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- Liberatore, Katie (4)
Soyk, Sebastian, Lemmon, Zachary H., Oved, Matan, Fisher, Josef, Liberatore, Katie L., Park, Soon Ju, Goren, Anna, Jiang, Ke, Ramos, Alexis, van der Knaap, Esther, Van Eck, Joyce, Zamir, Dani, Eshed, Yuval, Lippman, Zachary B. (June 2017) Bypassing Negative Epistasis on Yield in Tomato Imposed by a Domestication Gene. Cell, 169 (6). pp. 1142-1155. ISSN 0092-8674
Xu, C., Liberatore, K. L., MacAlister, C. A., Huang, Z., Chu, Y. H., Jiang, K., Brooks, C., Ogawa-Ohnishi, M., Xiong, G., Pauly, M., Van Eck, J., Matsubayashi, Y., van der Knaap, E., Lippman, Z. B. (July 2015) A cascade of arabinosyltransferases controls shoot meristem size in tomato. Nat Genet, 47 (7). pp. 784-792. ISSN 1546-1718 (Electronic)1061-4036 (Linking)
Jiang, K., Liberatore, K. L., Park, S. J., Alvarez, J. P., Lippman, Z. B. (December 2013) Tomato yield heterosis is triggered by a dosage sensitivity of the florigen pathway that fine-tunes shoot architecture. PLoS Genetics, 9 (12). e1004043. ISSN 1553-7390
Liberatore, Katie (April 2014) Investigating the roles of gene dosage and stem cell maintenance in the regulation of plant shoot and inflorescence architecture. PhD thesis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.