physiology, 5 (3). pp. 432-435.

Steggerda, Morris (1930) The inheritance of eye-color. Eugenical News.

Steggerda, Morris (1930) The inheritance of thin skin. Eugenical News.

Steggerda, Morris, Cheney, Helen, Ruby, Mary A., Copeland, Elizabeth A., Mount, Margaret C., Steele, Mary D. (September 1930) Student researches in human heredity. Eugenical News, 15 (9). pp. 134-136.

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