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- Leung, Amy (3)
Leung, A., Cajigas, I., Jia, P., Ezhkova, E., Brickner, J. H., Zhao, Z., Geng, F., Tansey, W. P. (August 2011) Histone H2B ubiquitylation and H3 lysine 4 methylation prevent ectopic silencing of euchromatic loci important for the cellular response to heat. Mol Biol Cell, 22 (15). pp. 2741-2753. ISSN 1939-4586 (Electronic)1059-1524 (Linking)
Leung, A. (March 2010) Regulation of Chromatin by Histone H2B Ubiquitylation. PhD thesis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Iijima, K., Chiang, H. C., Hearn, S. A., Hakker, I., Gatt, A., Shenton, C., Granger, L., Leung, A., Iijima-Ando, K., Zhong, Y. (February 2008) A beta 42 Mutants with Different Aggregation Profiles Induce Distinct Pathologies in Drosophila. PLoS ONE, 3 (2). e1703. ISSN 1932-6203 (Electronic)