The correlation between the monthly record of the first year and the annual record of the second year, with special reference to culling for second year production

Harris, James Arthur, Lewis, Harry Reynolds (June 1922) The correlation between the monthly record of the first year and the annual record of the second year, with special reference to culling for second year production. Poultry Science, 1 (5). pp. 145-150.


In another place (Harris and Lewis, 1921) we have shown that the correlation between the first and second year egg laying record of the White Leghorn fowl is sufficiently high that the mere information as to whether a bird is or is not laying in certain critical months of the first year furnishes some basis for culling for second year production. A detailed biometric treatment of the problem of the correlation between the egg laying activity of the first and the second year is now in press (Harris and Lewis, 1922). In culling the flock either for the purpose of eliminating the birds which will not lay further during the pullet year or for the purpose of selecting the birds which will make the best records during the second year, or be the most suitable for use as breeders the second year, a certain per cent of the flock is . . .

Item Type: Paper
Subjects: Investigative techniques and equipment
organism description > animal > bird
CSHL Authors:
Communities: The Carnegie Institution Department of Genetics
Depositing User: Elizabeth Pessala
Date: June 1922
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2016 16:49
Last Modified: 12 Jun 2016 16:49

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