Items where Community is "Skowronski lab"

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Number of items at this level: 32.

Hrecka, K., Hao, C., Gierszewska, M., Swanson, S. K., Kesik-Brodacka, M., Srivastava, S., Florens, L., Washburn, M. P., Skowronski, J. (2011) Vpx relieves inhibition of HIV-1 infection of macrophages mediated by the SAMHD1 protein. Nature, 474 (7353). pp. 658-61. ISSN 1476-4687 (Electronic) 0028-0836 (Linking)

Srivastava, S., Swanson, S. K., Manel, N., Florens, L., Washburn, M. P., Skowronski, J. (May 2008) Lentiviral Vpx accessory factor targets VprBP/DCAF1 substrate adaptor for cullin 4 E3 ubiquitin ligase to enable macrophage infection. PLoS Pathog, 4 (5). e1000059.

Kwofie, M. A., Skowronski, J. (February 2008) Specific recognition of Rac2 and Cdc42 by DOCK2 and DOCK9 guanine nucleotide exchange factors. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (6). pp. 3088-3096. ISSN 0021-9258

Hrecka, K., Gierszewska, M., Srivastava, S., Kozaczkiewicz, L., Swanson, S. K., Florens, L., Washburn, M. P., Skowronski, J. (July 2007) Lentiviral Vpr usurps Cul4-DDB1[VprBP] E3 ubiquitin ligase to modulate cell cycle. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104 (28). pp. 11778-83. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print)

Brenner, M., Münch, J., Schindler, M., Wildum, S., Stolte, N., Stahl-Hennig, C., Fuchs, D., Mätz-Rensing, K., Franz, M., Heeney, J. L., Ten Haaft, P., Swigut, T., Hrecka, K., Skowronski, J., Kirchhoff, F. (May 2006) Importance of the N-distal AP-2 binding element in Nef for simian immunodeficiency virus replication and pathogenicity in rhesus macaques. Journal of Virology, 80 (9). pp. 4469-4481. ISSN 0022538X

Hrecka, K., Swigut, T., Schindler, M., Kirchhoff, F., Skowronski, J. (August 2005) Nef proteins from diverse groups of primate lentiviruses downmodulate CXCR4 to inhibit migration to the chemokine stromal derived factor 1. J Virol, 79 (16). pp. 10650-9. ISSN 0022-538X (Print)

Hill, B. T., Skowronski, J. (January 2005) Human N-myristoyltransferases form stable complexes with lentiviral nef and other viral and cellular substrate proteins. J Virol, 79 (2). pp. 1133-41. ISSN 0022-538X (Print)

Stove, V., Naessens, E., Stove, C., Swigut, T., Plum, J., Verhasselt, B. (October 2003) Signaling but not trafficking function of HIV-1 protein Nef is essential for Nef-induced defects in human intrathymic T-cell development. Blood, 102 (8). pp. 2925-2932. ISSN 0006-4971

Swigut, T., Greenberg, M., Skowronski, J. (July 2003) Cooperative interactions of simian immunodeficiency virus Nef, AP-2, and CD3-zeta mediate the selective induction of T-cell receptor-CD3 endocytosis. Journal of Virology, 77 (14). pp. 8116-8126. ISSN 0022-538X

Munch, J., Janardhan, A., Stolte, N., Stahl-Hennig, C., ten Haaft, P., Heeney, J. L., Swigut, T., Kirchhoff, F., Skowronski, J. (December 2002) T-Cell Receptor : CD3 down-regulation is a selected in vivo function of simian immunodeficiency virus Nef but is not sufficient for effective viral replication in rhesus macaques. Journal of Virology, 76 (23). pp. 12360-12364. ISSN 0022-538X

Swigut, T., Shohdy, N., Skowronski, J. (April 2001) Mechanism for down-regulation of CD28 by Nef. Embo Journal, 20 (7). pp. 1593-1604. ISSN 0261-4189

Carl, S., Greenough, T. C., Krumbiegel, M., Greenberg, M., Skowronski, J., Sullivan, J. L., Kirchhoff, F. (April 2001) Modulation of different human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef functions during progression to AIDS. Journal of Virology, 75 (8). pp. 3657-3665. ISSN 0022-538X

Iafrate, A. J., Carl, S., Bronson, S., Stahl-Hennig, C., Swigut, T., Skowronski, J., Kirchhoff, F. (November 2000) Disrupting surfaces of Nef required for downregulation of CD4 and for enhancement of virion infectivity attenuates simian immunodeficiency virus replication in vivo. Journal of Virology, 74 (21). pp. 9836-9844. ISSN 0022-538X

Carl, S., Daniels, R., Iafrate, A. J., Easterbrook, P., Greenough, T. C., Skowronski, J., Kirchhoff, F. (January 2000) Partial "repair" of defective NEF genes in a long-term nonprogressor with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 181 (1). pp. 132-140. ISSN 0022-1899

Mayer, K., Schuller, C., Wambutt, R., Murphy, G., Volckaert, G., Pohl, T., Dusterhoft, A., Stiekema, W., Entian, K. D., Terryn, N., Harris, B., Ansorge, W., Brandt, P., Grivell, L., Rieger, M., Weichselgartner, M., de Simone, V., Obermaier, B., Mache, R., Muller, M., Kreis, M., Delseny, M., Puigdomenech, P., Watson, M., Schmidtheini, T., Reichert, B., Portatelle, D., Perez-Alonso, M., Boutry, M., Bancroft, I., Vos, P., Hoheisel, J., Zimmermann, W., Wedler, H., Ridley, P., Langham, S. A., McCullagh, B., Bilham, L., Robben, J., Van der Schueren, J., Grymonprez, B., Chuang, Y. J., Vandenbussche, F., Braeken, M., Weltjens, I., Voet, M., Bastiaens, I., Aert, R., Defoor, E., Weitzenegger, T., Bothe, G., Ramsperger, U., Hilbert, H., Braun, M., Holzer, E., Brandt, A., Peters, S., van Staveren, M., Dirske, W., Mooijman, P., Klein Lankhorst, R., Rose, M., Hauf, J., Kotter, P., Berneiser, S., Hempel, S., Feldpausch, M., Lamberth, S., Van den Daele, H., De Keyser, A., Buysshaert, C., Gielen, J., Villarroel, R., De Clercq, R., Van Montagu, M., Rogers, J., Cronin, A., Quail, M., Bray-Allen, S., Clark, L., Doggett, J., Hall, S., Kay, M., Lennard, N., McLay, K., Mayes, R., Pettett, A., Rajandream, M. A., Lyne, M., Benes, V., Rechmann, S., Borkova, D., Blocker, H., Scharfe, M., Grimm, M., Lohnert, T. H., Dose, S., de Haan, M., Maarse, A., Schafer, M., Müller-Auer, S., Gabel, C., Fuchs, M., Fartmann, B., Granderath, K., Dauner, D., Herzl, A., Neumann, S., Argiriou, A., Vitale, D., Liguori, R., Piravandi, E., Massenet, O., Quigley, F., Clabauld, G., Mundlein, A., Felber, R., Schnabl, S., Hiller, R., Schmidt, W., Lecharny, A., Aubourg, S., Chefdor, F., Berger, C., Montfort, A., Casacuberta, E., Gibbons, T., Weber, N., Vandenbol, M., Bargues, M., Terol, J., Perez-Perez, A., Purnelle, B., Bent, E., Johnson, S., Tacon, D., Jesse, T., Heijnen, L., Schwarz, S., Scholler, P., Heber, S., Francs, P., Bielke, C., Frishman, D., Haase, D., Lemcke, K., Mewes, H. W., Stocker, S., Zaccaria, P., Bevan, M., Wilson, R. K., de la Bastide, M., Habermann, K., Parnell, L., Dedhia, N., Gnoj, L., Schutz, K., Huang, E., Spiegel, L., Sehkon, M., Murray, J., Sheet, P., Cordes, M., Abu-Threideh, J., Stoneking, T., Kalicki, J., Graves, T., Harmon, G., Edwards, J., Latreille, P., Courtney, L., Cloud, J., Abbott, A., Scott, K., Johnson, D., Minx, P., Bentley, D., Fulton, B., Miller, N., Greco, T., Kemp, K., Kramer, J., Fulton, L., Mardis, E., Pepin, K., Hillier, L., Nelson, J., Spieth, J., Ryan, E., Andrews, S., Geisel, C., Layman, D., Du, H., Ali, J., Berghoff, A., Jones, K., Drone, K., Cotton, M., Joshu, C., Antonoiu, B., Zidanic, M., Strong, C., Sun, H., Lamar, B., Yordan, C., Ma, P., Zhong, J., Preston, R., Vil, D., Shekher, M., Matero, A., Shah, R., Swaby, I.K., O'Shaughnessy, A., Rodriguez, M., Hoffmann, J., Till, S., Granat, S., Shohdy, N., Hasegawa, A., Hameed, A., Lodhi, M., Johnson, A., Chen, E., Marra, M., Martienssen, R., McCombie, W. R. (December 1999) Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature, 402 (6763). pp. 769-77. ISSN 0028-0836 (Print)0028-0836 (Linking)

Lock, M., Greenberg, M. E., Iafrate, A. J., Swigut, T., Muench, J., Kirchhoff, F., Shohdy, N., Skowronski, J. (May 1999) Two elements target SIV Nef to the AP-2 clathrin adaptor complex, but only one is required for the induction of CD4 endocytosis. Embo Journal, 18 (10). pp. 2722-33. ISSN 0261-4189 (Print)

Skowronski, J., Greenberg, M. E., Lock, M., Mariani, R., Salghetti, S., Swigut, T., Iafrate, A. J. (1999) HIV and SIV Nef modulate signal transduction and protein sorting in T cells. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 64. pp. 453-63. ISSN 0091-7451 (Print)

Greenberg, M., DeTulleo, L., Rapoport, I., Skowronski, J., Kirchhausen, T. (November 1998) A dileucine motif in HIV-1 Nef is essential for sorting into clathrin-coated pits and for downregulation of CD4. Current Biology, 8 (22). pp. 1239-42. ISSN 0960-9822

Greenberg, M. E., Iafrate, A. J., Skowronski, J. (May 1998) The SH3 domain-binding surface and an acidic motif in HIV-1 Nef regulate trafficking of class I MHC complexes. Embo Journal, 17 (10). pp. 2777-89. ISSN 0261-4189

Greenberg, M. E., Mathews, M. B. (December 1997) Effects of heterologous downstream sequences on the activity of the HIV-1 promoter and its response to Tat. Nucleic Acids Research, 25 (24). pp. 5017-24. ISSN 0305-1048

Greenberg, M. E., Bronson, S., Lock, M., Neumann, M., Pavlakis, G. N., Skowronski, J. (December 1997) Co-localization of HIV-1 Nef with the AP-2 adaptor protein complex correlates with Nef-induced CD4 down-regulation. Embo Journal, 16 (23). pp. 6964-76. ISSN 0261-4189

Greenberg, M. E., Ostapenko, D. A., Mathews, M. B. (September 1997) Potentiation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat by human cellular proteins. Journal of Virology, 71 (9). pp. 7140-4. ISSN 0022-538X (Print)

Mariani, R., Kirchhoff, F., Greenough, T. C., Sullivan, J. L., Desrosiers, R. C., Skowronski, J. (November 1996) High frequency of defective nef alleles in a long-term survivor with nonprogressive human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Journal of Virology, 70 (11). pp. 7752-64. ISSN 0022-538X

Salghetti, S., Mariani, R., Skowronski, J. (January 1995) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef and p56lck protein-tyrosine kinase interact with a common element in CD4 cytoplasmic tail. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 92 (2). pp. 349-53. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print)

Mariani, R., Skowronski, J. (June 1993) CD4 down-regulation by nef alleles isolated from human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected individuals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 90 (12). pp. 5549-53. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print)

Skowronski, J., Parks, D., Mariani, R. (February 1993) Altered T-Cell Activation and Development in Transgenic Mice Expressing the Hiv-1 Nef Gene. Embo J, 12 (2). pp. 703-713. ISSN 0261-4189

Rothstein, J. L., Johnson, D., Jessee, J., Skowronski, J., Deloia, J. A., Solter, D., Knowles, B. B. (1993) Construction of Primary and Subtracted Cdna Libraries from Early Embryos. In: Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development (Methods in Enzymology. Methods in Enzymology, 225 . Academic Press Inc, San Diego, pp. 587-610. ISBN 0076-6879

Rothstein, J. L., Johnson, D., DeLoia, J. A., Skowronski, J., Solter, D., Knowles, B. (July 1992) Gene expression during preimplantation mouse development. Genes Dev, 6 (7). pp. 1190-201. ISSN 0890-9369 (Print)0890-9369 (Linking)

Skowronski, J. (February 1991) Expression of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat/simian virus 40 early region fusion gene in transgenic mice. J Virol, 65 (2). pp. 754-62. ISSN 0022-538X (Print)0022-538X (Linking)

Skowronski, J., Seidman, I., Yelnikolopov, G. (1991) Fibroepitheliomas in Bpv-1 E2 Transgenic Mice. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 47 (Suppl ). p. 75.

Skowronski, J., Jolicoeur, C., Alpert, S., Hanahan, D. (October 1990) Determinants of the B-cell response against a transgenic autoantigen. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 87 (19). pp. 7487-91. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print)0027-8424 (Linking)

Hanahan, D., Jolicoeur, C., Alpert, S., Skowronski, J. (June 1989) Alternative Self or Nonself Recognition of an Antigen Expressed in a Rare Cell Type in Transgenic Mice - Implications for Self-Tolerance and Autoimmunity. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 54. pp. 821-835. ISSN 0091-7451

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