Regulation of Adenovirus Gene-Expression in Human Wi38 Cells by an E1b-Encoded Tumor-Antigen

White, E., Faha, B., Stillman, B. (November 1986) Regulation of Adenovirus Gene-Expression in Human Wi38 Cells by an E1b-Encoded Tumor-Antigen. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 6 (11). pp. 3763-3773. ISSN 0270-7306


Adenovirus mutants carrying alterations in the gene encoding the E1B 19-kilodalton tumor antigen (19K protein) cause enhanced cytopathic effect (cyt phenotype) and the degradation of host-cell chromosomal DNA (deg phenotype) upon infection of human HeLa or KB cells. Furthermore, E1B 19K gene mutant viruses are defective for cellular transformation. We report that these mutant viruses possess a host-range phenotype for growth in human cells. In human HeLa cells the mutant viruses grew to the same levels as the wild-type virus, but they were severely defective for growth in KB cells. In human WI38 cells, the E1B 19K gene mutant viruses had a substantial growth advantage over the wild-type virus, yielding 500-fold-higher titers. Viral DNA synthesis was reduced 10- to 20-fold in WI38 cells infected with the wild-type virus relative to that synthesized by the E1B mutant viruses. Viral early and late protein synthesis was similarly reduced in wild type- relative to mutant-infected cells. These reduced levels of early gene expression in wild-type virus-infected cells were paralleled by comparably reduced levels of early cytoplasmic mRNA. The primary cause of this host-range phenotype appeared at the level of early gene transcription, since transcription of viral early genes in the mutant-infected cells was substantially greater than levels found in cells infected with the wild-type virus. These results implicate the E1B 19K tumor antigen in the regulation of adenovirus early gene expression. Specifically, the E1B 19K protein directly or indirectly exerts a negative effect on early gene transcription accounting for efficient gene expression from the E1B mutant viruses in WI38 cells. Based on these findings it is probable that the cyt and deg phenotypes observed in mutant-infected HeLa and KB cells are the result of the pleiotropic effect of this altered gene regulation.

Item Type: Paper
Subjects: diseases & disorders > cancer
bioinformatics > genomics and proteomics > annotation > gene expression profiling annotation
organism description > virus
CSHL Authors:
Communities: CSHL labs > Stillman lab
Highlight: Stillman, Bruce W.
Depositing User: CSHL Librarian
Date: November 1986
Date Deposited: 17 Feb 2012 19:34
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2017 20:35
PMCID: PMC367137
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