Items where Year is 1905

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Number of items: 47.


Banta, Arthur Mangun (June 1905) The fauna of Mayfield's Cave. Science, 21 (544). pp. 853-854.

Bateson, William (1905) A suggestion as to the nature of the "walnut" comb in fowls. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 13. pp. 65-168.

Bateson, William, Gregory, R. P. (November 1905) On the inheritance of heterostylism in Primula. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 76 (513). pp. 581-586.

Blakeslee, Albert Francis (September 1905) Two conidia-bearing fungi. Cunninghamella and Thamnocephalis, n. gen. Botanical Gazette, 40 (3). pp. 161-170.

Castle, William Ernest (1905) Recent discoveries in heredity and their bearing on animal breeding. Popular Science Monthly, 66. pp. 193-208.

Castle, William Ernest (1905) The mutation theory of organic evolution from the standpoint of animal breeding. Science, 21 (536). pp. 521-525.

Correns, Carl E. (1905) Einige Bastardierung Versuche mit anomalien Sippen und ihre allgemeinen Ergebnisse. Jahrbuch Wissenschaftlich Botanik, 41. p. 458.

Correns, Carl E. (1905) Gregor Mendel's Briefe an Carl Nageli 1866-1873. Ein Nachtrag zu den veroffentlichen Bastardierungsversuchen Mendels. Abh. Math. Phys., Klasse, Kgl. Sachsischen Gesellschaft Wissenschaftlich (3). p. 187.

Correns, Carl E. (1905) Zur Kenntniss der scheinbar neuen Merkmale der Bastarde. Zweite Mittheilung uber Bastardie rungsversuche mit Mirabilis Sippen. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 23. pp. 70-85.

Crampton, Henry Edward (August 1905) On a general theory of adaptation and selection. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 2 (3). pp. 425-430.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1905) La pretendue relation entre la taille des oeufs et le sexe chez le Ver a Soie. Communication faite a la Reunion Biologique de Nancy. Comptes rendus de la Societe de Biologie Paris, 58. p. 133.

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1905) Les races pures et leurs combinaisons chez les Souris (Notes et Revue). Archives de Zoologie Experimentale, 3 (7).

Cuenot, Lucien Claude Marie Julien (1905) Sur une sole a deux faces colorees. Bulletin de la Station Biologique d'Arcachon. pp. 82-89.

Darbishire, Arthur DuKinfield (February 1905) On the supposed antagonism of Mendelian to biometric theories of heredity. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 49 (6). p. 19.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (April 1905) Evolution without mutation. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 2 (1). pp. 137-143.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (September 1905) Review: Species and varieties, their origin by mutation. Science, 22 (560). pp. 369-372.

Davenport, Charles Benedict (November 1905) The origin of black sheep in the flock. Science, 22 (569). pp. 674-675.

Harris, James Arthur (September 1905) New fasciations. Torreya, 5 (9). pp. 157-160.

Harris, James Arthur (October 1905) The fruit of Opuntia. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 32 (10). pp. 531-536.

Harris, James Arthur (August 1905) The importance of investigations of seedling stages. Science, 22 (554). pp. 184-186.

Harris, James Arthur (December 1905) The influence of the Apidae upon the geographical distribution of certain floral types. Canadian Entomologist, 37 (12). pp. 393-398.

Hurst, Charles Chamberlain (1905) Experimental studies on heredity in rabbits. Linnean Society's Journal of Zoology, 29. p. 283.

Hurst, Charles Chamberlain (1905) Experiments with poultry. Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society (2). p. 131.

Lang, Arnold (1905) Ueber die Mendelschen Gesetze, Art- und Varietatenbildung, Mutation und Variation, imbesondere bei unsern Hain und Gartenschnecken. Vortrag gehalten and der Versammlung der schweizereichen Naturforschenden Ges. Verhandlung der Schweizer Naturforscher Gesellschaft.

Lutz, Frank Eugene (August 1905) Assortative mating in man. Science, 22 (556). pp. 249-250.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (April 1905) Discontinuous variation and the origin of species. Science, 21 (536). pp. 540-543.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (August 1905) Hugo de Vries portrait. Open Court, 19. pp. 449-453.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1905) Studies in organic evolution. Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 6. pp. 27-36.

Shull, George Harrison (February 1905) Galtonian regression in the "pure line". Torreya, 5 (2). pp. 21-25.

Shull, George Harrison (May 1905) Reviews: Species and varieties: Their origin by mutation. Torreya, 5 (5). pp. 89-93.

Tschermak, Erich von (1905) Die Kreuzung im Dienste der Pflanzenzuchtung. Jahrbuch v d Landwirtschaft Gesellschaft, 20. pp. 325-338.

Tschermak, Erich von (1905) Die Mendel'sche Lehre und die Galton'sche Theorie von Ahnenerbe. Archiv für Rassen- und Gesellschaftsbiologie (6).

Tschermak, Erich von (March 1905) Die neuentdeckten Vererbungsgesetze und ihre praktische Anwendung fur die rationelle Pflan zeuzuchtung. Wiener Landwirtschaft Zeitung (17, 18).

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Teunis bloemen in Noord-Amerika. Album der Natuur. p. 16.

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Ueber die Dauer der Mutations-periode bei Oenothera Lamarckiana. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 23. p. 382.

Vries, Hugo de (1905) A visit to Luther Burbank. Popular Science Monthly, 67. pp. 329-347.

Book Section

Bateson, William, Saunders, Edith Rebecca, Punnett, Reginald Crundall (1905) Experimental studies in the physiology of heredity. In: Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. The Royal Society of London, London.


Briggs, Marion Ella (1905) The life history of case bearers: I. Chlamys plicata. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Castle, William Ernest (February 1905) Heredity of coat characters in guinea-pigs and rabbits. Technical Report. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..

Davenport, Charles Benedict (March 1905) Announcement of Station for Experimental Evolution. Discussion Paper. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..

Dimon, Abigail Camp (April 1905) The Mud Snail: Nassa obsoleta. Technical Report. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, NY.

Harris, James Arthur (May 1905) The dehiscence of anthers by apical pores. Technical Report. Missouri Botanical Garden Press.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly, Vail, Anna Murray, Shull, George Harrison, Small, John Kunkel (1905) Mutants and hybrids of the Oenotheras. Technical Report. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..


Correns, Carl E. (1905) Uber Vererbungsgesetze : Vortrag gehalten in der gemeinschaftlichen Sitzung der naturwissenschaftlichen und der medizinischen Hauptgruppe der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Meran am 27. September 1905 /. Verhandlungen d Gesellsch Deutsch Naturf Aerzte, Allgemeiner Theil . Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.

MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1905) Heredity and the Origin of Species: lecture given before the Barnard Botanical Club, Columbia University, December 18, 1905. Open Court Press, Chicago.

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Naar Californie. Reis Herinneringen. H. D. Tjeenk Willink & zoon, Haarlem [Netherlands].

Vries, Hugo de (1905) Species and Varieties: Their Origin by Mutation: lectures delivered at the University of California by Hugo de Vries. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago.

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