Items where Year is 1909

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Number of items: 55.


Banker, Howard James (1909) A new fungus of the swamp cedar. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 36. pp. 341-343.

Bateson, William (1909) Mendel's principles of heredity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (May 1909) Papers on mucors. Botanical Gazette, 47 (5). p. 418.

Byrnes, Esther F. (February 1909) The fresh water cyclops of Long Island. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.


Castle, William Ernest (March 1909) A Mendelian view of sex-heredity. Science, 29 (740). pp. 395-400.

Castle, William Ernest (1909) The behavior of unit-characters in heredity. In: Fifty years of Darwinism: modern aspects of evolution: centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin, before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 1909. Henry Holt & Company, New York, 143 p..

Castle, William Ernest, Little, Clarence Cook (September 1909) The peculiar inheritance of pink eyes among colored mice. Science, 30 (766). pp. 313-314.

Castle, William Ernest, Phillips, John C. (September 1909) A successful ovarian transplantation in the guinea-pig, and its bearing on problems of genetics. Science, 30 (766). pp. 312-313.

Castle, William Ernest, Walter, Herbert Eugene, Mullenix, Robert Clarke, Cobb, S. (1909) Studies of inheritance in rabbits. Technical Report. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..

Correns, Carl E. (1909) Untersuchungen uber die Gattung Grastium. I. Die Verwertung der Haarform fur die Unterscheidung der Arten. Oesterreich. botan. Zeitschrift. pp. 169-183.

Correns, Carl E. (1909) Verebungsversuche mit blass (gelb) grunen und bundblaettrigen Sippen bei Mirabilis Jalapa, Urtica pilulifera und Lamium album. Zeitschrift für induktive Abstammmungs und Vererbungslehre, 1 (4). pp. 291-329.

Correns, Carl E. (1909) Zur Kenntnis der Rolle von Kern und Plasma bei der Vererbung. Zeitschrift für induktive Abstammmungs und Vererbungslehre, 2 (4). pp. 331-340.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1909) Le peuplement des places vides dans la Nature et l'origine des adaptationes. Revue generale des Sciences, 20 (1). p. 8.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1909) Les couleurs protectrices chez les animaux. Revue des Idees, 6 (64). p. 289.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1909) Les males d'Abeilles proviennent-ils toujours d'oeufs parthenogenetiques. Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique, 43. p. 1.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien, Mercier, M. (November 1909) Etudes sur le cancer de Souris. Relations entre la greffe de tumeur, la gestation et la lactation. Comptes rendus Academie Sciences Paris, 149.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien, Mercier, M. (1909) Relations entre la greffe de tumeur, la gestation et la lactation. In: Etudes sur le cancer de Souris. Comptes rendus Societe de Biologie , 67 . Bailliere Brothers, Paris, p. 736.


Darbishire, Arthur DuKinfield (1909) An experimental estimation of the theory of ancestral contributions in heredity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological sciences., 81 (545). pp. 61-79.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1909) Influence of heredity on human society. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 34. p. 16.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1909) Inheritance of characteristics in domestic fowl. Documentation. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1909) Mutation. In: Fifty Years of Darwinism: modern aspects of evolution: centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin, before the American American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 1909. Henry Holt & Company, New York, pp. 160-181.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (December 1909) Review of Johannsen's "Elemente der exakten erblichkeitslehre". Science, 30 (780). pp. 851-853.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1909) Some principles of poultry breeding. Journal of Heredity, 5. pp. 376-379.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1909) The factor hypothesis in its relation to plumage color. Journal of Heredity, 5. p. 382.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (1909) A suggestion as to the organization of the committee on breeding poultry. Journal of Heredity, 5. p. 379.

Davenport, Charles Benedict, Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty (1909) Prepotency in pigment colors. journal of Heredity, 5. 221, 222.

Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, Davenport, Charles Benedict (April 1909) Heredity of hair color in man. The American Naturalist, 43 (508). pp. 193-211.


Goodale, Hubert Dana (June 1909) Sex and its relation to the barring factor in poultry. Science, 29 (756). pp. 1004-1005.

Gortner, Ross Aiken (1909) On some new quinazoline derivatives. PhD thesis, Columbia University.


Harris, James Arthur (December 1909) Correlation in the inflorescence of Celastrus scandens. Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report, 1909. pp. 116-122.

Harris, James Arthur (September 1909) Is there a selective elimination of ovaries in the fruiting of the leguminosae? The American Naturalist, 43 (513). pp. 556-559.

Harris, James Arthur (June 1909) Note on the bag worm, Thyridopterix. Psyche, 16 (3). pp. 65-67.

Harris, James Arthur (July 1909) Note on variation in Adoxa. Biometrika, 7 (1). pp. 218-222.

Harris, James Arthur (1909) Variation and correlation in the flowers of Lagerstroemia indica. Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report, 1909. pp. 97-104.

Harris, James Arthur (June 1909) Variation in the number of seeds per pod in the broom, Cytisus scoparius. The American Naturalist, 43 (510). pp. 350-355.

Harris, James Arthur (March 1909) The correlation between a variable and the deviation of a dependent variable from its probable value. Biometrika, 6 (4). p. 438.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1909) The correlation between length of flowering-stalk and number of flowers per inflorescence in Nothoscordum and Allium. Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report, 1909. pp. 105-115.

Harris, James Arthur (1909) The correlation between the length of flowering stalk and number of flowers in Nothoscordium and Allium. Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report, 1909. pp. 105-115.

Harris, James Arthur (June 1909) The leaves of podophyllum. Botanical Gazette, 47 (6). pp. 438-444.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1909) A note of the prairie-dog owl which resembles the rattlesnake's rattle. The American Naturalist, 43 (516). pp. 754-755.

Harris, James Arthur (July 1909) A short method of calculating the coefficient of correlation in the case of integral variates. Biometrika, 7 (1 ). pp. 214-218.

Hurst, Charles Chamberlain (February 1909) Inheritance of albinism in orchids. Gardener's Chronicle.

Hurst, Charles Chamberlain (1909) Mendelism and sex. Mendel Journal (1).


MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1909) Darwinism and experimentation in botany. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 22. pp. 389-392.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1909) The origin of desert floras. In: Distribution and movements of desert plants. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication; no. 113, 113 (113). Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., pp. 113-119.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1909) The origination of self-generating matter and the influence of aridity uupon the evolutionary development of plants. The Journal of Geology.


Riddle, Oscar (August 1909) The rate of digestion in cold-blooded vertebrates. The influence of season and temperature. The American Journal of Physiology, 24 (5). pp. 447-458.


Shull, George Harrison (1909) Bursa bursa-pastoris and Bursa heegeri: biotypes and hybrids. Documentation. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..

Shull, George Harrison (July 1909) The "presence and absence" hypothesis. The American Naturalist, 43 (511). pp. 410-419.

Shull, George Harrison (May 1909) A pure-line method in corn breeding. Journal of Heredity. pp. 63-72.

Shull, George Harrison (July 1909) A simple chemical device to illustrate Mendelian inheritance. Plant World, 12 (7). pp. 145-152.


Tschermak, Erich von (1909) Der moderne Stand der Kreuzungszuchtung der landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. Vortrag gehalten in der Okonomischen Gesellschaft in Dresden.

Tschermak, Erich von (1909) Ueber Korrelationen. Landwirtschaftliche Umschau (1).

Tschermak, Erich von (February 1909) Weitere Beobachtungen uber die Fruchtbarkeits- und Infektions verhaltnisse der Gersten und Roggenblute. Deutsche landwirtschaftliche presse.


Vries, Hugo de (1909) Ueber die Zwillings bastarde von Oenothera nanella. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 26 (9). pp. 667-676.

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